Mancini out/Mancini in

pee dubya said:
A number of people have obviously just taken a dislike to him, fair enough. Makes it hard to take their opinion on his actual ability as a manager particularly seriously though.

define don't like him?
in my opinion he is a class act, demands respect, got a fantastic way of handling the press.
that's the man.
now the manager
an awful lot to learn about the prem, the players he has been handed/bought will not only give him results it will give him the most precious thing of all, time.its up to him and him alone to use that time wisely.reading some replies on here the mancini lovers are shitting it, they jump on their high horse trying to over defend their guy, well got news for you all, everybody wants mancini to succeed, everyone wants city to win something, no one "dislikes" him, we just want the best for city, so lets cut out this in/out shit right now.
results alone will tell if he goes or stays, should he fail and leave our club he'll still have class, he will still demand respect and he'll handle the press in his usual fantastic way. class is permanent, if not at city.
If the powers that be actually read Bluemoon, and some on here have said that they do, then I hope they don't read this thread. It's a soon to be talking about Mancini in/out. Give it at least until Christmas for Christ's sake.
if only all threads could reach such heights,take a bow those who made it so entertaining.more please
Put your trust in Bobby Manc.

Even if we lose the first couple of games, remember, a lot of the team will have never played together before in the Prem, and it takes time to gel.

See how we are doing by mid November..............

Rome wasn't built in a day........................
malg said:
If the powers that be actually read Bluemoon, and some on here have said that they do, then I hope they don't read this thread. It's a soon to be talking about Mancini in/out. Give it at least until Christmas for Christ's sake.

I think this is a case where we are talking about a negative few. While a number of City fans due have some misgivings about Mancini's style, the majority aren't saying that he should be out.

The problem with the sacking of Hughes is that it raised the bar for future managers. It was his sacking that began the early stages of this culture we are now experiencing where anyone not deemed to be top 4 or PL championship material is now slagged off and urged out of the club. We are becoming the new Real Madrid where we will have tons of top names but won't be able to consistently win titles due to lack of team chemistry.

Unfortunately, I think things like football video games have narrowed people's perceptions about the difficulty of finding team balance and the reality of how player purchases take place. In a video game, if you stick the top 11 players in the world on a team then they end up being a phenomenal team. In the real world where human nature comes into play, it's not as simple as just buying the best 11 players out there, nor as simple as buying all the players the manager wants for "his" team.

Some of the player buys that were associated to both Hughes and Mancini are clearly not players that fit with their respective playing styles. They have to be bought around a decided upon football strategy, whether that is attacking minded or defensive minded. We have people on here just wanting to find the best player at his position in the world and we buy him without any thought as to how the team would accomodate that player or whether he really might be a player the manager wants.

Unfortunately all this expectation and false sense that Mancini is pulling all the strings creates a sense of urgency about every decision that occurs with the club.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Some (including me) aren't convinced but, for better or worse, he's the man in charge and needs to have time to build. We're not yet at the stage where we just need a little tinkering....

I predict in the case of PB, DD, dn & BS the journey from Mancini Doubter to Mancini Outer will be a very short one and sadly much more to do with self-fulfilling prophecy than the performance of the team. Hope I'm wrong
johnny crossan said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Some (including me) aren't convinced but, for better or worse, he's the man in charge and needs to have time to build. We're not yet at the stage where we just need a little tinkering....

I predict in the case of PB, DD, dn & BS the journey from Mancini Doubter to Mancini Outer will be a very short one and sadly much more to do with self-fulfilling prophecy than the performance of the team. Hope I'm wrong

I predict that myself, DD, PB, and dn, will give Mancini every opportunity to succeed - and will also be honest in our appraisal of him should things go well or not go well.

What we won't do is let the Bluemoon Thought Police bully or harass us into silence.
johnny crossan said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Some (including me) aren't convinced but, for better or worse, he's the man in charge and needs to have time to build. We're not yet at the stage where we just need a little tinkering....

I predict in the case of PB, DD, dn & BS the journey from Mancini Doubter to Mancini Outer will be a very short one and sadly much more to do with self-fulfilling prophecy than the performance of the team. Hope I'm wrong
You're teasing me now jc.

I've said it on here, I've said it in King of the Kippax and you can probably find a clip of me saying it on BBC Radio Manchester - you can only judge a manager after 3 seasons. That applies to Pearce, Hughes & Mancini.

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