Mario Balotelli - genuine question

Re: Mario haters genuine question?

Totnes Blue said:
samharris said:
Would Balotelli be the same player if he wasnt a hot head ??. I doubt it.. some great players are great because of who they are and what they are..

Imagine paul gascoine with linekers mentality..wouldnt be the same player.

I hope one day we all embrace Balo for what he is...

Complete Bollocks.

prove it sherlock.
Re: Mario haters genuine question?

Addam iz pro said:
de niro said:
the only person to push him out will be mario himself, the bottom line is his career at city be it a great one or poor is entirely down to him.
Not necessarily. He left Inter because the fans forced him out. They determined his fate there, not him. I just dont want the same thing to happen here.

So why did he just blank the fans yesterday? That was his choice.
Re: Mario haters genuine question?

Corky said:
Addam iz pro said:
Not necessarily. He left Inter because the fans forced him out. They determined his fate there, not him. I just dont want the same thing to happen here.

So why did he just blank the fans yesterday? That was his choice.

Could be the fact that 2 minutes before he was spark out ??
Re: Mario haters genuine question?

samharris said:
Corky said:
So why did he just blank the fans yesterday? That was his choice.

Could be the fact that 2 minutes before he was spark out ??

He was well enough to throw a tantrum.
Re: Mario haters genuine question?

RM needs to get this lad to fall in love with the game.................crying shame if he doesn't reach his full potential as he's the full package.
Re: Mario haters genuine question?

did anyone else think he was poor on sunday?
i did.
fair enough though coz he not played for a while. thought he was poor though.

he has a bad attitude but so what? if he scores goals for us it doesnt bother me
Re: Mario haters genuine question?

DD said:
Do you really ever think that Fergie would be daft enough to take on such a disruptive player?

errr.... Cantona? What a record he had when Fergie took him on. Even the kung-fu stuff wasn't enough to end that relationship.

I can't see Mancini moving him on unless things haven't straightened out by this time next year. Unlike Ireland, Bellamy, Adebayor, he really believes in the kid's talent. I agree.

His performances might have ranged from the sublime to the ridiculous, but there isn't another young player out there with such a mix of technical ability, physical prowess, vision, instinct, creative and predatory.

As such, for better or worse, he is a special case. But it's more intinsic to the individual than born of his circumstance at the club. Like Bellamy, you can't control him as you might an Adam Johnson or a Micah Richards - he just won't be dominated.

Unlike Bellamy he has youth on his side - we change and mature between 18-25, past that point most people's characters are set. The frustration of an important season being curtailed by injury also stands as mitigation.

Regardless, he must be given clear boundaries and repeatedly told what is expected of a City player. Yet we must also find a way to accept him for who he is.

I'd love to see him given less attention. Less lauding of his hitherto minor achievements at the club, and less exaggeration of the significance of every shrug of the shoulders and foul. Both amount to an undeserved affirmation of his importance.

Leave him be. If his antics continue, that's his problem. It may attract unwelcome publicity but it's hardly enough to derail our entire club. He is the one who should be worried about his future. Give him a clear run at demonstrating his ability to contribute on the pitch. Ultimately great things are expected of him, and they can't happen overnight, least of all when his task of adapting to a new life and a new league have been hampered by injury.

For the remainder of this season, I'd settle for half-a-dozen more goals, the same number of scowls, a few waves of the arms, three bookings, and zero moments of serious dissent. Next year will be a different matter.

At least his frustration is palpable. That ought to translate as hunger. At least in part, he's not happy because he dreamed of playing better and winning the league title. It's better to my mind than the players who sleepwalk through their time at the club, content to pick up international caps and a large paycheque.
Re: Mario haters genuine question?

Balotelli has always had this attitude its not something thats just started tbh, this attitude hasnt stopped him becoming one of the best prospects in world football...Hes the same player who scored 3 against villa and was a hero..Even the commentators yesterday were saying that he brings a bit of spice to the game and what you see is what you get..He should have rightly got a penalty yesterday and threw a tantrum when it wasnt given..Good on him i say, it shows that he is actually arsed.
Re: Mario haters genuine question?

Can someone explain to me this term .....haters, it sems a pathetic newism. FFS lets ban this phrase, anyone who plays for City should never have this applied to them. Save the bile for the scum at Owed Trafford
Re: Mario haters genuine question?

I've heard all the bollocks about him having a tough upbringing and how badly treated he was in Italy. He's at city now and he's being treagted like a god. FFS the guys on 100k a week and he acts like a complete twat on the pitch, he's gotta change his attitude soon. It cant be good for the team having him around and acting like he does. I'm not arsed if he is a great prospect, if he cant raise a smile while wearing a city shirt he can do one.

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