
This is twice where he has referred to us. It is all in the past, the fans and players need to understand that. The silverware was excellent what he won for us but now he has said in the papers 'City stabbed me in the back'. I wouldn't be surprised if more romours came about Mancini. I respect him and all, but enough is enough. #MCFC
Dribble said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Dribble said:
Is some un-attributed internet article in The Mail your proof? You'll believe anything as long as it furthers your cause... Sources said, a club insider commented, I'll believe them when they show the courage of their convictions and come out and say what they have to say like Mancini did. He's the only person to yet come out with 'facts' whilst up till now all you're quoting is internet hearsay, not one name or one attributed quote, just nothing but hearsay.

A manager is there to manage not be the player's best mate and the player's should have respected that. I'd love to have seen what any other top-level manager would have done differently if they'd inherited the squad and characters that Mancini did.

The only difference between Fergie at ManUre and Mancini at City was that Ferguson managed to get rid of the bad element quicker than Mancini could. Fergie routed out players and staff who undermined him and replaced them with his own people, a trophy or 10 later Fergies dominance was enshrined. This was NEVER going to happen for Mancini at City from the day Soriano and Txiki arrived. If they'd been at ManUre when Fergie first arrived, I'm sure he'd have gone the same way.

Mancini wanted to run the club his way, the owners wanted the club to be run with a DOF deciding the way forward and from that day it was only ever going to end in tears for Mancini. MP knew the deal before he accepted the City just, so I don't see a similar problem emerging based purely on that fact.

So in future when you 'claim' to have facts, please have the evidence to back them up.

No, I made myself perfectly clear from my post. I have the facts of what went on in my possession. Not from the newspapers but from those who were there. I don't really care if people like you chose not to believe me, but those who come on the forum and know me in the real world know I don't tell lies on here. In fact I learnt a while back that it isn't worth giving out any information on here because the biggest mouths on this subject are nearly always the least informed, and start barking 'bullshit' at you. And to be honest, you might be a nice guy in real life, but someone who brackets Mancini with Ferguson is a solid gold football fool.

That story was run by ian Ladyman, one of city's favoured local journalists. A journalist who would find himself out of favour, and likely out of a job, should he be running bullshit stories. Go and look at his work over the years and see how many pieces he has been given by City. He's pally pally with the key figures at city and that's how he does his job.

Is the penny dropping yet?

I made it perfectly clear that that story was 'the tip of the iceberg'. That it was a sanitised version of what happened put out by the club to try to explain to people like you,with your heads in the sand, why a manager who'd won the league was out of the door 12 months later. There was much much more that went on behind the scenes. Some of it was leaked to other journos, some of it wasn't. I'm not sure the names of the players who were going to leave should Mancini stay has ever been made public, but it's lengthy and contains some surprising names.

There is a damn good reason why Mancini didn't make the short lists for United, Chelsea, Real Madrid, PSG, inter Milan, Barcelona and all of those other top jobs which came up in the summer when he was touting himself around. People have got wise to him. Believe what you want, I don't really care, because I don't have 'a cause' as you so melodramatically call it. I had a cause, and I was vindicated by Sheikh mansour on May 15th 2013. You're the one with the 'cause', but it's misguided and based on ignorance I'm afraid.

There's not a single person at Manchester City FC who isn't delighted that Txiki sussed this guy out so quickly and gave him the bullet. The only people still hankering for him are those who know nothing about football. It's as black and white as that.
I have the facts of what went on in my possession.

Well go on then, what are these 'facts' you keep spouting? You sound like a Private Investigator, were you rooting through Mancini's bin's to find something so you could dish the dirt to The Mail? No-one is accusing you of being a liar, but you have made some spurious unsubstantiated claims and apparently you have the 'Facts' in your possession, so come on then put your 'Facts' where your cyber mouth is?

because the biggest mouths on this subject are nearly always the least informed, and start barking 'bullshit' at you.

Again, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and I haven't used the word 'Bullshit' once, so come on, where are the 'Facts' you have in your possession?

And to be honest, you might be a nice guy in real life

I can confirm I am a nice guy in real life and in cyber space too. :-)

but someone who brackets Mancini with Ferguson is a solid gold football fool.

