Mancini OUT NOW!!!!

inGavious said:
i'll be a City fan till i die ......... but from now on i'm not watching. buying, listening or caring about anything City 'till Mancini goes

Please stay.

What will we do without you?

Or more accurately, good riddance.
I was going to start a thread but unluckily the server was down after I typed it up.
Mancini today demonstrated that he is NOT the manager for us as I have said since day 1. Pains me to say it and be proved correct as I hoped he would be as changing managers at will is never a good idea in terms of player stability.
BUT today was beyond a joke. We started well then Wolves simply over ran our midfield all too easily with Yaya and Milner and Barry looking completly lost.
The worrying thing is there was no team shape, no formation and no definite structure, players seem to be on the pitch yet have no real posiotion. For instance, where exactly does barry play? what's his role? same for Yaya? Milner?
The substitutions demonstated a clear lack of planning and tactical nouse. To take off Ade and bring on Zabs was just wrong on every level and can't be defended by any Mancini lover. By the end of the game the players had no idea what positions they were playing and neither did I. Left sided players on the right, Right sided players on the left. centralk players out wide, 5 attackers on....baffling.
Ive never wanted him, praised him once but watched with utter suspicion as we got very lucky with wins against Newcastle, Blackpool and Wigan. Now our luck has run out and decisions are not going for us and we look a disjointed team of individuals who simply don't give a fuck about playing for us [except Kompany, Zabs and Tevez].
I don't give a shit about redcafeand what their fans think of meltdown on Bluemoon......just Man City and what i'm seeing from this man is worrying. As Man Shite go 1-0 up we fall further behind at the top and look to be in complete dissaray. The day I never have to hear Mancini say the word 'important' over and over again in a post match interview I will be happy, today just showed me what I knew all along. He is the wrong manager for Manchester city.
K.Reeves right foot said:
I was going to start a thread but unluckily the server was down after I typed it up.
Mancini today demonstrated that he is NOT the manager for us as I have said since day 1. Pains me to say it and be proved correct as I hoped he would be as changing managers at will is never a good idea in terms of player stability.
BUT today was beyond a joke. We started well then Wolves simply over ran our midfield all too easily with Yaya and Milner and Barry looking completly lost.
The worrying thing is there was no team shape, no formation and no definite structure, players seem to be on the pitch yet have no real posiotion. For instance, where exactly does barry play? what's his role? same for Yaya? Milner?
The substitutions demonstated a clear lack of planning and tactical nouse. To take off Ade and bring on Zabs was just wrong on every level and can't be defended by any Mancini lover. By the end of the game the players had no idea what positions they were playing and neither did I. Left sided players on the right, Right sided players on the left. centralk players out wide, 5 attackers on....baffling.
Ive never wanted him, praised him once but watched with utter suspicion as we got very lucky with wins against Newcastle, Blackpool and Wigan. Now our luck has run out and decisions are not going for us and we look a disjointed team of individuals who simply don't give a fuck about playing for us [except Kompany, Zabs and Tevez].
I don't give a shit about redcafeand what their fans think of meltdown on Bluemoon......just Man City and what i'm seeing from this man is worrying. As Man Shite go 1-0 up we fall further behind at the top and look to be in complete dissaray. The day I never have to hear Mancini say the word 'important' over and over again in a post match interview I will be happy, today just showed me what I knew all along. He is the wrong manager for Manchester city.

