Mancini: Landon Donavon is a possibility for MCFC

No from me too. Good player but we have better already. I wouldn't like to see him come in to replace either Ireland, Bellars or Weiss.
Josh in Baltimore said:
I'd love to see Landon playing for City. He had a good spell at Everton last term, a good WC and I think he'd bring a lot to the squad, just my two cents.

Agree 100%
Although having watched the brief clip on SSN earlier, I would say it is pure speculation anyway..especially seeing has we are in the States at the moment!
i already have a usa shirt with his name on the back, so i could recycle that one and it would save me the cost of a shirt

oh, my sister married an american and i got it without knowing who he was. to be honest the guys in the sports store didn't know who he was either. millions of "american sport" shirts and a lonely usa shirt hidden away.
Sven's Fluffer said:
City and Mancini must be mental.....

Promoting the club and linking themselves to a USA international whilst in the USA......all the US soccer press interested.....US Soccer fans take an interst in one of their own potentially signing for a top EPL side...extra fans turn out to take a look/interest at this 'man city' team.....English press all over it.........gollum raging.........just what are the club thinking?

I know. Sheer lunacy to say that about a current USA international whilst in the USA. Frankly I think Mancini should have responded with "Are you f**king serious? He's a total donkey and barely good enough to warm the bench besides do you know how many pages I will get on BlueMoon if I say anything remotely positive ffs?"

Ah when will we learn.
mcfcliam said:
Donavon --------------Yaya --------------- Johnson




This line-up would not break the top four.

Donovan going to City would be for marketing reasons more than anything else. He would be a solid bench/role player, but not a starting player that would take your team to the next level. First choice off the bench? Certainly. His pace alone would be a huge asset to any team.

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