Mancini - Balotelli

tolmie's hairdoo said:
I stand by my assertion Balotelli has been trying to orchestrate a move back to Italy for at least two months.

He and his advisor have been feathering nests. I believe because they fear Mancini is a goner.

That's cool, prudent, even.

However, to use the platform of a club my dad first took me to from age of four, some 30-odd years ago, I find despicable, the lengths they have gone to manufacture it.

There is little difference from Tevez in these tactics. But at least that **** puts it on the line when he does play.

Absolutely spot on cant be doing with the Balotelli apologists using Tevez as a yardstick for what Mario continues to do. One of the biggest downfalls of Robertos man management has been his blind faith and inability to deal with Marios antics in the same way he responded to Tevez's. A true way to sap any squads morale imo ! We are unfortuntely reaping what has been sewn over the last few months of strops and childish fuckwit behaviour
Mario Balotelli - Blinded By The Light.

This post has been on the verge of being made anytime over last 2-3 months by myself. But now i feel this is the right time for it. Opinion has been divided and split for so long about him. He needed to be given time, you can't argue that he hasn't. Now when was the last time he made headlines for the right reasons on the pitch, the 6-1 against the rags? were in April now, that was October ...exactly. Let's not include shouldering a ball in from 3 inches, it Barry or Milner did that, not a thing would be said.

Driving about with cash, dressing as santa, buying quad bikes etc, the fact of the matter is does he get paid to do this by City, is that why we bought him? ...some people think the sun shines out his arse, take away everything he does OFF the pitch and concentrate on what he should be doing on it, and he's nothing more than just another player. Just who would he be?

All this talk of being the best in the world, he will never ever be in the top 10 in the world. We see glimpses of certain goals, passes. touches ...but we have players who do this on a more constant basis, but because their not mario, it goes unrecognised. Balotelli is overrated and doesn't have this ability that everyone bangs on about, i've had this opinion for well over 5-6 months. Personally i don't see what all the hype is about myself, but some think it's fine for him to turn up every 5 games and do something.

One thing I absolutely HATE are players who have ago at everyone else. Pointing the finger and blame before acknowledging their own mistakes. Balotelli is by far the worse player i have ever witnessed for this. Never played for the team since he arrived, and i don't see that changing. He hasn't done anything to warrant a starting place in this side. Once again an absolute waste of time today, he was more bothered about moaning at everyone else. Kicking players and once again get's himself sent off. You can argue Mancini should have subbed him, and yes he should. But why should we have to have a player in our side we worry about? it shouldn't be like that should it? ...a career ending tackle on Song today, i'll leave it there.

Today was the opportunity for him to step up and show everyone what he can do. He has been poor and when we needed him today, he made a twat of himself once again and yet again let himself down, team mates and the fans. Not the first time is it? ..but he's said he is sorry so it seems all is forgotten and were fine again then? Mario. To many times it's happened now, I genueinely deep down feel so so sorry for the likes of Hart, Vinny, Joloen, Pab Zab and Aguero for having to put up with this shit.

I don't ever want to see this man play in a Manchester City shirt ever again in my lifetime, he's a disgrace and an embarassment to our club. Can't wait to see the back of him, get him away from the club and gone in the summer. Were on the verge of becoming something the club has aimed for, for so long and we have people like him who don't take it seriously. A joker who doesn't appreciate the hard work and effort that's made for him. Everyone for far too long have been blinded by the light by this guy, papering over the cracks with his off-field antics. The sun shines out his arse to most and he's a legend apparently. No, really to call him a legend, just offends those who have legendary status already at our club.

Why always me? ..exactly Mario.

you've made you're bed, now go lye in it.
Wasnt the worst player on the pitch by a long shot............Aguero for one should be pretty glad the attention has been completely deflected away from him

In pre season Mancini hauled him off in that game in the States for trying that fancy backheel.........but wont haul him off before he gets sent off in arguably the most important game of the season?
svennis pennis said:
n reddish blue said:
makes me wonder if mario wants to go back to italy and play for his mate at milan,by being a total nob and playing shite will surely keep his price tag down. what could he be worth now?

He hasn't been shite though. He was miles better than Sergio today but he will always be at the forefront of everything, good and bad.
Same thought he should have been played up front. Why play him left wing when you know he ain't gonna track back. Sergio was rushed in today.
Re: Mario Balotelli - Blinded By The Light.

