March for the Alternative-26th March

Ducado said:
law74 said:
Depending on where you work, and what you work at, you might have to, though if the interest rates start climbing as predicted by many of the economists out there, even that may not be an option for long.

Can you name the economists? Would these be the same ones who did not predict that the casino economics of Labour would not end in tears? I don't have my crystal ball on me but raising rates would serve no purpose at this moment, rather than taming inflation they would make it worse, as most of the inflation is coming from Oil and food prices which we have no control over.

I accept that we are in difficult times but if we take Canada for example that cut far more severe than we have, they came out the other side and are doing OK now, things will work out in the long run.

This is right. All these nay-sayers on here saying that British society will cease to function as a result of these cuts are deluded.

There will be a few years of pain (sadly more for some than others) and then we'll come through the other side intact and good to go.
stonerblue said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Thats why I go private since I was 22 and could afford to. No fucker supports me and I aint supporting no fucker either.

did you go 'private' when you were whining to the police the other day?

Good point. BB2 does idiots a disservice.

And look, here comes another one...

KpxSte said:
law74 said:
Have you read the thread?
Did you listen to any of the interviews with the leading speakers yesterday?
Did you watch any of the coverage of the rally or the march?

if you had done ANY of the above, you would realise that there is a BETTER FAIRER WAY.
Rather than saqcrificing large swathes of the nation, rather than sacrificing a generation of our young people to a lifetime on benefits, rather than smashing all aspects of the public services that we ALL rely on to one degree or another, thealternative is for a fairer method of collecting taxation, make those that evade - avoid tax by dubious (maybe legal but certainly not moral) means pay their share to for the good of the nation.

New labour certainly made mistakes under both B.liar and Mr Broon, that cannot be denied, but this COALITION government will destroy the nation with their proposed cuts, that is why up to 500,000 people took to the streets to protest peacefully, sadly a small group with their own agenda broke away and caused trouble, but the government and especially the junior party in the coalition would be well advised to listen to the people, therwise more and more disenfranchised members of the electorate will decide that direct action (like UK UNCUT have been carrying out) is the only way to make a difference.

There are voices at the minute for a concerted campaign of industrial action, these voices will only get louder if cameron and clegg refuse to listen.

May 5th will be a very interesting day, and its aftermath will be resounding round the corridors of power for quite a while I fel.

I said Credible!

"Sacraficing the nation" -by reducing public spending to the levels of 2008???

500000 is a high estimate and the fact is the majority of "normal" people in this country realise that the cuts need to be made. If the unions want a return to the 70's, they will be very disapointed.

Bullshit. You've asked all the "normal" people in the country have you to qualify your "fact"? I reckon I speak to more people than you do given that I'm knocking on people's doors most day, because I'm committed to getting shut of the Tories/Lid Dems and guess what? Most people do not think this at all. Not any more. Not since Christmas as the cuts have bitten deeper. And not since New Year when VAT was upped.

I was there yesterday; I don't suppose you were? There were so many people there they couldn't accurately be counted. We were being counted in 50,000s and 100,000s. That's a hell of a lot by anyone's standards. Except yours... probably, with an agenda that only BB2 and a handful of others on here would recognise. Of that, there were about 500 anarchists/Black Bloc; sorry to disappoint you but the rest as far I could ascertain were "normal" people.

And as for your comment that "if the unions want a return to the 70's, they will be very disappointed" you're clearly not a trade unionist if you actually think this. In fact, the unions don't want strikes at all, assuming this is what you are referring to. Far from it. Most unions and members want the right to work, not the threat of strike action, even if the far left are agitating for a general strike.

-- Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:15 pm --

gordondaviesmoustache said:
Ducado said:
Can you name the economists? Would these be the same ones who did not predict that the casino economics of Labour would not end in tears? I don't have my crystal ball on me but raising rates would serve no purpose at this moment, rather than taming inflation they would make it worse, as most of the inflation is coming from Oil and food prices which we have no control over.

I accept that we are in difficult times but if we take Canada for example that cut far more severe than we have, they came out the other side and are doing OK now, things will work out in the long run.

