Mancini out/Mancini in

BillyShears said:
pee dubya said:
A number of people have obviously just taken a dislike to him, fair enough. Makes it hard to take their opinion on his actual ability as a manager particularly seriously though.

It's idiotic in the extreme to think that people just dislike him for the sake of it. In actual fact, it's ignorant comments like that which lead to decent threads with decent discussions spiraling into arguments and slanging matches.

Not really, it's pretty obvious some people just don't like him. Protest all you want, but if i wanted a slanging match i'd try and pick a fight with someone specific, maybe go after them accusing them of being idiotic or ignorant. There are reasonable points for not liking his managerial style too, but i don't believe for a second that that's the sole reason for some people.
Prestwich_Blue said:
S04 said:
There are reasons why I´m absolutely opposed to City being fan owned..Fans carry with them the same concept that eventually will kill what´s left of todays democracy.
They want instant gratification and they want it for free. They want no hardships whatever and they always take a short term view of things..Promise them that and they will follow you into oblivion. You could bring the richest prize on earth within their reach but if they have to endure even a minor setback on the road towards it they will bay for blood.
Whereas being owned by Sheikh Mansour has ensured we're all perfectly patient and happy to wait for success.

Not at all, but I don´t have to take other fans seriously...:D
I like Mancini. I know that whilst Billy, PB and DD come on here and debate the issues about them, they are always 100% behind him and the lads on matchday and that's all that matter really.

I'm impressed with his record in Italy for such a young manager, I'm impressed by how highly he is spoken of by big players like Ibra, I'm impressed with how he helped shape Inter into the dominant force that they are in Italy now, I'm impressed by his demeanour in interviews and the types of things that he says, I'm impressed with some of his tactical moves last season, and I'm even impressed by how much he can still play!

That said, I was impressed with Hughes for other reasons, his dry sense of humour, his masterplan for rebuilding City, his knowledge of the English game and how not to get beat, et c.

All in all, I think this is one of those issues that I won't be able to agree on with those listed above, and that's fine. As Dave quite rightly says, I'm a bit of a "tubthumper" when it comes to management at City; I always seem to find reasons to like them and only upon reflection in the cold light of day once they've gone can I spot their faults. I suppose it's a suspension of disbelief for a while, and I'm happy with that. Hell, I even thought that Alan Ball was the man for the job back in the day.

My opinion on the management of City has always been the same, and I tend to not critically examine the facts because it suits me to believe that everything is rosey. I suppose I'm less of a tubthumper, and more of an ostrich. I have an inability to see when the management of City is poor until they have gone, I was the same with every other manager. I think my enthusiasm for the team gets laid on the shoulders of the manager.

I have the ability to spot faults and unlikable things in players, but the same can't be said of the manager.

So, I'm a hypocrite when it comes to the In/Out brigade, because I expect people to use their logic to see WHY our manager is great, and not to use their logic to see IF our manager is great.
nimrod said:
Does anybody else have this nauseating feeling that history will repeat itself this season and that by Xmas a large proportion of fans will be calling for Mancini to be dumped due to his, shall we say, slightly negative tactics ?

I hope to god Im wrong as I really didnt like the Hughes in/out episode.
We will get it right eventually no matter what happens with mancini.
Our standard for appointing a manager needs to be hgher, much higher and encompass all aspects of the game - tactics, man management, motivational skills, player purchases, media awareness and most importantly of all a winning mentality that can be instilled into the team and the club as a whole. Ticking one or two of these skills isn't enough if we are serious about competing at the highest level.
If people think he ticks all those boxes then we have a winner,you could add "a manager who doesn't have a jobs for the boys mentality"to the list above but that could be pushing it a bit,a manager needs people he can trust around him.
I must admit I struggle to fully understand the criticism of Mancini, I can understand fans being cautious by the prospect of another City saviour but some fans are openly critical of a manager in the opening 6 months of his tenure.

Finally we have a manager with a track record of success and has been able to attract players such as David Silva, Toure, Johnson, Boateng. Just looking at the profiles of those players, all young players, playing international football for top sides in there respective leagues( Johnson the exception).

Without being able to stamp his own personality on the team he has achieved an average of 1.80 points per game compared to 1.70 for the previous incumbent.

Defensively we have conceded far fewer goals (18 in 21) compared to (27 in 17) under Hughes and our goal diffference as a consequence has increased from +6 under Hughes to +22 under Mancini.

Goals wise we average the same number of goals per game and at the end of the season played a progressive 424 formation, therefore criticism of the teams style of play seems a little ridiculous.
Damocles said:
Has anyone written a book about the ins and outs of the 1970 takeover? I imagine that you would have covered it in one of your tomes?

There's a lot about it in two of my books - "Manchester The Greatest City" and the latest version of "Joe Mercer: Football With A Smile." The Mercer book has the most detail I guess and also talks about the impact a bit. I find it significant that some of those that were involved with making the takeover happen went on to become Honorary Presidents, while Joe Mercer was never offered a Presidency (either Honorary or Life) despite fans calling for it.
halpo123 said:
de niro said:
i think its totally diffferent to the hughes situation, people wanted hughes out BEFORE a ball was kicked, he dared to have played for the rags, the same people would have been gutted had city done well under him, worst still there were people on here wanted city to lose in order for him to be sacked. pathetic.
as for mancini i dont think anybody wants rid of him, even last season when lets face it he fucked up big time in some games i dont think many wanted him gone.he just had to learn what the prem is all about.the players he has bought seem perfect for an assault on the prem title, good players and with a flair and grit mix.his man management will be better as he has his own players in, there was bound to have been a group of hughes players miffed at his all in all its all geared for success so i dont think the in/out subject will pop up, if we are there or there abouts we will have january to tweak things so xmas(as last season) is too soon to sack any manager, if we finish 5th next season it wont make one jot of difference what is said on here as the owners will make that decision for us.
"not sure many on here wanted city to lose"

thats fine except.

there should'nt have ANY but there were.
Mancini's job is to get the team playing well, and producing results. If he does that job well, he'll be fine. If he doesn't, he won't. He knows the score. He's been handed a fantastic opportunity and with that comes immense pressure, but it's the type of pressure that winners thrive on. Is the man a winner? I think he is.

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