Mancini: Fight Fire With Fire!

NO... NO.... NO....Roberto, get the ball on the deck and ping it round as quick as possible, leaving these big,daft,lumbering,cumbersome,lead footed,docile fuckwits turning round like pissed up Brontasauruses.... That is the way forward, speed and agility... Oh and dont give throw ins away, if needs be full backs need to turn inside and play their way out.... less dangerous i believe,daft as it sounds...!
I really think Mancini wants to attack by defending, 1st priority win the ball in the air, then get back to playing it around like a football team.

Respect given to Stoke for the way they go about there game but it has a slight feel of desperation, win a throw in if we can, keep bobbing the ball on into the danger area. Fair play it's dangerous and works, but when we are trying to play proper football, it's annoying when a team just comes along and lumbers around using strength and power rather than skill and agility!

They have a high chance of winning because they have the attributes we lack! We need to man up, be stronger, more determind like them. Then use the skill that we have in the sqaud to play them out of the game!

Be like them, then use their strengths as weaknesses!
StatesideStokie said:
I really hope he is serious because if he is, you can forget any chance you might have had of beating us. Blackburn tried it a few weeks back and were on the end of a 3-0 beating, and they are far better equipped to try and take us on at our own game than your lot. We have built a team that plays the game a certain way week in and week out, and for Mancini to think he can just show up on Wednesday and out play us at our own game is bordering in the ridiculous.

I agree, if he's really thinking this way its niaive in the extreme. The way to beat you, is STOP you playing YOUR 'game' from the start.

I think we'll beat you anyway, but not playing your way.
AIQ88 said:
WTF is wrong with some of you? Have you already forgotten where we were not too long ago? Are we already Barça and too good for teams like Stoke?

Man City post of the thread so far.

I would guess that what Mancini means is that he doesn't necessarily want your side playing long ball, but he does want you to be a bit more committed, a bit stronger physically and matching every Stoke player yard for yard instead of lounging around. Don't forget that your team against us last week seemed to have been picked by putting your outfield players in a line arranged according to height, before picking the ten tallest players. It didn't work because you didn't match us for work rate and we were able to disrupt your play with ease. Vieira's idea of matching Stoke physically appeared to be to give the ball away and make clumsy fouls, or to run into a corner, dive and then stamp on Whelan's testes. The key to the game will be Kompany and Toure. If Kompany plays in midfield and is used as Hughes used him against us at the CoMS, you will have a very good chance as you've already injured our only other get out ball. If Toure plays, you might have problems - I have never seen such a defensive liability since we had Paul Williams playing. The best way to minimise the effectiveness of the long throw is to not give them away. Think of Delap like a spin bowler, working the opposition goalkeeper, luring him into traps and trying to fool him. A spin bowler doesn't get the chance to do this if he bowls one over and gets taken out of the attack. Of course, if you're Kolo Toure, you can just smack the ball out for a throw-in, forget to mark your man and appeal for offside.

If you want to come here and play tippy-tappy, go for it. We'll love it. Well, our team will, but the supporters and neutral audience will be bored into submission by the scintillating halfway-line football. We get the ball into the scoring area as quickly and as often as possible, give me that any day of the week. Our whole style of play for the past few years has been about getting the ball into the final third and then keeping it there by whatever means possible. As we become more established, we evolve. Last year our attacks were generally brief affairs followed by backs to the wall stuff. Now with players like Tuncay and Etherington we've gotten better at keeping the ball there and attacking for longer periods of time.

By the way, there's nothing we're entertained by more in Stoke-on-Trent than Prima Donnas getting roughed up by a proper football team that play hard-but-fair, especially when the aforementioned Prima Donnas start whining before, during and after the game. Great fun. Seriously, everyone going on about entertainment, we're proud of our team - we can identify with them, they go out there every week and bust a gut for the manager, they're the last proper football team in the Premier League. We couldn't be prouder.
KentBlue said:
We couldn't be prouder.
And there you have it. Proud of a bunch of Neanderthal half-wits hoofing the ball up into the fucking solar system.

Honestly, I despair. I really do.

Are you proud of your team? Gutless shirkers playing a tedious, half-baked, halfway line tippy tappy game?
PSmyth07 said:

This is what we should be doing on them throw-ins. ;)

Ha ha ha, quality!!!
StatesideStokie said:
You can put together 3oo quick passes sunshine, but if you don't put the ball in the net, you won't beat anyone. Play it on the deck and pass us to death to you're hearts content, we'll let you do it up to the final third but then the door gets shut. The question is, do you have the quality to open it? And do you have the quality to stop us from scoring? It's not just about who plays the prettiest football or who puts the most passes together, it's about who can get a result.

We've played you 3 times so far this season, remind us all who has the best results so far ??

We're not as easy to beat either as you seem to be thinking, we've lost just 5 in 35 games (all competitions).

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