This is right. All these nay-sayers on here saying that British society will cease to function as a result of these cuts are deluded.

There will be a few years of pain (sadly more for some than others) and then we'll come through the other side intact and good to go.

You're the deluded one if you really think this. Just out of interest, given that you patently won't be experiencing any of the pain you are so sad to see inflicted on many others, what do you actually do for a living? When you're not on your high horse, of course.
Where are these doors you are knocking? You do realise greater Manchester is not very representative of the nation, politics wise.
Edit: I do find it funny that you call everyone deluded that does not agree with you.

I also haven't come across a single real human that's against the cuts but maybe I see the wrong people.
BTH said:
stonerblue said:
did you go 'private' when you were whining to the police the other day?

Good point. BB2 does idiots a disservice.

And look, here comes another one...

KpxSte said:
I said Credible!

"Sacraficing the nation" -by reducing public spending to the levels of 2008???

500000 is a high estimate and the fact is the majority of "normal" people in this country realise that the cuts need to be made. If the unions want a return to the 70's, they will be very disapointed.

Bullshit. You've asked all the "normal" people in the country have you to qualify your "fact"? I reckon I speak to more people than you do given that I'm knocking on people's doors most day, because I'm committed to getting shut of the Tories/Lid Dems and guess what? Most people do not think this at all. Not any more. Not since Christmas as the cuts have bitten deeper. And not since New Year when VAT was upped.

I was there yesterday; I don't suppose you were? There were so many people there they couldn't accurately be counted. We were being counted in 50,000s and 100,000s. That's a hell of a lot by anyone's standards. Except yours... probably, with an agenda that only BB2 and a handful of others on here would recognise. Of that, there were about 500 anarchists/Black Bloc; sorry to disappoint you but the rest as far I could ascertain were "normal" people.

And as for your comment that "if the unions want a return to the 70's, they will be very disappointed" you're clearly not a trade unionist if you actually think this. In fact, the unions don't want strikes at all, assuming this is what you are referring to. Far from it. Most unions and members want the right to work, not the threat of strike action, even if the far left are agitating for a general strike.

So you want to get rid of the Tories/Lib Dems. Whose your alternative, if you say Labour and Milliband then that is just as bad? but a vote of no confidence and re election would truly fuck this country up. Another election would just produce a hung goverment and nothing getting done as the Tories and Labour benches have a my dick is bigger than yours argument for 2 months before we collapse economiclly and the big business leave us to go to a triple A rated Country leaving us more fucked
BoyBlue_1985 said:
BTH said:
Good point. BB2 does idiots a disservice.

And look, here comes another one...

Bullshit. You've asked all the "normal" people in the country have you to qualify your "fact"? I reckon I speak to more people than you do given that I'm knocking on people's doors most day, because I'm committed to getting shut of the Tories/Lid Dems and guess what? Most people do not think this at all. Not any more. Not since Christmas as the cuts have bitten deeper. And not since New Year when VAT was upped.

I was there yesterday; I don't suppose you were? There were so many people there they couldn't accurately be counted. We were being counted in 50,000s and 100,000s. That's a hell of a lot by anyone's standards. Except yours... probably, with an agenda that only BB2 and a handful of others on here would recognise. Of that, there were about 500 anarchists/Black Bloc; sorry to disappoint you but the rest as far I could ascertain were "normal" people.

And as for your comment that "if the unions want a return to the 70's, they will be very disappointed" you're clearly not a trade unionist if you actually think this. In fact, the unions don't want strikes at all, assuming this is what you are referring to. Far from it. Most unions and members want the right to work, not the threat of strike action, even if the far left are agitating for a general strike.

So you want to get rid of the Tories/Lib Dems. Whose your alternative, if you say Labour and Milliband then that is just as bad? but a vote of no confidence and re election would truly fuck this country up. Another election would just produce a hung goverment and nothing getting done as the Tories and Labour benches have a my dick is bigger than yours argument for 2 months before we collapse economiclly and the big business leave us to go to a triple A rated Country leaving us more fucked
On the money but these unionists can't see further than the end of their own self interest.
SWP's back said:
Where are these doors you are knocking? You do realise greater Manchester is not very representative of the nation, politics wise.

