Mario Balotelli - genuine question

Re: Mario haters genuine question?

I would guess that this thread is aimed at me (amongst others). Well; if you like, you can go back to the main Mario thread and you will see where I stated that Mario has the potential to be one of the world's great players. I don't think anyone would seriously question that. What he is capable of doing is a joy to behold, and at 19 years of age (I think!) As for hating him, well that's just ridiculous. What I do hate, and I make no apologies for it, is his petulant, spoiled-child attitude. Witness his strop when he was subbed yesterday afternoon. It was a sign of disrespect to the manager (who he is supposed to have a good relationship with). Now, whatever he thought about being subbed (and it appears he wasn't overly impressed with it), the manager is the guy in charge and he has to be allowed to do his job without public spats with his players. That is the reason why I hated what Tevez did during the Bolton game. Now Mario had just received a hefty blow to the head and it may (repeat, may) have been the medical advice that it would be safer to withdraw him rather than risk him possibly getting another blow later on. Mario had also picked up a silly yellow card, and perhaps RM thought it safer to withdraw him rather than risk him getting a red card in what was, at that stage, a more or less dead match. And Mancini is supposed to know Mario very well. Now this is supposition on my part as I wasn't there and can subsequently only guess at the reasons behind the substitution. As for your original question; if the lad can learn to control himself a bit better, of course i wouldn't like to see him sold to anybody, rivals or overseas. We all remember the days of Fat Bob Taylor, Lee Bradbury, Gerry Creaney etc etc. and it is fantastic to see players of Mario's skill at our club. I hope this clears things up.
Re: Mario haters genuine question?

Mario is a class player, he is also I massive cock and needs to sort himself out.

However, am I glad he is a city player, yes!

The only player I would have issue's playing for us is Ronaldo, if he joined I would seriously consider not watching a match till he left.
Re: Mario haters genuine question?

didactic said:
So everyone moaning about Mario, his attitude he doesnt cut it. He is not good enough, he is a liability blah blah. Would you mind if "the scum"signed him during the summer window? Since he is so shit of course? Or Chelsea maybe? What about the dippers, either one?

I doubt if any other english club would take a chance on Balotelli , he hardly projects the right signals , or even appears to put an 'unquestionable' effort into the game here ...... but only time will tell whther he makes a real impression here ... the first problem for him is that he has to play in enough games!!

But it's my guess that he won't be here that long ......
Re: Mario haters genuine question?

didactic said:
So everyone moaning about Mario, his attitude he doesnt cut it. He is not good enough, he is a liability blah blah. Would you mind if "the scum"signed him during the summer window? Since he is so shit of course? Or Chelsea maybe? What about the dippers, either one?

crap title crap post.
nobody "hates" him, everybody i know wants him to grow the fuck up but really want him at our club.

senseless drivel.
Re: Mario haters genuine question?

class player with a shit work rate.Dont hate the kid, but he gave nothing yesterday. Not doing himself any favours the way he played yesterday,piss poor. I thought Nimely should of been given game time yesterday instead of Jo.
We did look solid when Ballo . went off though !!!
Re: Mario haters genuine question?

black mamba said:
I doubt if any other english club would take a chance on Balotelli , he hardly projects the right signals , or even appears to put an 'unquestionable' effort into the game here ...... but only time will tell whther he makes a real impression here ... the first problem for him is that he has to play in enough games!!

But it's my guess that he won't be here that long ......

I hope he stays and proves himself. Robinho is now lighting up Seria A and we are left with a what if feeling.
Re: Mario haters genuine question?

yeah i fucking hate it when city players gesture to the manager and throw a strop when subbed..we should get rid of tevez immediately. ;)
Re: Mario haters genuine question?

Putting shit posts on here about him isnt helping things. We all know he's a hot head , so what , I like to see his passion. Let him get on with it. He's got plenty of people waiting to jump on any mistake, he doesnt need his 'supporters' doing the same
Re: Mario haters genuine question?

turts said:
Putting shit posts on here about him isnt helping things. We all know he's a hot head , so what , I like to see his passion. Let him get on with it. He's got plenty of people waiting to jump on any mistake, he doesnt need his 'supporters' doing the same

Would Balotelli be the same player if he wasnt a hot head ??. I doubt it.. some great players are great because of who they are and what they are..

Imagine paul gascoine with linekers mentality..wouldnt be the same player.

I hope one day we all embrace Balo for what he is...

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