Mancini Almost Left To Manage Monaco

If the Guardian article is "utter bullshit" as so many are saying, why have the club and Mancini refused to comment? Surely they should just say its all lies.
wireblue said:
Pigeonho said:
wireblue said:
Who knows? That’s not avoiding the question but they’re human and they’ll do what they see fit for their employer and their career. But i would suggest if they are of a red disposition then obviously they will fall heavier on certain stories than others. Ian cheeseman is has done an in the spotlight with Silvestre. He’ll be professional and it’ll be a decent listen if you’re a red but don’t tell me he wouldn’t be more enthusiastic if he was interviewing joe royle.

I would also say though that one sports reporter i work with covers a two-club patch and we have a right old laugh about the grief he gets from both teams about how biased he is. And i don’t just mean the fans – the managers are just as bad!
Do all the journalists hate City and want them to fail? Do they all want United to succeed? Is there an agenda?

Of course there isn’t a directive sent out to every media outlet to pan city but there will be journalists who favour city and those that certainly don’t. That’s not groundbreaking news.
But there is without any doubt whatsoever a huge amount of paranoia within football fans.
But sport is about opinions and you don’t have to be a rag to have a view on city many others won’t agree with.
What would be an interesting experiment is for a few bluemooners to write a match report and post within 10 mins of full time (which is what has to happen in the real world) and then you’ll see how vastly different even fans of the same club see the game
That's all I needed to know. Nice one Blue.
fk me, one week "city in fighting whilst sir alex praises rvp signing"
next its mancini nearly went to monaco whilst utd donate trackkys to charity

the bullshit gets printed then buried away
remember the sun " utd made 38mil offer for Neymar?"
plebs at work thinking they are real stories
yesterday santo stated they never turned down offer cos one wasnt made

fact is utd have more " followers" so they have to pander to them
wireblue said:
Pigeonho said:
Sheikh Rattle n Roll said:
The negative is the unwanted attention this is now going to bring on Mancini and City in the days ahead. It is a non-story, but the Press will now go to town on it. We are now just waiting on quotes from persons at Monaco, the cue the story of Mancini being summoned to Abu Dhabi on Sunday, when in fact he is probably being asked to make a fleeting visit for the Grand Prix.
But if it has happened, why would they not print it?
You haven't answered why they are doing it either.
If Fergie got a call from the owners of Blackburn last week and had talked to them about becoming their manager, it would have made the news in the same way this has. The reason for that is because it is news. You say this is a non-story, well how so? The manager of the now-champions of England having talked to the owners of Monaco whilst still in a season where his current club could be champions... how is that a non-story?
I'll throw another one in. Should Chelsea be looking like becoming champions this season and in April RDM decides to talk to Anzhi, for example, because he's not too sure about his tenure at the Bridge, I can guarantee you that it will make the papers at some point. There's no reason why not, just like there's no reason why this Mancini story shouldn't make the papers.

-- Fri Nov 02, 2012 10:59 am --

oakiecokie said:
So those would be positive stories about Rooney shagging grandmothers,Giggs shagging his sister in law,blah,blah,blah.
Selected memory you have.
You beat me to it! I'll add the papers taking the piss out of Wio for not being able to sit down on a plane because his back was 'finished'. We could go all the way back to 92 and how Fergie lambasted his players for partying. We could go back to the Keane/Stam/D'Urso incident when they were described as animals. We could look at any number of Keane stories actually, from breaking Alfie's leg to hitting women whilst pissed up.
I don't remember such stories of City players doing this.

I speak as a working journalist.
Couple of points – yes it may be true, but to say there is absolutely no reason to doubt the story is extremely naive. There could be a whole manner of inaccuracies in it and they don’t even have to malicious. Just human error or getting facts wrong, misinformation – it happens.

Also to say certain sections of the media won’t be hoping city get beat against west ham is also very naive. Maybe hope is the wrong word but the journalist will be looking for the strongest possible story and City getting beat by west ham and ramping up the pressure on mancini is a far better story than city breezing to a standard 2-0 win. Admittedly that isn’t specifically anti-city but i have no doubts there are sports journalists out there who would take great pleasure in that angle and push it to the nth degree.

Finally, to say there is no negative angle to this story is way wide of the mark. The very fact the manager’s job (either through sacking or resignation) was a real possibility only a few months ago will do absolutely nothing for the stability of the club. Maybe the journalist didn’t put a negative slant with the language he used but that’s because he didn’t have to – unless he is lives on mars then he would know the result of the article would be a negative one to the club.

I’ll give you an example. I have been subbing the sports pages for a newspaper since the start of the season. I have been writing headlines about a certain club which has been struggling dramatically. I have absolutely no axe to grind against this club but my headlines were negative and putting pressure on the manager simply because that is the inescapable story. Incidentally the manager was sacked very recently.
But like i say i had absolutely no beef with the club – no opinion whatsoever – but if it was a club i disliked with a passion then you can bet your bottom dollar my headlines would have been more inflammatory. If i was writing a headline about fergiescum being under pressure do you not think i would take great pleasure in doing a little bit to bring about the end of the old pisscan? Of course i would!

You can’t call a journalist a rag just for printing a negative story, but you need to compare his story to those of others covering the same story and judge it over a period of time. Then all will become clear as to who in the media has an agenda against City

As you are a journalist...can you answer me this please. Why cannt the media (and not just in terms of sport but on a general level as well) just stick to reporting the FACTS!.....I read reviews of football games Ive watched/been to and wonder if the journo writing them has even been to/watched the same game.