I drew the analogy of Ferguson's first few years with ManUre, where he fought the big personalities in the club and had to assert his dominance to enable him to manage effectively. He got rid of the impossible to manage McGrath, Whiteside and gave a final warning to Robson about his drinking culture and started to populate his squad with the type of players he wanted (swap those 3 for Adebayor, Bellamy and Robinho).

He rid himself of under-performing, back-stabbing, old school coaching staff and brought ManUre out of the dark ages and set the training and playing agenda for a generation and he didn't give a toss which players didn't like it (sound familiar?). When asked during a press conference about how many City managers he'd seen off during his time at Old Toilet, even Fergie himself said that he wished he could add another one to that list and laughed, which was the ultimate mark of respect toward Mancini. Fergie agreed and supported Mancini over Tevez-Gate, but later said the club had made a big mistake allowing Tevez to come back. The comparison's are numerous fella, but again it doesn't suit your agenda against Mancini to acknowledge any of that.

That story was run by ian Ladyman, one of city's favoured local journalists. A journalist who would find himself out of favour, and likely out of a job, should he be running bullshit stories. Go and look at his work over the years and see how many pieces he has been given by City. He's pally pally with the key figures at city and that's how he does his job.

Mancini's gone, so what has Ladyman got to lose by revealing his 'sources' if all this is true or not grossly exaggerated for effect? Also, this is the flaming Mail we're talking about here.....

I made it perfectly clear that that story was 'the tip of the iceberg'. That it was a sanitised version of what happened put out by the club to try to explain to people like you,with your heads in the sand, why a manager who'd won the league was out of the door 12 months later. There was much much more that went on behind the scenes. Some of it was leaked to other journos, some of it wasn't.

I do concede that the article pointed out some serious facts that would hamper his ability to manage a Premier League team with the references made to people having issues with the fact that Mancini liked to dress stylishly, got his eyebrows shaped, and used a sunbed!! This sounds suspiciously like you and your infatuation with his hair and the styling products he used. You sure it wasn't you who was posing as the unnamed club source to Ladyman? After all you do have all the 'Facts' in your possession................

I'm not sure the names of the players who were going to leave should Mancini stay has ever been made public, but it's lengthy and contains some surprising names.

I thought you were in possession of all the 'Facts'? If you are, spill the beans. Whilst you're conjuring up these players, let me take some out of the equation for you, Silva, Aguero, Yaya, Kolo and Zabaleta all said it was bollocks and the rumours of discord were grossly exaggerated, so much so (Kolo apart) they all signed new contracts whilst Mancini was still manager. So come on, let's see your list and a shred of evidence you have to back up your 'Facts'.

There is a damn good reason why Mancini didn't make the short lists for United, Chelsea, Real Madrid, PSG, inter Milan, Barcelona and all of those other top jobs which came up in the summer when he was touting himself around.

Could this be that by the time of Mancini's sacking, all the top jobs had already been sewn up? In what flippin world are you living in where Mancini was ever going to rock up as the next ManUre manager? He'd already been at Inter and Barca wanted Pellegrini by all accounts who's already decided to come here and settled on Martino instead. Bayern wanted and got Pep, so your statement holds no water, but again is this another one of your 'Facts'?

There's not a single person at Manchester City FC who isn't delighted that Txiki sussed this guy out so quickly and gave him the bullet.

Are these affidavits included in the 'Facts' you have in your possession?

The only people still hankering for him are those who know nothing about football.

By hankering, I trust you are referring to fans who want Mancini to return? Well if that's what you mean, it doesn't include me then because I'm quite happy as we are thanks. And finally, who died and made you the font of all footballing knowledge? By your inference, you must rate your footballing nous above all others, if so why didn't Sheik Mansour replace Mancini with you seeing as you have all the Manchester City Football Club 'Facts' in your possession.......

As the kids say on the internet:

Neville Kneville said:
Dribble said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Marwood wasn't doing the transfers in 2012 and I've explained why we couldn't do those three deals. De Rossi is still at Roma, United were able to do the RvP deal as they didn't need to shift anyone and Chelsea were prepared to pay the money we, on principle, won't.

And the "incompetent" Marwood has a senior position at one of the most exciting clubs in the world while Mancini is at Galatasaray. Like Moyes this season, he still had the team he won the title with last season yet fell well short.
Funny, because Mancini seemed to think Marwood was in charge of transfers and I think if anyone should know who was in charge, it should be the manager. Well then if Marwood wasn't in charge of transfers, who was?