Who is the right manager? Holloway? Allardyce? Mcarthy? Sorry but Mancini has shown this year he has the tactical nous to get us to the Champions League Final, apart from Mourinho i know no other manager who will better those 2.
players need to show more heart and alot more fight,missed ndj and carlos today
K.Reeves right foot said:
I was going to start a thread but unluckily the server was down after I typed it up.
Mancini today demonstrated that he is NOT the manager for us as I have said since day 1. Pains me to say it and be proved correct as I hoped he would be as changing managers at will is never a good idea in terms of player stability.
BUT today was beyond a joke. We started well then Wolves simply over ran our midfield all too easily with Yaya and Milner and Barry looking completly lost.
The worrying thing is there was no team shape, no formation and no definite structure, players seem to be on the pitch yet have no real posiotion. For instance, where exactly does barry play? what's his role? same for Yaya? Milner?
The substitutions demonstated a clear lack of planning and tactical nouse. To take off Ade and bring on Zabs was just wrong on every level and can't be defended by any Mancini lover. By the end of the game the players had no idea what positions they were playing and neither did I. Left sided players on the right, Right sided players on the left. centralk players out wide, 5 attackers on....baffling.
Ive never wanted him, praised him once but watched with utter suspicion as we got very lucky with wins against Newcastle, Blackpool and Wigan. Now our luck has run out and decisions are not going for us and we look a disjointed team of individuals who simply don't give a fuck about playing for us [except Kompany, Zabs and Tevez].
I don't give a shit about redcafeand what their fans think of meltdown on Bluemoon......just Man City and what i'm seeing from this man is worrying. As Man Shite go 1-0 up we fall further behind at the top and look to be in complete dissaray. The day I never have to hear Mancini say the word 'important' over and over again in a post match interview I will be happy, today just showed me what I knew all along. He is the wrong manager for Manchester city.
Very difficult (another Mancini fave) to disagree with that mate . The next 6 games will be make or break I feel - can´t see his position as tenable if we don´t get say, min 9 points from those
MaxMCFC said:
your such a fkin idiot.. Mancini is a top manager, the players should be OUT not him.
What a stupid comment. We buy players like Yay Toure, Balotelli, Silva and they are the ones not good enough? What and replace with the shite we had in the past? The manager buys them, coaches them and goes out with a tactical plan, a team shape, Mancini has no idea how to play these players in corrrect positions and get the best out of them. We have Silva, a footballing genius who looked lost today. That's mancini's fault.
Good managers make average players better. Bad managers make exceptional players look poor. Thats's what mancini is doing spectacularly well.
Shit thread. Too many spoilt bastard fans since we came into money. Every time we get beat loads of morons on here throw their toys out the pram.

I'm not totally convinced by Mancini but he must see the season out at the least. Bad result today but it happens.
mike channon´s windmill said:
K.Reeves right foot said:
I was going to start a thread but unluckily the server was down after I typed it up.
Mancini today demonstrated that he is NOT the manager for us as I have said since day 1. Pains me to say it and be proved correct as I hoped he would be as changing managers at will is never a good idea in terms of player stability.
BUT today was beyond a joke. We started well then Wolves simply over ran our midfield all too easily with Yaya and Milner and Barry looking completly lost.
The worrying thing is there was no team shape, no formation and no definite structure, players seem to be on the pitch yet have no real posiotion. For instance, where exactly does barry play? what's his role? same for Yaya? Milner?
The substitutions demonstated a clear lack of planning and tactical nouse. To take off Ade and bring on Zabs was just wrong on every level and can't be defended by any Mancini lover. By the end of the game the players had no idea what positions they were playing and neither did I. Left sided players on the right, Right sided players on the left. centralk players out wide, 5 attackers on....baffling.
Ive never wanted him, praised him once but watched with utter suspicion as we got very lucky with wins against Newcastle, Blackpool and Wigan. Now our luck has run out and decisions are not going for us and we look a disjointed team of individuals who simply don't give a fuck about playing for us [except Kompany, Zabs and Tevez].
I don't give a shit about redcafeand what their fans think of meltdown on Bluemoon......just Man City and what i'm seeing from this man is worrying. As Man Shite go 1-0 up we fall further behind at the top and look to be in complete dissaray. The day I never have to hear Mancini say the word 'important' over and over again in a post match interview I will be happy, today just showed me what I knew all along. He is the wrong manager for Manchester city.
Very difficult (another Mancini fave) to disagree with that mate . The next 6 games will be make or break I feel - can´t see his position as tenable if we don´t get say, min 9 points from those
Agreed mate. The problem now is we have West Brom away [not easy at all] and then the scum who are past masters at winning games of football even with average players. Mancini is under pressure and the way he sloped off after today's game, shoulders hunched over, he looked lost, defeated in every way. Only what, 8 or 9 games into the season and Mancini looks like cracking up. I have this awful feeling though that the owner loves him like many deluded fans on here do [because he is apparently handsome and has shiny hair]...yet as a manager he is clearly not up to it and today clearly showed it.

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