The reasons why the journos/media get such a hard time is because they spread gossip and rumor causing endless strife (again not just in sport but wider parts of life)...their job surely is to report the news...not to put negative spin on things to suit their own or the papers agenda, not to put pressure on a persons position/job, not to continually ask the same inane questions day after day week after week when told the same bit of info already.....

Report the facts...not opinion...that is the job of the media surely???????? If you want to tell stories then write a book....I want to read a sports report/bit of info on my team that isnt full of bias and hearsay...I want to know the truth about what is going on (im not saying that this reported article isnt but as you say there maybe some wild inaccuracies (though Im not sure why when most reporters carry recording equipment so evenif they "forget" what the exact answer was they can check?...My feeling is that these inaccuracies are deliberate!

This isnt a dig at you (though paraphrasing the words I often here the media use...."if you are going to put yourself in a position of fame etc then its in the public interest to know all about you"..well you have just done the same thing...large sections of media for me are utter trash (trying to put it nicely) and you have just put yourself out there to be shot at!
Pigeonho said:
wireblue said:
Pigeonho said:
That was actually a very interesting read. Answer me this though. People on here say the press are in bed with Fergie because of United's standing in the game. With City looking like being the dominant force for the foreseeable future, would it not make sense to be on board with City rather than against them, if of course what you say is true?

Who knows? That’s not avoiding the question but they’re human and they’ll do what they see fit for their employer and their career. But i would suggest if they are of a red disposition then obviously they will fall heavier on certain stories than others. Ian cheeseman is has done an in the spotlight with Silvestre. He’ll be professional and it’ll be a decent listen if you’re a red but don’t tell me he wouldn’t be more enthusiastic if he was interviewing joe royle.

I would also say though that one sports reporter i work with covers a two-club patch and we have a right old laugh about the grief he gets from both teams about how biased he is. And i don’t just mean the fans – the managers are just as bad!
Do all the journalists hate City and want them to fail? Do they all want United to succeed? Is there an agenda?
Fuck me you are a bore.
york away to this! said:
I'm sure this has already been mentioned somewhere in here but the headline should have read

"employee hedges bets and talks to other prospective employer via headhunter who is dangling huge financial carrot amid rumours and bluemoon threads that he will be sacked if he doesn't win the league in his current place of work shocker".....

next week, transfer rumours.

But the thing is he isnt a 'normal' employee like me and you. He's got more money than he knows what to do with. If he thought he was going to get the sack then why didnt he wait and see. Im sure his pay-off would have meant he didnt have to rush back into employment. The Monaco job, or another job back in Italy, would have come up anyway.
Be interesting to see how they handle it in today's press conference. The sensible thing IMO would be to ban any questions about the story and make them focus on tomorrow's game, however I've a feeling that City won't do that.

Taylor is banned from $old Trafford as far as I'm aware and there's no love lost between him and Slur Alex. He wrote some pretty scathing tweets recently after some more journalists were banned from $old Trafford for reporting that Ferdinand was injured.

I realise it's easy to say that as a journalist he's just trying to destabilise City or is writing stories which aren't true, but I suspect that this story, as I said earlier in the thread, has come from a source which Taylor and the Guardian believe implicitly. Also as was alluded to by Braggster earlier in the thread it sounds like the Guardian have seen some sort of correspondence between Roberto and Monaco which makes them believe he'd all but agreed to join them.

Very odd timing for me and i hope that City deal with it correctly. Personally i've little faith in our bumbling PR department.
I have no doubt there is a semblance of truth around the story, albeit, I am truly astounded by the relevance which is now being placed upon it.

It's a story of if my aunt had a dick she would be my uncle.

You can see the various agenda drivers today in terms of what significance they have put on it.

The Mirror has decided to splash on it, when not even their story, others, confined to smaller inside paragraphs.

David McDonnell is treading a very fine line at present and his comeuppance is in the wind.

Strangely, he felt the need to spread inside on Tom Cleverley and his seemingly wonderful attributes, despite not even playing against Chelsea in midweek.

Stranger still, his other City 'piece' is Kolo Toure lack of unity with Mancini and wanting his move to France.

Mancini has dallied plenty of times with other clubs, been prudent, just as City have during his tenure.

My question would be who is best served by leaking it after all this time. The only purpose is to create division, discord and try and impact the weekend result.

There may come a time when I post which journos have been secretly talking with other newspapers/media in terms of a new job, earning more money.

Let's allegedly go with Ian Herbert and McDonnell for starters?
SWP's back said:
Pigeonho said:
wireblue said:
Who knows? That’s not avoiding the question but they’re human and they’ll do what they see fit for their employer and their career. But i would suggest if they are of a red disposition then obviously they will fall heavier on certain stories than others. Ian cheeseman is has done an in the spotlight with Silvestre. He’ll be professional and it’ll be a decent listen if you’re a red but don’t tell me he wouldn’t be more enthusiastic if he was interviewing joe royle.

I would also say though that one sports reporter i work with covers a two-club patch and we have a right old laugh about the grief he gets from both teams about how biased he is. And i don’t just mean the fans – the managers are just as bad!
Do all the journalists hate City and want them to fail? Do they all want United to succeed? Is there an agenda?
Fuck me you are a bore.
Yet you follow me like some weird stalker, as you do other posters too. I've had PM's about you with posters taking the piss to which i've always replied you're alright, but you are just one of those aren't you who latches onto a poster you don't agree with and will out them at any chance. THAT is what's boring so if I were you i'd stick to posting about how many 'sleeps' there are until you next go on the piss with people off the internet, it suits you better.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
There may come a time when I post which journos have been secretly talking with other newspapers/media in terms of a new job, earning more money.

Let's allegedly start with Ian Herbert and McDonnell for starters.

Thoughts on how City should handle it ?

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