And Marwood's senior position seems to be nothing more than head foreman at the new training complex. He's had a sidewards shove onto Ashton Old Road and he'd be more use directing the trams!!!

By all accounts, we were in pole position for Hazard & RVP when Marwood tried to renegotiate the terms of the agreements in principle and both players took up opposing offers and the rest is history. Looking at the calibre of player that Mancini had bought before, who's bright idea was the 2012 summer transfer window then?

By 'all accounts' ?

Well it's clearly not by 'all accounts' is it ? As there are plenty of people who disagree with that version of events & have told you so.

Seems to me, we did exacltly the same with Isco & it's how the club are operating, be it Marwood, Txiki or if anyone else came in. Also, Mancini has said that he wanted the players brought in as replacements when the other deals didn't happen. Why didn't he just say 'forget it' & keep the money to use in the next transfer window ?

Marwood, Txiki etc are working under orders. If you don't like it perhaps you should have a go at Khaldoon, as Mancini is clearly doing in that interview, & who does Khaldoon work for ? Yes, Sheikh Mansour, so have a go at him as well.

Support the manager of Galatasaray against your own club. Perhaps if we get past Barca, he can knock us out of the Champions League eh ?

That'll teach us.
Oh don't be so silly.....

Mancini was clearly pissed that we'd missed these targets, and rightly or wrongly said so in public. Yes I agree he should have kept all this behind closed doors, but I fully understand his frustrations. And yes I'll have a go at Khaldoon & Sheik Mansour because what's the point in having a manager if you're not going to back him.

Funnily enough, it was stated toward the end of last season that City were going to identify their targets and acquire them early and not repeat the mistakes of the previous transfer window, so ultimately who was right about our approach to the 2012-2013 transfer window in the end?<br /><br />-- Mon Feb 10, 2014 1:23 am --<br /><br />
The_Mo said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
The_Mo said:
He fell short because whilst we were busy signing Sinclair and Garcia, the team that finished level on points with us in the season prior, bought a world class striker who ultimately proved to be the difference. It's a shame that Sinclair wasn't able to score any of the 'heavy' goals that RvP did to carry UTD over the finish line time and time again. Yes he wasn't given an opportunity, but that is only because he is/was simply not good enough.
They got the same points they got the season before. We got 11 points less. That's nothing to do with Van Persie.

Why do people twist facts to support their viewpoint. So far we've had:
- It's all Soriano & Begiristain's fault (who didn't join us until after the window).
- It's all van Persie's fault that we got 11 points less than we got the season before with the same players.
- It's all Marwood's fault for not buying players who didn't want to come here anyway and others who he was told by the owners we couldn't do deals for.

I'm grateful for what Mancini did for us. It gave me some of the best footballing days of my life. But he had flaws, he failed to repeat the success and he paid the price, like other managers in our history. Why do people deny this? Accept it and move on.
Different season, different teams and hence there will be different outcomes. The points tally is irrelevant for all future seasons because anything can happen in football. Just because we beat a team one season it doesn't mean we will beat them every single time. And RvP didn't help UTD at all? All those match winning goals he scored are discounted? And if we take him out of the equation, which player would have stepped up to score those goals instead? And if we did in fact buy RvP you don't think we would have beat UTD?

I am not discontent with Pellers and i hope he stays here for a long time. It's just i hate it when people get on Bob's back when he clearly wasn't backed in the transfer market whilst our rivals bought World class talents. If Mancini got his targets then do you not think he would have got at least one tropy last season? We would have probably won one anyway if it wasn't leaked that he was going to be sacked. No matter what you say, it has to impact you as a player knowing that the guy who you are playing for is not going to be around for much longer.

Also, do you think Khaldoon would have had the balls to sack Mancini after him winning the FA cup knowing all the bad press MCFC would have got. With that in hindsight, do you think the leak of Bobby getting sacked was rigged?

