
gio's side step

Well-Known Member
23 Jul 2010
Is it just me or can anyone else smell the shit around this whole new Bellamy/City shag fest?

I have made my thoughts clear on why I like Bellamy. And whils't I understand the criticism of him with regards to his comments off the field, I have also noted how I find it somewhat hypocritical that virtually no criticism has been made of Tevez who whilst stating particularly different things, still has in principle spoke out about Mancini and on more than one occassion stated his unhappiness with life in football, which certainly undermines his position as an employee of city. I didn't expect the 'my shit roll is blue' 'cant criticise a blue' army on here to respond to this.

However, whilst I like Bellamy, I am not buying this new love in between himself and the club. The positive comments he has made are in my opinion, not wholly genuine. Nor do I believe Cook's immediate comments posted on the website after Bellamy's press conference were wholly genuine. It doesn't require any intellectual discourse analysis to smell what has really happened here. As part of us 'helping' Bellamy out (wages), we have bought his silence. Bellamy has agreed to say some lovely things about us, and we have agreed to say some lovely things in return.

So what you might say? It's all good. It's all still positive. It's great PR by City. Perhaps so. I (a) just wanted to offer a different take, and (b) make this point when some muppets are posting threads about getting in touch with Ian Wright to note Bellamy doesn't have any beef with City. FFS.

'Gary Cook and Khladoon are great men' - love it Craig.
You're right, you're offering a different take, but it all comes down to this...

Is your glass half-empty or is it half-full?
can we not just be happy that bellamy said some nice things and now he is moving on?
You strike me as the kind of guy, who would read a fairytale ending with "and they all lived happily ever after." and have an uncontrollable urge to grab a pen and rewrite it into "until they died in horrible circumstances."

He's gone, he wishes us all the best, we wish him all the best.
Dhenry said:
You strike me as the kind of guy, who would read a fairytale ending with "and they all lived happily ever after." and have an uncontrollable urge to grab a pen and rewrite it into "until they died in horrible circumstances."

He's gone, he wishes us all the best, we wish him all the best.

You sound like the kind of guy who listens to the government tell us that there are WMD's in Iraq and that we should go to war based on this premise, and say, yeeehaaa, sounds perfectly acceptable and legitimate to me.
gio's side step said:
Dhenry said:
You strike me as the kind of guy, who would read a fairytale ending with "and they all lived happily ever after." and have an uncontrollable urge to grab a pen and rewrite it into "until they died in horrible circumstances."

He's gone, he wishes us all the best, we wish him all the best.

You sound like the kind of guy who listens to the government tell us that there are WMD's in Iraq and that we should go to war based on this premise, and say, yeeehaaa, sounds perfectly acceptable and legitimate to me.

Off topic is that way ------->
twinkletoes said:
Six months from now none of these things will mean anything.

Six months from now, neither will 90% of other shite topics on here, like Redknapp and young boys, Ian Wright quotes, Neville Southall quotes, Roni Irani quotes.

I just find it interesting how some people believe this shite. Literally

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