Marina (from the GU) lays into our Garry

Under my list of "Things I don't care about" there's an entry entitled:-

Female journalists opinions on anything or anyone football related.

Seriously, shouldn't she be making comments about Posh Spice's new shoes or something more within her remit of understanding?
Blue4ever85 said:
I honestly cannot even read that shit.

Looks like she wrote a normal article, then got the fucking thesaurus out and tried swapping every single word for a 'bigger' one.

Stupid cow.

he he thats how i seen it.
Matty said:
Under my list of "Things I don't care about" there's an entry entitled:-

Female journalists opinions on anything or anyone football related.

Seriously, shouldn't she be making comments about Posh Spice's new shoes or something more within her remit of understanding?

Epic post mate.
Another crap MARINA

Matty said:
Under my list of "Things I don't care about" there's an entry entitled:-

Female journalists opinions on anything or anyone football related.

Seriously, shouldn't she be making comments about Posh Spice's new shoes or something more within her remit of understanding?

As a huge generalisation, I tend to agree. There seems to be 'token' female footbll journalists in many teams and I often find myself wondering whether their knowledge is up to scratch, based on what some come out with.

However, I don't think this is the case here and I'd also say that the vast majority of football fans tlk biased, uninformed, cliched shite, so it just fits the general pattern.

In fact, most of the further comments agreeing with you on this thread will probably be of that nature.
MDLVKM3 said:
But she has no agenda. She tears everyone up. Thats what satirists do.

UNlike the daily mail she has no favourites.

Her satire on Beckham has been worth the guardian subscription for the last few years.

i had the mistaken impression that satire was supposed to be funny. she seems to have a favorite in Silvio Berlusconi, btw.
well that got interesting. Ms. Marina wrote me back:

zbh said:
you seem to have missed not only the point, but the continent that the point is located on.

obviously you didn't 'tacitly endorse' Berlusconi. but you clearly said that by declining to endorse Gantt, Michael Jordan was unprincipled. i doubt you're aware of this, but it is not common practice in the US for athletes to endorse candidates. strangely, you seem shocked that Cook (who is no saint himself, on that i'd agree) dares pretend to take the moral high ground against.... Silvio How-much-is-that-jury-in-the-window Berlusconi?

perhaps you can, instead of dodging the issue, explain how is your giving Berlusconi a free pass from *your* public platform is any less reprehensible than Mr. Jordan's failure to endorse a candidate (according to *your* logic).

more details, as if you'd pay attention:

Marina said:
this is quite the stupidest email I have received today. your logic is so
flawed a child of nine could see I didn't "tactily endorse" berlusconi -

you seem to have missed my logic entirely. yet strangely you see fit to comment on the "stupidity" of it. but hey, straw men make easy targets, don't they. clearly my email was stupider than the threats of violence you allegedly received, whereas *this* email from *you* shines like a beacon of intelligence and logic.

Marina said:
and nor did Michael Jordan tactitly endorse Jesse Helms. as for the Hitler
reference, words fail me....

*your* words:

Marina said:
It was Nike whence he came, of course, where he was in charge of Michael Jordan's brand, another chap – how to put this? – who has never allowed himself to be held back by the dead weight of principle. When the segregationist Republican senator Jesse Helms ran against a black Democrat in his home state of North Carolina, Jordan famously declined to take sides on the basis that "Republicans buy sneakers too".

clearly, according to you, Mr. Jordan is unprincipled for not endorsing a candidate. incidentally, i lived in North Carolina at the time, and voted for Gantt.

the Hitler reference was hyperbole. apparently you're the only one allowed to use it.

Marina said:
word of advice:your email is so aggressively patronisin, and indeed plain
aggressive, that it is guilty of precisely what you accuse me of, which
unfortunately means that you lost me at hello. harder than it looks, isn't
it? it is an OPINION COLUMN. if you don't agree, fine - but it is a
perfectly valid opinion.

as for losing you at hello, it obviously wasn't intended as a charm campaign. congrats for figuring that one out. feel free to explain why i should heed your unsolicited advice.

as for my email, *i*didn't get paid for it, so i fail to see where i should be held to professional standards. it was, however, up to *your* standards.

if you don't agree with it, fine, but surely you can't deny that it's a perfectly valid opinion.
Zeus, fair enough taking issue with the point about Jordan, it's a bit crass, but the thrust of the article is about Cook's less than diginified behaviour following the collapse of the deal and his attempts to break the world spin record.

I'm not sure whether a daft point, and it is daft, about Michael Jordan, takes away from the thrust of it.

And Berlusconi, whilst an unpleasant man and not someone to be given any credit, has not been the one coming out in public attempting to degrade City and paint them as fools. So why expect any sort of comment about him. The only thing he has been guilty of in this case is dithering and painting the outcome as a Milan victory (something every club would do). Compared to Cook's barrage of insults and degrading comments about Milan and kaka's men it's not even noteworthy
"Aren't satirists supposed to be funny" Yes but not so much when its about you.

She isn't a sports journalist. More of a charlie brooker type trying to look at the interesting things of the week in a light hearted way. This deal was big news. We all have an opinion on it. Hyde has no favourites, she is just paid to comment and attempt to be funny (you don't have to like it). It's like the simpsons - they make jokes about everyone equally: christians, muslims, cultural stereotypes, men, women, young, old, rich, poor.

Give me an attempt (again whether flawed or not) to be interesting over safe, dull, mindless repetition that we have in football. Football comment these days are like platitudes - I have to mute shearer when he offers an opinion.

For e.g.
"no easy games in the premiership"
Yes there are - Derby.

"He'll have them well organised"
No he wont, titus bramble will undermine every tactic

"Sir Alex is the master of mind games"
No he has developed an expensive squad

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