I'm not trying to wind anyone up, they are all genuine. If you think or know that i am wrong then please enlighten me or share your opinion. At the end of the day we all support MCFC and no one man is greater than the club.
I hope we pick up a couple of pots this season and if we don't, that Pellegrini will be backed again in the summer and given another shot. We don't want to end up like Chelsea, now do we?
Brilliant Post............
Whats with the constant RVP references we already had four strikers three of which Mancini bought. Also the not getting De Rossi or Martinez excuse every one knew De Rossi wasn't going to leave Roma especially whilst he was in a custody battle. Martinez wanted to go to Bayern. It was then up to Mancini to pick alternatives and he picked Garcia. Look at this transfer window we couldn't get Cavani so Pelligrini got Negredo instead.
blue ranger said:
At the end of the day the so called ITKs on here nowadays know just as much as the rest of us - the truth of the matter is we all want Pellegrini to succeed. So far I'd suggest he's done a decent job but not spectacular. Reading one or two on here you'd think Mancini is the devil and pellers is the epitome of greatness. I hope it's the second one but will judge in the summer. However pellers team has had an extra £100m spent on it.

Erm... Didn't we also lose players around the combined value of £100m?

This thread is Bluemoon at its worst.
The usual one or two sad nobodies trying to boost their own self importance by giving us the inside track lol ! Going on like they're in the CIA special ops dept ffs. No actual names or places can be mentioned, classified information, identities must be kept secret etc etc, blah fuckin blah. Jesus Christ chaps listen to your fucking selves

Their "revelations" contain no actual facts, just water fountain tittle tattle portrayed as the truth.

Don't understand why any real City fans would spend so much time and effort on a forum trying to convince anonymous people that we're far better off without one of our greatest managers ever, a man who helped give us everything we'd dreamed of. Especially when all you've got is poor variations on the "he's lost the dressing room" nonsense

Time may prove that we are in fact better off with a manager in Pelle who (speaking factually here, CIA guys) has not been as successful in his career as Mancini at winning trophies. Maybe City is the perfect environment at the perfect time for Manuel to show that he is a truly outstanding manager capable of delivering success - we all obviously hope it is. Maybe he's just the next best thing to Pep, the man crucial to Barca's world dominance in the eyes of Soriano and Txiki and their blueprint for a similar future for us. We just don't know.

But there's no need to belittle Mancini's outstanding managerial ability which isn't in doubt to any fair minded people. Different opinions on what qualities make a great manager can be argued back and forth ad infinitum. Perhaps the best and only fair way to apportion greatness to a man is by counting his trophies. There'll always be anomalies - (off the top of my head, was Joe Fagan a better manager than say Wenger because he won the European Cup and Wenger didn't ? undoubtedly not) but usually trophies are a reliable guide.

Mancini will always be loved by City fans and the pathetic snidy comments of one or two delusional knobheads won't alter this.

And just as an afterthought, those in favour of the decision to dump Mancini place great stock in the opinion of Khaldoon. Now clearly a man in a position like Khal has exceptional talents or he wouldn't be there. That doesn't mean that he gets every decision right. With time, his decision to place the medium to long term future of City in the hands of Soriano and Txiki may prove to be misguided. It might not be as easy as trying to replicate exactly what they did at Barca in England. It might not be possible at all. Some argue that Barca's dominance was down to Messi's genius emerging to complement a once in a generation group of youth players who'd burst through. Maybe no matter how accurately they mirror the whole structure of Barca's commercial arm and youth development system etc, success or failure is down to the random chance of how good the cohort of players is at any one time. The stars aligned and it worked for Barca but that doesn't make it a foolproof success model. As my uncle used to say, there are many ways to fuck a pig.
Santiago Street . said:
The usual one or two sad nobodies trying to boost their own self importance by giving us the inside track lol ! Going on like they're in the CIA special ops dept ffs. No actual names or places can be mentioned, classified information, identities must be kept secret etc etc, blah fuckin blah. Jesus Christ chaps listen to your fucking selves

Their "revelations" contain no actual facts, just water fountain tittle tattle portrayed as the truth.

Don't understand why any real City fans would spend so much time and effort on a forum trying to convince anonymous people that we're far better off without one of our greatest managers ever, a man who helped give us everything we'd dreamed of. Especially when all you've got is poor variations on the "he's lost the dressing room" nonsense

Time may prove that we are in fact better off with a manager in Pelle who (speaking factually here, CIA guys) has not been as successful in his career as Mancini at winning trophies. Maybe City is the perfect environment at the perfect time for Manuel to show that he is a truly outstanding manager capable of delivering success - we all obviously hope it is. Maybe he's just the next best thing to Pep, the man crucial to Barca's world dominance in the eyes of Soriano and Txiki and their blueprint for a similar future for us. We just don't know.

