Manchester's Characters

What about that elderly black fella on Market Street (outside BHS/Littlewoods) who used to play the spoons on his knees?
Blue Punter said:
Remember the mute, punk 10p bus man.

Anyone remember shopping trolley woman, who pushed her all her worldly belongings round town all day, before crashing out under the shelter of the old RBS on John Dalton Street?

I remember her.

In the 80s there used to be a man who walked up London Rd stopping every so often to put his head against the wall and tap the wall with his hand.
There was a seafood man who until recently went round the pubs of newton/hyde. Really funny chubby bloke always with new jokes and one-liners everyweek.
He still does pal. I was in The Queens a couple of weeks ago & he was in there. Think it was a Friday night.
Silvercloud said:
There was a seafood man who until recently went round the pubs of newton/hyde. Really funny chubby bloke always with new jokes and one-liners everyweek.
He still does pal. I was in The Queens a couple of weeks ago & he was in there. Think it was a Friday night.

What is it like in the Queens now, not been in for ages. I went in the Unity on Saturday and had a decent night but alot of the other pubs have been wank recently.

Back on topic I think Dancing steve deserves a mention.
Anyone remember the two West Indian blokes who played banjo on Market Street?

strongbowholic said:
Dunno if it was the same woman (be surprised if it wasn't) but I do remember a chubby old lady who wore a greasy red coat, had matted silver/black hair who pushed a trolley round. Heartbreaking; there but for the grace of God and all that.

No word of a lie i was working in St Anns Square about 8-9 years ago and in the middle of
the day she pulled her pants down and had a piss near where Barclays was. Fucking rotten!
Bloke in a kilt carrying a huge ghetto blaster. Always used to see him walking up Hyde rd in Gorton about 7am. Drivers used to beep at him and he'd reply with two fingers and a scowl.
The Market Street Mincer. He used to walk up and down Market St in full denim and make up, allegedly because he heard that a famous model had been first discovered there and shot to stardom, and he wanted to be the next big thing.

Yes I remember the bag / trolly lady, the West Indian blokes with a banjo / spoons and Carlberg Specials and I remember well the deaf / mute punk, used to go to all the punk gigs and the Ritz on a Monday. Recall when his ''10p'' piece of paper went up to ''20p''!!

This was the busker, who changed his name to Marc Bolan, dubbed the worst busker in the country
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... itain.html</a>

Then there was the one man band, the Little Big Band!

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