
Gabriel said:
Torres signs for Milan, so he isn't returning to Madrid.
Chelsea have confirmed that striker Fernando Torres has been bought on a permanent basis by AC Milan - but will join Atletico Madrid on loan from January.

Milan want to swap Torres for Atletico forward Alessio Cerci, who has agreed to the move after discussions on Friday night.
I personally can't see it happening, I don't see him any better than any of our forwards no matter what any of the lets slag Dzeko crew say, we also don't have the kind of money being spoken about to spend nor would it be logical to spend that amount on a player to fill a short term gap and can't play champs league football aswel as being 28 and only 6 months into a carrer at a new club, yes they will prob sign Torres but there is more chance of Oliver Torres scoring for them and he is out on loan.
I agree, can't see this happening. He's too similar to Dzeko, who just had his contract extended, and I doubt Atletico are looking to sell in January. I think he would be successful at City, but I'd be very surprised if we were willing to pay the fee being touted.
Ric said:
I agree, can't see this happening. He's too similar to Dzeko, who just had his contract extended, and I doubt Atletico are looking to sell in January. I think he would be successful at City, but I'd be very surprised if we were willing to pay the fee being touted.

I would swap him any day for Dzeko.Then again I think you already knew that ?? ;)
oakiecokie said:
Ric said:
I agree, can't see this happening. He's too similar to Dzeko, who just had his contract extended, and I doubt Atletico are looking to sell in January. I think he would be successful at City, but I'd be very surprised if we were willing to pay the fee being touted.

I would swap him any day for Dzeko.Then again I think you already knew that ?? ;)

It's only normal people get biased towards players abilities from their supported teams, like scums fans thinks Rooney still is a quality player. I love Dzeko for what he has done for this team, but mandzukik is the same type of player, only better. He performs more consistently, only gets more involved when the going gets tough, can play alone and actually act as a target man, scores more consistently, has a better touch and much more.
I would happily swap Dzeko for Mandzukik.
zlaz3r said:
oakiecokie said:
Ric said:
I agree, can't see this happening. He's too similar to Dzeko, who just had his contract extended, and I doubt Atletico are looking to sell in January. I think he would be successful at City, but I'd be very surprised if we were willing to pay the fee being touted.

I would swap him any day for Dzeko.Then again I think you already knew that ?? ;)

It's only normal people get biased towards players abilities from their supported teams, like scums fans thinks Rooney still is a quality player. I love Dzeko for what he has done for this team, but mandzukik is the same type of player, only better. He performs more consistently, only gets more involved when the going gets tough, can play alone and actually act as a target man, scores more consistently, has a better touch and much more.
I would happily swap Dzeko for Mandzukik.
Rooney is still a quality player. And a versatile one at that. Zukik is good, but the trade for him would be a poor decision on our part. Wrong time, wrong need.
LoveCity said:
BigOscar said:
Nothing against him, but I can barely see the point in one Dzeko, two just seems excessive. Same goes for De Bruyne and Sneijder, we seem to be being linked with people who we already have players capable of doing their job. You'd think we'd be more in for players we actually need instead

2 key differences:

Mandzukic will work harder for the team consistently. In Simeone's words, "Mandzukic brings character, committment and strength" and Simeone demands 100% or else will kill the player's family :). Dzeko's attitude has improved a lot but he still doesn't throw himself around enough, which can be frustrating.

Mandzukic has scored a goal every 3.18 shots this season compared to Dzeko's goal per 11.3 shots. Last season, it was 4.48 (Mandzukic) vs. 6.48 (Dzeko, in probably his best season ever) and those fine margins can be important. Every year Mandzukic does this, he isn't the most showy striker but is one of the best at actually putting the ball between the sticks and that clinical edge can decide a tense big game when a player has 1 chance to score.

He can also play as a lone striker very well (look at his performance vs. Arsenal a couple of years back) when Aguero gets crocked.

I feel the same way. Unfortunately I think it's the money issue that won't allow this to happen, even if Atletico were willing to sell.
pudge said:
Yeah, Dzeko scored 26 in 1 season for an inferior team [to Bayern]

With Grafite as a partner and Misimovic as 10. A more counter attacking system that was built for the three of them to function. You can score more at this midtable team if the attack is built for you and you are more a counterattacking team than in a system at big clubs. Podolski, Reus or Pizarro have scored huge in that years for the "smaller" clubs, too.

How much Mandzu scored for Bayern never was important. Actually - in both his season Müller scored more goals in all competitions than he did. But in difference to the time with Gomez with him as a striker we had 6 players in that seasons that scored more than 10 goals. And we scored in the big matches...

The striker has to match to the system. The Bayern system has more profilic goal scorers than just the striker. And Mandzu's tasks - even if he was not the biggest runner - was to keep the defender occupated with his high workrate.

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