It doesn't matter to you. You're not knocking on anyone's doors anywhere, are you? Nor are any of your friends and yet you all seem to know what the nation's thinking with your bogus "facts".

And while I take your point, that Greater Manchester is not very representative of the nation, politics-wise, it would be hard to find any one area that is. However, I am just relaying my own personal experience gained ay first hand which is a whole lot more reliable than any of the phoney baloney that you and your like-minded Tory apologists insist on presenting as "fact".
Knocking on doors and asking peoples opinions is one of the most unreliable way of gauging the public mood, it was the mistake Labour made in 1992, people will tell you what you want to hear! Perhaps it's just the British politeness.

Fact is the majority of people will not notice any difference, because the majority of people don't use most of the services offered by Local and Central Government, bins emptied streets swept,Roads fixed that's about it, they may not use them but they know they pay through the nose for them.

There is one reason this has been done fast, and that is to get all the protests over and done with, by the time of the next election people will not remember (or care) as long as the economy has picked up, unfortunate but true I am afraid
SWP's back said:
Where are these doors you are knocking? You do realise greater Manchester is not very representative of the nation, politics wise.
Edit: I do find it funny that you call everyone deluded that does not agree with you.

I also haven't come across a single real human that's against the cuts but maybe I see the wrong people.

I don't expect everyone to agree with me, but you are seriously deluded if you expect anyone to believe this. Where do you live because I simply do not believe this statement.<br /><br />-- Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:30 pm --<br /><br />
Ducado said:
Knocking on doors and asking peoples opinions is one of the most unreliable way of gauging the public mood, it was the mistake Labour made in 1992, people will tell you what you want to hear! Perhaps it's just the British politeness.

Fact is the majority of people will not notice any difference, because the majority of people don't use most of the services offered by Local and Central Government, bins emptied streets swept,Roads fixed that's about it, they may not use them but they know they pay through the nose for them.

There is one reason this has been done fast, and that is to get all the protests over and done with, by the time of the next election people will not remember (or care) as long as the economy has picked up, unfortunate but true I am afraid

Oh, oh, here comes another fookin' expert. Of course you're right and every major political party since time immemorial that has knocked on doors have all been wrong.
BTH said:
SWP's back said:
Where are these doors you are knocking? You do realise greater Manchester is not very representative of the nation, politics wise.
Edit: I do find it funny that you call everyone deluded that does not agree with you.

I also haven't come across a single real human that's against the cuts but maybe I see the wrong people.

I don't expect everyone to agree with me, but you are seriously deluded if you expect anyone to believe this. Where do you live because I simply do not believe this statement.

-- Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:30 pm --

Ducado said:
Knocking on doors and asking peoples opinions is one of the most unreliable way of gauging the public mood, it was the mistake Labour made in 1992, people will tell you what you want to hear! Perhaps it's just the British politeness.

Fact is the majority of people will not notice any difference, because the majority of people don't use most of the services offered by Local and Central Government, bins emptied streets swept,Roads fixed that's about it, they may not use them but they know they pay through the nose for them.

There is one reason this has been done fast, and that is to get all the protests over and done with, by the time of the next election people will not remember (or care) as long as the economy has picked up, unfortunate but true I am afraid

Oh, oh, here comes another fookin' expert. Of course you're right and every major political party since time immemorial that has knocked on doors have all been wrong.

It's not far from the truth , i've knocked on doors at Election's.
Ducado said:
Knocking on doors and asking peoples opinions is one of the most unreliable way of gauging the public mood, it was the mistake Labour made in 1992, people will tell you what you want to hear! Perhaps it's just the British politeness.

Fact is the majority of people will not notice any difference, because the majority of people don't use most of the services offered by Local and Central Government, bins emptied streets swept,Roads fixed that's about it, they may not use them but they know they pay through the nose for them.

There is one reason this has been done fast, and that is to get all the protests over and done with, by the time of the next election people will not remember (or care) as long as the economy has picked up, unfortunate but true I am afraid

Bang on Ducado

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