mancini's patronising words

robo the blue said:
its about time he fucked off, the man is stealing money, he does not care what the fans think, cheeky bastard if you ask me

WOW this guy knows what he's talking about STOP fucking moaning you lot no doubt the guy who started this was stood on the stands while we had possession trying to get it to the wings was shouting "HOOF IT" or "EVERYBODY FORWARD" and people like that are the reason england haven't won a world cup in many years! What manager cares what the fan thinks I think any manager who gets intimidated and manipulated by a crowd would be a weak manager and yeh you might be frustrated but I bet he his ten times as frustrated after watching them train probably like barcelona or inter and then go and draw against the brum. GROW A PAIR and stop bitching like a woman.
Anyone with half a football brain could tell that we were starting to lose the impetus in the game as Birmingham started to control the midfield.

Mancini spotted this and brought on Barry which was a great substitution.

Hearing the boos only confirmed what a moronic number of supporters that we have.

However, it's one thing not agreeing with a substitution and its another to have the reaction that ensued like spoilt kids. Just who are these 'supporters' ? Just what do they think they are trying to achieve whilst the game is still on ?

Anyone would think that we've had 20 odd years of unbridled success and the fans expect us to steamroller every team.

Its clear that there are no pushovers in the premier league, the rags have struggled to beat Wolves at home, Arsenal have lost to Newcastle and West Ham at home. Its time that the fans got in the real world and concentrated on supporting the team.

On another day we would have beaten Brum and Mancini would have been a tactical genius. As for being boring the rags won the league by winning 14 games 1-0 I didn't hear the rags moaning.

How come every manager we appoint in the eyes of some is useless, clueless, liar, gutless etc statistically its must be ridiculous odds for every manager we have appointed to have no clue.

Look if you haven't got the mental ability to look beyond the scoreline then do us a favour and don't 'think' just support the team and leave it up to the manager to do what he's paid to do. That will give us the best platform to succeed.
I won't start a new thread because I'm sure what I'm going to say has been posted by someone since the game. Apologies to those that have.

Saturday was the first time since a chant of "Jose Mourinho" went up at home under our previous manager (have we just brushed that one under the carpet now?) that I have actually cringed at the benaviour of our fans.

I'm not going to insult anyone's intelligence by trying to say Saturday was anything other than poor, because it was v poor. However, when Mancini took Tevez off he was making a change which he thought would win the game. I wouldn't have done it, the majority in the ground wouldn't have done it, but there does actually seem to be some people out there who thought he was doing it to hold onto a point as "He's taken off a striker and replaced him with a defensive midfielder!". It's not that black and white though is it, and we looked threatening after he made the change, but people just don't want to see that.

Now, the fan reaction; I saw lads around me, many who I consider to be decent people normally, completely lose the plot when the change was made. It was strange, very strange. Such an outward show of hostility amongst a group of fans who have, and continue to moan like fuck about the the treatment they get in the media was astonishingly ill-conceived. If you don't want the club to be criticised, stop giving them additional stuff to write about.

We love a moan, and we've always moaned, but Saturday was just a bit embarrassing really.
The fans who bood were a disgrace & embarrassment & we'd be better off without them but Bobby's comments about fans wanting 3,4,5 strikers are insulting, big headed arrogant, crap.

Better managers than him have actually done just that & won in similar games but the fans weren't asking for 5 strikers anyway, they were asking for two & it's a disgrace that they didn't get it. Gareth Barry? Yeah right.
i'm expecting the fans i saw booing on the south stand to be getting their applications in for any premier league managerial job next time one comes available. oh wait, you know fuck all about football.
Gelsons Dad said:
At the fans forum he was berated for not playing enough attackers. On here he is berated for not playing enough attackers. At the game he was booed! Fucking booed by our own fans! for not playing enough attackers!

We made more chances after Tevez went off than in the 20 minutes before!

The manager is correct and the only way you could feel patronised by his comments is if you believe you are better than him.

His response was to all the fans who think you create more chances by playing more attackers. They are wrong and therefore for them this is not patronising, it's educating.

