Mancini Breaking News

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Well-Known Member
15 Jan 2007
Only time will tell if this is the correct decison and, like most of us, I will continue to support City through thick and thin. What is clear though is that we continue to have a real problem with the way we manage our public relations. The way this leaked out during Cup Final week undoubtedly contributed to our defeat. City have been crap at protecting the club's off field image for generations. It's an area where United, with their more proactive (aggressive) approach are still miles ahead of us. Our new management must get to grips with this. As a club we are fantastic at promoting ourselves with social media etc but we are hopeless at handling the tabloid press and allow them to walk all over us. I am aware that the Pelligrini story leaked out in Malaga but we should have been able to keep it under wraps. The Hughes decison also leaked out earlier, though I believe it actually came from his camp.
BobKowalski said:
So to recap. 50 odd pages of Mancini 'breaking news' with no actual breaking news and Pep learnt English last week to work for City in 2 years time which means that we are discussing the sacking of the new man before he's even been appointed which has got to be a City record. Marvellous.

Its a simple concept . Pellegrini instills the spanish football flair and philosophy for about 3 years and Pep finally takes over after giving Bayern the media attention they've been looking for. Pep didn't take out a whole year to study English just so he could be the Manager of a club in Germany.
PjMSweden said:
@BluePhil8 said:
Jack_mcfc_ said:
The woman just stated it on radio.

I can't listen online unfortunately this broadcast is not available outside the UK. Anyone got a link that works abroad?
Just reconfirmed it.
Talk sport sources claim he will the club.

Previously they said he had ready left.
Will be absolutely gutted if all of this is true. Mancini has delivered things to this football club that I never thought would happen in my life. City were, as someone put before, a parody of their former self. The owners saved us from the face of administration and eventually appointed a manager that would deliver our first trophy in 35 years, a unforgettable derby day win at the swamp, 5 trips to wembley in 2 years, a roller coaster that will never be beaten, and of course, the greatest day of my life last may. I cannot believe the chairman is looking at anyone else other than Mancini as the future of Manchester City, although I don't know if I'm feeling this way due to love for Mancini and what he's done for us, rather than what is best for the club. I think the club needs to keep their feet on the ground a bit, and stop thinking like Chelsea. One season without a trophy is nothing to us, we suffered 35 of them. They say they want to base this club around the fans for all of their loyalty over the years, yet are choosing to ignore the fact that Mancini's name rings around the Etihad week in week out, simply because (apart from a few) the fans want him to stay. He is the man for the job, please don't sack him City, I thought we were long past this.
i♥city! said:
BobKowalski said:
So to recap. 50 odd pages of Mancini 'breaking news' with no actual breaking news and Pep learnt English last week to work for City in 2 years time which means that we are discussing the sacking of the new man before he's even been appointed which has got to be a City record. Marvellous.

Its a simple concept . Pellegrini instills the spanish football flair and philosophy for about 3 years and Pep finally takes over after giving Bayern the media attention they've been looking for. Pep didn't take out a whole year to study English just so he could be the Manager of a club in Germany.

based on ................
so the club have succumbed to the media , the two Spanish executives from Barcelona have got a lot to answer for , how they have let this situation be played out in the public domain is a disgrace. If it is true and Mancini is history , then if this pelegrini guy fails , they two Spanish waiters should also lose their jobs. They have done nothing to support Roberto since they arrived , in fact they have done the opposite and undermined him from day one , I would rather see these two spanish clowns leave than Roberto .
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