But there's no need to belittle Mancini's outstanding managerial ability which isn't in doubt to any fair minded people. Different opinions on what qualities make a great manager can be argued back and forth ad infinitum. Perhaps the best and only fair way to apportion greatness to a man is by counting his trophies. There'll always be anomalies - (off the top of my head, was Joe Fagan a better manager than say Wenger because he won the European Cup and Wenger didn't ? undoubtedly not) but usually trophies are a reliable guide.

Mancini will always be loved by City fans and the pathetic snidy comments of one or two delusional knobheads won't alter this.

And just as an afterthought, those in favour of the decision to dump Mancini place great stock in the opinion of Khaldoon. Now clearly a man in a position like Khal has exceptional talents or he wouldn't be there. That doesn't mean that he gets every decision right. With time, his decision to place the medium to long term future of City in the hands of Soriano and Txiki may prove to be misguided. It might not be as easy as trying to replicate exactly what they did at Barca in England. It might not be possible at all. Some argue that Barca's dominance was down to Messi's genius emerging to complement a once in a generation group of youth players who'd burst through. Maybe no matter how accurately they mirror the whole structure of Barca's commercial arm and youth development system etc, success or failure is down to the random chance of how good the cohort of players is at any one time. The stars aligned and it worked for Barca but that doesn't make it a foolproof success model. As my uncle used to say, there are many ways to fuck a pig.

Great post Blue, and I totally agree on the CIA analogy. Internet forums are fertile ground for creepy fantasist gob shite's.
Santiago Street . said:
The usual one or two sad nobodies trying to boost their own self importance by giving us the inside track lol ! Going on like they're in the CIA special ops dept ffs. No actual names or places can be mentioned, classified information, identities must be kept secret etc etc, blah fuckin blah. Jesus Christ chaps listen to your fucking selves

Their "revelations" contain no actual facts, just water fountain tittle tattle portrayed as the truth.

Don't understand why any real City fans would spend so much time and effort on a forum trying to convince anonymous people that we're far better off without one of our greatest managers ever, a man who helped give us everything we'd dreamed of. Especially when all you've got is poor variations on the "he's lost the dressing room" nonsense

Time may prove that we are in fact better off with a manager in Pelle who (speaking factually here, CIA guys) has not been as successful in his career as Mancini at winning trophies. Maybe City is the perfect environment at the perfect time for Manuel to show that he is a truly outstanding manager capable of delivering success - we all obviously hope it is. Maybe he's just the next best thing to Pep, the man crucial to Barca's world dominance in the eyes of Soriano and Txiki and their blueprint for a similar future for us. We just don't know.

But there's no need to belittle Mancini's outstanding managerial ability which isn't in doubt to any fair minded people. Different opinions on what qualities make a great manager can be argued back and forth ad infinitum. Perhaps the best and only fair way to apportion greatness to a man is by counting his trophies. There'll always be anomalies - (off the top of my head, was Joe Fagan a better manager than say Wenger because he won the European Cup and Wenger didn't ? undoubtedly not) but usually trophies are a reliable guide.

Mancini will always be loved by City fans and the pathetic snidy comments of one or two delusional knobheads won't alter this.

And just as an afterthought, those in favour of the decision to dump Mancini place great stock in the opinion of Khaldoon. Now clearly a man in a position like Khal has exceptional talents or he wouldn't be there. That doesn't mean that he gets every decision right. With time, his decision to place the medium to long term future of City in the hands of Soriano and Txiki may prove to be misguided. It might not be as easy as trying to replicate exactly what they did at Barca in England. It might not be possible at all. Some argue that Barca's dominance was down to Messi's genius emerging to complement a once in a generation group of youth players who'd burst through. Maybe no matter how accurately they mirror the whole structure of Barca's commercial arm and youth development system etc, success or failure is down to the random chance of how good the cohort of players is at any one time. The stars aligned and it worked for Barca but that doesn't make it a foolproof success model. As my uncle used to say, there are many ways to fuck a pig.
Fantastic post.
First Mancini haters will be all over you ...then the animal rights activists will come looking for you... :P
He still loves us fans and our club and we love him too....Imagine you manage club and make them win a league/FA cup and then come 2 persons(Tikki & S) and try to impose themselves on will have to be saint to not get hurt...I think that's what happened, but he will always be our special one :)

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