There is still an instinct of "put a big guy up front and lump it into the box" amongst some of our fans and they will never be satisfied with tactical play. They will be disappointed all the way to Wembley or if we're lucky Lansdowne road.

Thread titles like this and the "liar" and "coward" are proof positive that a section of our fans lack the so called "class" they claim to have compared to other teams fans and are in fact just rude, impatient, selfish and in some case just plain stupid.

If I offered anyone 6 points behind the leaders after 13 games at the start this season they would have to be fucking mad to say no. Or have absolutely no concept of what it takes to build a team.

Best thing I've read in the last 2 - 3 weeks - thanks!
Blue Mooner said:
Anyone with half a football brain could tell that we were starting to lose the impetus in the game as Birmingham started to control the midfield.

Mancini spotted this and brought on Barry which was a great substitution.

Hearing the boos only confirmed what a moronic number of supporters that we have.

However, it's one thing not agreeing with a substitution and its another to have the reaction that ensued like spoilt kids. Just who are these 'supporters' ? Just what do they think they are trying to achieve whilst the game is still on ?

Anyone would think that we've had 20 odd years of unbridled success and the fans expect us to steamroller every team.

Its clear that there are no pushovers in the premier league, the rags have struggled to beat Wolves at home, Arsenal have lost to Newcastle and West Ham at home. Its time that the fans got in the real world and concentrated on supporting the team.

On another day we would have beaten Brum and Mancini would have been a tactical genius. As for being boring the rags won the league by winning 14 games 1-0 I didn't hear the rags moaning.

How come every manager we appoint in the eyes of some is useless, clueless, liar, gutless etc statistically its must be ridiculous odds for every manager we have appointed to have no clue.

Look if you haven't got the mental ability to look beyond the scoreline then do us a favour and don't 'think' just support the team and leave it up to the manager to do what he's paid to do. That will give us the best platform to succeed.
There are some excellent posts on this thread, this one being another prime example. In any event, we played a good game and didn't lose 0-3 at home like another team I could mention. Our players let us down, end of story.
Mancini said:
We can play wide, get the ball into the box, then we can score

Yes, we CAN do that, but not with the lineup we fielded on Saturday.

4-5-1, with Tevez as the 1, means there's virtually no point getting the ball wide and then into the box. Tevez, for all his strengths, isn't going to win the ball from crosses against 6 foot plus centre halves, and our midfield seem to have been instructed not to support him when the ball does get wide (or at least it seemed so on Saturday). With the midfield we had it was obvious to all, including McLeish, that we were going to play through the middle and try and split the defence open that way. That's why McLeish played his midfield very narrow and tucked his fullbacks in, he put 8 men in the middle of the park and made it impossible to pass through them.

For 4-5-1 to work you either need a target man as the 1, or else you need a couple of midfielders to bomb into the box and support the striker when the ball gets wide, we had neither so tactically the formation was a failure. It took us too long to switch to 4-4-2 with Santa Cruz, and even then we didn't actually get at the fullbacks and try and cross the ball. The removal of Tevez for Barry was inexplicable, Platt/Mancini's explanation for this didn't seem to work for me, I don't see how removing 1 of our 2 strikers in order to get more balls in the box was ever going to work. Even if we manage to achieve the aim of getting more balls in the box, we've just removed our major goal threat so who are these balls aimed at?!
blueinsa said:
mammutly said:
And what was Yaya doing yesterday then?

For the vast majority of the game.....nothing! A couple and a mean, couple of runs forward and that's it. Im talking about a cohesive, attacking display mate and at present, it's disjointed at best and non-existent for the most part and our goals for speaks volumes. Bobby has to learn to trust his players more and take the shackles off so to speak. A back 4 would have sufficed yesterday leaving us with 6 players going forward, pushing on, applying pressure and offering good movement and quick passing. They should have been told to keep the tempo high and to work the ball, pulling the Brum players about, creating the space for players to run into. We didn't do that, we were pedestrian, obvious in our play and it was an easy day for the Brum defenders to be honest. Our back 4 yesterday are top quality international defenders. He had his first choice back 4 out and we had Englands number one in the nets. Trust them, especially against a team hell bent on a draw.

bang on

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