Mancini out/Mancini in

A number of people have obviously just taken a dislike to him, fair enough. Makes it hard to take their opinion on his actual ability as a manager particularly seriously though.
DontLookBackInAnger said:
Gary James said:
Think about how strong our story would be if we found success AND remembered our history.
When talking of history and the mistakes we seem to make, over and over. I'm interested Gary in your view of what the club's biggest single mistake has been, letting the rags use Maine Rd after the war???

Difficult to pick the single biggest mistake. If it's United related - signing Busby (because he was about to emigrate; without him Utd would never have become a force) is one of the most significant; but before that the biggest mistake I guess would be to encourage Meredith and the other players to sign for United when they were banned from playing for City. Had Meredith gone to a different club United would never have began their trophy winning days and may never have grown.

Thinking purely about City and no other team.... the biggest single mistake would probably be the 1970 takeover. It put Mercer and Allison on opposing sides; cast aside the paternal influence of the Alexander family; killed our trophy winning days; and ultimately gave rise to Peter Swales' chairmanship.

Forget all the mistakes that have happened since, the return of Malcolm Allison in the late 70s; the 80s struggles; and everything that happened in the 90s - all of that came as a result of that 1970 takeover when the ECWC winners and one of the most entertaining & successful sides in Europe were taken over by double-glazing salesmen, pub landlords, TV shop owners and so on.

Some of the people involved were decent people and good City fans, but it killed a great club (or at least put us on a downhill path for three significant decades).
Has anyone written a book about the ins and outs of the 1970 takeover? I imagine that you would have covered it in one of your tomes?
Gelsons Dad said:
Nice to see that even before the first friendly of the season the anti Manci brigade are off and running.
Yawn indeed.

Where's anyone called for Mancini's head? It's an absolute nailed-on fact that they would have ditched him if Mourinho had committed to us in April, whatever some on here choose to believe but that's hardly a call for him to be sacked.

Some (including me) aren't convinced but, for better or worse, he's the man in charge and needs to have time to build. We're not yet at the stage where we just need a little tinkering. I would have liked to have seen Hughes given time but there were plenty on here who dodn't agree with that.
Prestwich_Blue said:
BobKowalski said:
Its time to let it go. You were wrong. It happens.
He wasn't wrong though. You were. It happens.

thread crashes to earth - BK is right - let it go chaps, Mancio will be our manager in 6 matches time and at Christmas and in May taking the plaudits - focus on something worthwhile like Platt out
I had really been enjoying reading this thread, some great posts from various different perspectives, but unfortunately it now appears to be descending into the childish points scoring and personal vendettas that ruin so many threads on here. Shame really.

For what its worth though ill throw my own opinions out anyway. I think this may have already been mentioned, but on the subject of us as fans the thing I find most galling recently is the new found mantra of 'there's no place for sentimentality in football' that is regularly trotted out when our academy graduates are being linked with moves away from the club. If there really is no place for sentimentality in football then what the fuck were any of us doing supporting City before the takeover?

On Mancini, I'm not his biggest fan and haven't seen anything SO FAR in his time here that would make me think he is going to be the one to lead us to the promised land. However, I really do hope to be proven wrong on this and as he is the manager for next season he has my full support. He deserves at least a season to show what he can do and barring an absolute disaster (i.e. bottom half with no hope of champions league next year at xmass) he should get the entire season without people calling for his head. On the other hand though this is an internet forum for debating all things City and that includes the manager and his decisions. I feel we all have a right to criticise things we feel are being done poorly and this shouldn't be allowed to be stamped out by a bunch sycophantic Mancini worshippers who feel he can do no wrong simply because he isn't Mark Hughes.
pee dubya said:
A number of people have obviously just taken a dislike to him, fair enough. Makes it hard to take their opinion on his actual ability as a manager particularly seriously though.

It's idiotic in the extreme to think that people just dislike him for the sake of it. In actual fact, it's ignorant comments like that which lead to decent threads with decent discussions spiraling into arguments and slanging matches.
There are reasons why I´m absolutely opposed to City being fan owned..Fans carry with them the same concept that eventually will kill what´s left of todays democracy.
They want instant gratification and they want it for free. They want no hardships whatever and they always take a short term view of things..Promise them that and they will follow you into oblivion. You could bring the richest prize on earth within their reach but if they have to endure even a minor setback on the road towards it they will bay for blood.
S04 said:
There are reasons why I´m absolutely opposed to City being fan owned..Fans carry with them the same concept that eventually will kill what´s left of todays democracy.
They want instant gratification and they want it for free. They want no hardships whatever and they always take a short term view of things..Promise them that and they will follow you into oblivion. You could bring the richest prize on earth within their reach but if they have to endure even a minor setback on the road towards it they will bay for blood.
Whereas being owned by Sheikh Mansour has ensured we're all perfectly patient and happy to wait for success.

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