
SWP's back said:
simon23 said:
well that was my next sort of question/idea

will we be going with a diamond formation in midfield ala chelski?

Dont have any problem with this but when we need a plan B or C then you have to change formations sometimes and require different playes to do occasionally it may be 4-5-1 or 4-3-3 or even 4-4-2......

I want to see vaiation in style of play when needed and Ive not seen this from RM....yet!!!.

It will be interesting to see if he has left himself the ability to do so with the likes of bellamy and ireland (probably) leaving

Really?? I have never seen a City manager so happy to change formations and systems mid-game as much as Mancini. He rarely plays the same one for a full 90.

Have you been watching?

He certainly has been doing it in pre-season (sometime 3 or 4 times) and did it all last season. Including in his first game against Stoke.

-- Wed Aug 18, 2010 3:01 pm --

gio's side step said:
I've had 'you're a rag' more than those to date

That is because you both moan and slate City more than you appear to "support" them.

Just an observation and doesn't mean that you are not supporters. Just moany, depressing ones that hold some players (Ireland for DD and Bellamy for GST) in higher regard than the club (which will obviously annoy some other supporters hence the negative comments).

But it doesn't change the way either of you post so it will continue, whether right or fair. You are both big boys though so I wouldn't let it bother you for fucks sake ;)

What is absolutely hilariously ridiculous on your part, is how you determine or categorise 'support'. You seem to insinuate that 'support' or level of 'support' is measured by how 'you' determine something to be positive or negative on a messageboard forum. Apologies if this appears a little patronising but do you realise their are some people on here who have supported City for 4-5 years, some who don't go to a single game, some who haven't done for many years, and all they do is utter tripe about 'City are ace', 'let's wipe the arse of the owners', 'you ungrateful people should say thanks, not ask a question about Mancini'. Do you know how that comes across when you've been watching City for over 23 years, some much longer, home and away, stood protesting.

Now I am making your mistake, by creating my own category of how I determine someone's level of support. I see you said you arent suggesting we arent supporters. But your perception about our apparant lack of support replaced by some form of moaning is not appreciated. In the same way, my perceived pessimism isnt appreciated by some. I don't expect certain people to see if for what it is. Honesty. That's because those people create their entire existence and allegiance based on self deception. That's fine with me. I'll just debate things my own way.

I certainly don't hold any player in higher esteem than the club. But remember this. We are more Manchester City football club than Mancini, Bellamy and Ireland. And we have a right as fans, yes to utter tripe like 'Jo is quality' etc (hilarious) but also, pose critical questions of issues city related when we deem fit. I don't respond to everything I read on here. I don't waste my time with half of it. So offer me the same courtesy if you don't appreciate a post which only intended to highlight some shitty form of PR which was a. predictable on Cook's part, and b. not even noticed by some people who seem overly obsessed with reading ambiguous propoganda in the sun newspaper
gio's side step said:
What is absolutely hilariously ridiculous on your part, is how you determine or categorise 'support'. You seem to insinuate that 'support' or level of 'support' is measured by how 'you' determine something to be positive or negative on a messageboard forum. Apologies if this appears a little patronising but do you realise their are some people on here who have supported City for 4-5 years, some who don't go to a single game, some who haven't done for many years, and all they do is utter tripe about 'City are ace', 'let's wipe the arse of the owners', 'you ungrateful people should say thanks, not ask a question about Mancini'. Do you know how that comes across when you've been watching City for over 23 years, some much longer, home and away, stood protesting.

Now I am making your mistake, by creating my own category of how I determine someone's level of support. I see you said you arent suggesting we arent supporters. But your perception about our apparant lack of support replaced by some form of moaning is not appreciated. In the same way, my perceived pessimism isnt appreciated by some. I don't expect certain people to see if for what it is. Honesty. That's because those people create their entire existence and allegiance based on self deception. That's fine with me. I'll just debate things my own way.

I certainly don't hold any player in higher esteem than the club. But remember this. We are more Manchester City football club than Mancini, Bellamy and Ireland. And we have a right as fans, yes to utter tripe like 'Jo is quality' etc (hilarious) but also, pose critical questions of issues city related when we deem fit. I don't respond to everything I read on here. I don't waste my time with half of it. So offer me the same courtesy if you don't appreciate a post which only intended to highlight some shitty form of PR which was a. predictable on Cook's part, and b. not even noticed by some people who seem overly obsessed with reading ambiguous propoganda in the sun newspaper

My god it was like running through setting concrete reading that. Think I need a nap. I'm sure you could have got the same point across in less than ten words. Less is more sometimes, you know! :)
SWP's back said:
That is because you both moan and slate City more than you appear to "support" them.

I'll support City by turning out for the matches and shouting them on just like I've always done. I don't "slate" City when I watch them and never will.

It stuns me that some people cannot see that "support" is not done on a fucking forum.

Discussion and debate is.

Why can't people like you get that in your heads?

To be fair, the people I respect usually can.
You can read into it however you wish....

It may be a case of Bellamy saying nice things because we're paying his wages still, or he may be truly sincere. Whatever the reasons it's just good that his interview didn't add any more fuel to the let's just move on because either way it's not that important !
I think it was a stroke of genius the way Cook and Khaldoon handled the issue with Bellamy, clearly Bellamy had burned all his bridges in the club, the only thing left was to get bellamy out with as little damage to the club as possible. The way to do that was to find a way to keep Bellamy happy, that was achieved by shipping him of to Cardiff whilst paying his salary. Imagine the shitstorm Bellamy could have caused if no deal would had been struck? the media would have loved an angry Bellamy hurling abuse at the club for the rest of the season. So for me its well done Cook and Khaldoon.
Rammy Blue said:
gio's side step said:
I've had 'you're a rag' more than those to date

To be fair fella, I have you down as a rag, a relatively intelligent one mind.

You have posted nothing but negativity in your short time on here.

Don't give a fuck if I'm wrong either, rag in my book.

This, never seen this guy post anything positive yet just a shit stirrer.
Didsbury Dave said:
SWP's back said:
That is because you both moan and slate City more than you appear to "support" them.

I'll support City by turning out for the matches and shouting them on just like I've always done. I don't "slate" City when I watch them and never will.

It stuns me that some people cannot see that "support" is not done on a fucking forum.

Discussion and debate is.

Why can't people like you get that in your heads?

To be fair, the people I respect usually can.
Oh nasty barb on the end there Dave. Did I question your support at the match? No. One can only go off what one reads here, hence moany and depressing with an infatuation on Ireland.

To be honest, whilst it's nice to get on, your respect is not high on my agenda. Like most in here.
Our housemaid, Miss Juanita D'Illegals, manipulates me on a regular basis for a few extra notes in her weekly packet. I find it refreshing plus it leaves Mrs Lazarus more free time.
Jose the gardener tried to get in on the manipulation scene last week, but I gave him short shrift. Cold hairy hands and smells of cats.
scottyboi said:
Rammy Blue said:
To be fair fella, I have you down as a rag, a relatively intelligent one mind.

You have posted nothing but negativity in your short time on here.

Don't give a fuck if I'm wrong either, rag in my book.

This, never seen this guy post anything positive yet just a shit stirrer.

Come off the toilet mate. What a beautiful conclusion you have reached when you clearly havent read every single post I have made. I have stated why I think we can win the league and why how our squad is better than Utd. Is that a positive in your opinion sir? I don't intend to stir shit, it ends up becoming that way as a result of so much drivel spouted out by the sheep on here

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