Mancini tactical genius

Didsbury Dave said:
What he did was go to his three at the back, with Maicon and kolorov as the wing backs. It gave us some width, stretched spurs, opened up some space in the middle. 3 at the back is a gamble, especially with players like bale and Lennon who can punish you on the break. On this occasion it worked very well and the manager deserves credit for that.
Was brave using Maicon (after what Bale has done to him before), the Spuds got all giddy about it but Dougie seemed a lot faster yesterday and boy does he have some quality going forward.<br /><br />-- Mon Nov 12, 2012 8:05 am --<br /><br />
Didsbury Dave said:
I still maintain we haven't the right personnel for 352 but, at last, it worked today. At last.
Played it what? 5 or 6 times?

Utd in the Cup - worked
Chelsea in the CS - worked
Liverpool away - not great
Ajax away - played it for 5 minutes
Spurs - worked a dream

I am more than likely missing a few there as my memory doesn't serve me too well but it has worked more often that not I think.
big blueballs said:
The big difference with the 3 at the back today compared to earlier games was the personnel brought on to influence the change ie Maicon, he followed Mancinis instruction to the letter and showed he understands what the manager wants from this formation, it's the 1st time a player brought on in this role has actually stayed out wide and got chalk on his boots even when it was on the left with Kolorov he remained out wide on the right resisting the temptation to come over and tuck in a bit, meaning the game gets stretched allowing Silva etc more space to play,
Maicon also showed he still has the quality to deliver the right ball early and beat his man when one on one

So for me Not so much tactical genius from Mancini, but more the players carrying out his instruction to the letter

GREAT CALL , couldnt agree more
Wouldn't say it was tactical genius. The guy is paid £5m a year to sort these things out and anyone with half a brain could see we are often too narrow. But it took some balls to put Maicon on given his history with Bale and the players executed the plan perfectly.

It also helps that Maicon can actually put a decent ball into the danger area when, far too often corners, crosses and free kicks are wasted by poor delivery.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Wouldn't say it was tactical genius. The guy is paid £5m a year to sort these things out and anyone with half a brain could see we are often too narrow. But it took some balls to put Maicon on given his history with Bale and the players executed the plan perfectly.

It also helps that Maicon can actually put a decent ball into the danger area when, far too often corners, crosses and free kicks are wasted by poor delivery.

That's dead right. Zabaleta is a poor crosser and often is the only wide outlet in home games. Maicon crossed brilliantly.
Don't know if it was me. But where we sit (2nd tier North Stand) - seemed like we went 3-5-2 when attacking. When Spurs had the ball it seemed we went to a flat 4 with Maicon dropping into Right back.

Unlike other games where they looked confused, they seemed to be quite comfortable.

I think RM out thought AVB. He played Kolarov to keep Lennon quiet and I though Zabba dealt with Bale. I will add, I thought Spurs were poor yesterday and were playing for set pieces.
We keep saying it was 3 at the back but when Spurs had the ball it was more like 5 at the back.
This was pure genius from Roberto as Kolarov and Maicon started from a 5 at the back position which stretched the game and allowed YA Ya receive the ball 20 yards further up the pitch.
It also meant that the balls into the channels for Sergio and Carlos became 30 yard passes, unfortunately we were caught offside but only just.
Roberto has come in for some stick in the papers, on the radio and on TV and yesterday he proved his knowledge and intelligence.
I thought we played well on Tuesday also, we need to tighten up and not give away silly goals as this creates pressure on us to score.
I was ecstatic yesterday as it was a great 3 points and we looked like the CHAMPIONS.
Not give up on Champions League yet but if we go out then so be it, lets retain our title, win the FA Cup and maybe another great day out in Amsterdam in May.
It looked like after Richards comments Mancini has actually started training the team in playing with 3 at the back.
This is the first time he's gone to 3 at the back and everyone has known exactly where they were supposed to be and what they were supposed to be doing, in the past they didn't have a clue.

It definitely worked well yesterday, we're lucky to have so many good full backs who are excellent at going forward.
I'll admit that my head was in my hands when he bought Maicon on and went 3-5-2. Happy to be proved wrong.

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