Freestyler said:
This post has been on the verge of being made anytime over last 2-3 months by myself. But now i feel this is the right time for it. Opinion has been divided and split for so long about him. He needed to be given time, you can't argue that he hasn't. Now when was the last time he made headlines for the right reasons on the pitch, the 6-1 against the rags? were in April now, that was October ...exactly. Let's not include shouldering a ball in from 3 inches, it Barry or Milner did that, not a thing would be said.

Driving about with cash, dressing as santa, buying quad bikes etc, the fact of the matter is does he get paid to do this by City, is that why we bought him? ...some people think the sun shines out his arse, take away everything he does OFF the pitch and concentrate on what he should be doing on it, and he's nothing more than just another player. Just who would he be?

All this talk of being the best in the world, he will never ever be in the top 10 in the world. We see glimpses of certain goals, passes. touches ...but we have players who do this on a more constant basis, but because their not mario, it goes unrecognised. Balotelli is overrated and doesn't have this ability that everyone bangs on about, i've had this opinion for well over 5-6 months. Personally i don't see what all the hype is about myself, but some think it's fine for him to turn up every 5 games and do something.

One thing I absolutely HATE are players who have ago at everyone else. Pointing the finger and blame before acknowledging their own mistakes. Balotelli is by far the worse player i have ever witnessed for this. Never played for the team since he arrived, and i don't see that changing. He hasn't done anything to warrant a starting place in this side. Once again an absolute waste of time today, he was more bothered about moaning at everyone else. Kicking players and once again get's himself sent off. You can argue Mancini should have subbed him, and yes he should. But why should we have to have a player in our side we worry about? it shouldn't be like that should it? ...a career ending tackle on Song today, i'll leave it there.

Today was the opportunity for him to step up and show everyone what he can do. He has been poor and when we needed him today, he made a twat of himself once again and yet again let himself down, team mates and the fans. Not the first time is it? ..but he's said he is sorry so it seems all is forgotten and were fine again then? Mario. To many times it's happened now, I genueinely deep down feel so so sorry for the likes of Hart, Vinny, Joloen, Pab Zab and Aguero for having to put up with this shit.

I don't ever want to see this man play in a Manchester City shirt ever again in my lifetime, he's a disgrace and an embarassment to our club. Can't wait to see the back of him, get him away from the club and gone in the summer. Were on the verge of becoming something the club has aimed for, for so long and we have people like him who don't take it seriously. A joker who doesn't appreciate the hard work and effort that's made for him. Everyone for far too long have been blinded by the light by this guy, papering over the cracks with his off-field antics. The sun shines out his arse to most and he's a legend apparently. No, really to call him a legend, just offends those who have legendary status already at our club.

Why always me? ..exactly Mario.

you've made you're bed, now go lye in it.

Spot on and I would guess and hope a view shared by the majority of right thinking blues
There is truth in it. If dzeko plays as effective today as Aguero did we would have 3 topics about selling him.
Blumers Bloomers said:
Wasnt the worst player on the pitch by a long shot............Aguero for one should be pretty glad the attention has been completely deflected away from him

In pre season Mancini hauled him off in that game in the States for trying that fancy backheel.........but wont haul him off before he gets sent off in arguably the most important game of the season?
Agreed. Piss poor management by the bescarfed one. Everyone watching the game could see that Balotelli was a red card waiting to happen. One absolutely criminal tackle and two or three borderline ones that went in his favour. What the fuck was RM thinking of, leaving him on for the second half? It wasn't like he'd done anything of note in the first half. Er, apart from the obvious!
jimharri said:
Blumers Bloomers said:
Wasnt the worst player on the pitch by a long shot............Aguero for one should be pretty glad the attention has been completely deflected away from him

In pre season Mancini hauled him off in that game in the States for trying that fancy backheel.........but wont haul him off before he gets sent off in arguably the most important game of the season?
Agreed. Piss poor management by the bescarfed one. Everyone watching the game could see that Balotelli was a red card waiting to happen. One absolutely criminal tackle and two or three borderline ones that went in his favour. What the fuck was RM thinking of, leaving him on for the second half? It wasn't like he'd done anything of note in the first half. Er, apart from the obvious!


Edin should have been on for the second half

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