mancini on sky sport

NipHolmes said:
People just can't look past their noses on this can they.

We as a club hit the jackpot, we have wealth every fans dream of, we have a team most fans woudl dream of and we have a great future. We are targets for hate as we are fans of a club that are bitter rivals with the media darlings.

City are a target because it sells and because Joe Bloggs member of public is an envious dreamer who prefers to dwell on negativity than positivity. How many people dislike a lottery winner? How many people dislike good looking famous people who are shaggers? How many people resent successful people?

We are a club that is to be envied and folks in this country tend to be bitter, spiteful and resentful bastards on the whole. I say this as someone who works nationwide and has had the unpleasant job of dealing with the members of public. People would rather talk about the demise of the country than a firm that's creating jobs. They'd rather talk about the administration off JJB and Woolworths than talk about the ever expanding success stories that are Costas and Card Factory.

A reporters job is to report news. However when selling anything there must be demand for the produce else the business isn't viable. They coudl write about amazing team spirit to come back from beating WBA with 10 men and talk about how we are injury ravaged with first team players since start of season. OR. They could write about losing to Ajax with the incredible difference in cost of starting elevens or they could twist it so that Mancini is costing his team with all his tinkering instead of telling the truth that Kompany, Clichy, Richards, Zab, Maicon, Barry, Garcia, Milner, Aguero and Balotelli have all been injured at some point since the start of the season.

Lets not get eaten up about some people earning their crust in a dishonourable way. Soak up the hate and vent positively in a manner of motivation. Let the haters hate whilst the winners win.
+1 Molto bene!
NipHolmes said:
People just can't look past their noses on this can they.

We as a club hit the jackpot, we have wealth every fans dream of, we have a team most fans woudl dream of and we have a great future. We are targets for hate as we are fans of a club that are bitter rivals with the media darlings.

City are a target because it sells and because Joe Bloggs member of public is an envious dreamer who prefers to dwell on negativity than positivity. How many people dislike a lottery winner? How many people dislike good looking famous people who are shaggers? How many people resent successful people?

We are a club that is to be envied and folks in this country tend to be bitter, spiteful and resentful bastards on the whole. I say this as someone who works nationwide and has had the unpleasant job of dealing with the members of public. People would rather talk about the demise of the country than a firm that's creating jobs. They'd rather talk about the administration off JJB and Woolworths than talk about the ever expanding success stories that are Costas and Card Factory.

A reporters job is to report news. However when selling anything there must be demand for the produce else the business isn't viable. They coudl write about amazing team spirit to come back from beating WBA with 10 men and talk about how we are injury ravaged with first team players since start of season. OR. They could write about losing to Ajax with the incredible difference in cost of starting elevens or they could twist it so that Mancini is costing his team with all his tinkering instead of telling the truth that Kompany, Clichy, Richards, Zab, Maicon, Barry, Garcia, Milner, Aguero and Balotelli have all been injured at some point since the start of the season.

Lets not get eaten up about some people earning their crust in a dishonourable way. Soak up the hate and vent positively in a manner of motivation. Let the haters hate whilst the winners win.

Just for the record it pains me to see the hate written and it pains me to debate with haters. I wish the club would get the repsect we deserve and I wish the agenda woudl cease but quite frankly it's wishful thinking and it's here to stay for the forseeable future. Banning disrespectful reporters would be a start and so would more outbursts like yesterday where a spade is called. It was refreshing to see to be honest. I'm not a fan of Dalglish but I can completely emptahise with his hatred of the media. Mountains are made out of molehills. Every fucker under the sun has an opinion on the heavily saturated 'issues' reported on SSN. Monks are battered in Nepal, White people are killed and robbed in Zimababwe yet people only discuss whether or not Balotelli meant to hurt Parker with his 'stamp'. Rather sad wouldn't you agree?

johnny crossan said:
It's interesting that you and Tolmie are so keen to distance Marwood from this story Billy. There is plenty of evidence that he has been Danny Boy's prime source for anti-Mancini propaganda for some time (along with BM of course!)

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ity-monaco</a>

I'm just telling it how it is JC. I know BM well enough to know he has used DT in the past to his ends. However in this case, this story didn't come from City or BM.
The Future's Blue said:
Excuse me, what personal abuse?

You quoted my post - and then said:

He's a c*nt, and anybody who supports that sort of treatment of our club (which includes our fans) is also a c*nt; a sheepish one at that.

That abuse. Clear enough.

I don't know if you've noticed but there is a concerted effort from certain members of the media to deride Mancini.

Bullshit. That's the dreamed up paranoia of someone who doesn't follow the press with any great detail.

Hot on the tail comes this reporter prefering to talk utter rubbish to get a headline, is it any wonder that he eventually decided to fight back?

Once again, what is this nonsense you're propagating. You realise I can read and write and therefore I have seen Mancini's press conference and know that the question asked wasn't rubbish, but a valid one which Mancini opened the door to.

Now, you are the all knowledgable when it comes to this, please tellme what noises the Sheikh as made about getting rid of Mancini? And what about the player unrest, which ITK has proof that Vinnie et al are liars. Oh, and the Monaco story, was Mancini in talks or was it a case of them sniffing around and Mancini said 'No'?

The only proof I need are Mancini's words. "I had six seven situations last season". Why was Mancini looking at situation's? Why was he going so far as to agree the finer details of a contract with Monaco ? In the answer to those questions the rest of your questions will be answered.

If you can give me the full inside story it'd be much appreciated. Afterall, I'll be backing the club, including manager and players tonight, so it'd be nice to know which players aren't putting in a shift or if Mancini is shitting on them from a great height. Your inside info would be much appreciated.

As I said, the journo is a c*nt because he has decided to once again deflect away from what I, as a supporter, want to hear. Mancini had it right, the f*cks have no respect for our club, and that includes me, and you. If you're happy with that and choose to defend them then that's your choice but I'd rather debate the real issues, good or bad.

Personal? Really?

You've not a clue what you're talking about. You're just ranting even though the facts don't bare out anything you've posted.

SWP's back said:

Forums tend to be like that. You should check out some of the threads about religion and politics in the cellar. Oh wait ....
BillyShears said:
SWP's back said:

Forums tend to be like that. You should check out some of the threads about religion and politics in the cellar. Oh wait ....

Ah yes the great philosophers of our species have spent many a lifetime debating the merits of media management by sports coaches.
So, Jamie Jackson at The Guardian has outed himself as the hack who provoked Mancini. He's the one who replaced Dan Taylor as their Manchester football guy I think.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... tions-live</a>
What was the purpose of yesterday's press conference?

I assume it was to answer questions relating specifically to the Ajax game and the CL campaign in general. Is this right?

If so, what was the relevance of Mr. Jackson's question?
Rolee said:
What was the purpose of yesterday's press conference?

I assume it was to answer questions relating specifically to the Ajax game and the CL campaign in general. Is this right?

If so, what was the relevance of Mr. Jackson's question?

Im guessing reaction to west ham game and ajax game presser.....

no relevance as far as i can work out , other than shit-stirring of course

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