March for the Alternative-26th March

Ducado, you speak of only thing people will see are changes in bin collection, pot hole fixing- can you tell me how many of the people that do these jobs are council employees?
Answer is none whatsover. These services and the maintenance of council buildings and social housing- which was sold off the private sector- were outsourced to PRIVATE SECTOR employers, so the knock on is PRIVATE SECTOR employees losing there jobs as contracts are renegotiated. Some of you lot beggar belief when you think the cuts won't hit both public and private.
Just woke up, pain is setting in as the adrenaline has worn off. Still quality. SWP's back, you won't get an apology as I've read a through pages and you did the usual "come on the police". Here's one for you though which you'll love. Trafalgar Sqr, a peaceful rave however one guy out of hundreds needs arresting. What do they do? Storm in with the batons, batoning everyone! I could imagine how happy you would have been. Only thing is they didn't wait for the riot gear, you can work that one out.

Now I need some munch.
Blue Smarties said:
Just woke up, pain is setting in as the adrenaline has worn off. Still quality. SWP's back, you won't get an apology as I've read a through pages and you did the usual "come on the police". Here's one for you though which you'll love. Trafalgar Sqr, a peaceful rave however one guy out of hundreds needs arresting. What do they do? Storm in with the batons, batoning everyone! I could imagine how happy you would have been. Only thing is they didn't wait for the riot gear, you can work that one out.

Now I need some munch.
Who was the naughty boy who tried to put a sticker on the Olympic clock? Outrageous.
aphex said:
i can't believe - after all this time - people are giving the views of bb2.0 any credence.

Watch it mate, I know when I'm out of my depth and I'm not messing with this guy no more.
He's privvy to the best legal team in the world, has his own medical team, his own private army and has his arse insured.

And there's me thinking he was some cold-calling office boy with piss-shoes. How wrong I was.
tueartsboots said:
Ducado, you speak of only thing people will see are changes in bin collection, pot hole fixing- can you tell me how many of the people that do these jobs are council employees?
Answer is none whatsover. These services and the maintenance of council buildings and social housing- which was sold off the private sector- were outsourced to PRIVATE SECTOR employers, so the knock on is PRIVATE SECTOR employees losing there jobs as contracts are renegotiated. Some of you lot beggar belief when you think the cuts won't hit both public and private.

Hmmm The services still have to be provided, you can't own a building and not maintain it, Councils still have a legal duty to collect rubbish, what you are really saying is that these services could be done more efficiently, but at the moment they are not being done so.

I am under no illusion that there will be knock on effects in the private sector, but that just shows how unhealthy the economy has become, prior to 1997 when public sector spending was quite low (in comparison) how did companies survive?

I also understand about the upset of many people, but in the end if they do it fast or slow the results will be the same, it's something we have to go through, what I would suggest is that you and others don't see this in quite so apocalyptic terms, the world is not going to collapse and neither is the country, and you and many others will survive, perhaps battered and bruised but you will survive nonetheless, and who knows it might be a good thing for you
really sorry I didn't make the march due to ilness .

Pleased to see it was superbly well attended

I'll put in an extra canvassing shift to make up
Just had some munch let me remember the good time I had. First of all, whose passion and anger do you believe? Milliband's on his staged speech or those smashing up the tax dodgers?

Anyway. Quality day. I'll try and find some videos later of when the police started to get to Trafalgar Sqr, over fifty (50) riot vans came whizzing down and a number of full coaches. I don't know the road but in the background you can see Big Ben, a large group of riot police (200 ish) came running up from there too. Was great when everyone started to do that Star Wars tune (the do do do do one? idk), storm trooping twats. I played a good game of hopskotch (is that what it's called?), thank you to the girl who drew me out a game. I am amazing at that game. Shame my new best friend didn't want to play, he would have looked fetching in his shiny green jacket hopping along. He wouldn't even dance with me. I don't think he liked me. It wasn't very nice when he started battoning people. Least it was short lived though, believe he kopped a bottle to the face. If we're still friends I hope he's alright, if not then oh well.

I don't think I'll sleep tonight. Has anyone else been told off by teartsboots? I have.
gordondaviesmoustache said:

This is right. All these nay-sayers on here saying that British society will cease to function as a result of these cuts are deluded.

There will be a few years of pain (sadly more for some than others) and then we'll come through the other side intact and good to go.[/quote]

A generation that left education under thatcher are still waiting for a job, a new generation are about toface the same future.
I find this offensive, I have stated the alternative to the cuts, either agree with me or not, but do not say in 5, 10, 15 or 20 years time that something should be done.

there is a better way.
There is a fairer way.
From each by their means.
To each by their needs.

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