Mario Balotelli

I liked him when he played for us even though he frustrated and pissed me right off at times. I couldn't give two shits about him now, same with any other ex players (other than the old boys that are now retired).
greasedupdeafguy said:
Nice to see more play acting and diving today....

Yeh he turned what was a good start into a poor performance. The suspicious refereeing from last season seems to have made him think he can fall down and get decisions whenever he wanted. Was awful today, though the last one was probably a penalty, but you cannot blame the ref if you dive about all game. I don't think Milan are going to make the champions league this year.
Mario is crazy.

After the game today, they asked him what he thought of the comparisons being made bewtween him and Zlatan...

"We are two different people, but comparing me to Zlatan is a compliment to him"

I miss him so much hahaha
He did play very well today. The commentators on my stream could not stop mentioning every five minutes how excellent his all round play is lol
southstand117 said:
jimharri said:
Time to move on blues; he's no longer with us. Get behind our current players.
What a stupid post in a Mario Balotelli thread. Dont look in if your not interested in what is being said. Simples.
The thing is, if he had had a poor game and been playing up, this thread would have been bumped a couple of pages already with the same posters saying the same things. As it happens he was quality, the commentators were purring over his performance which got him MOM. Regardless of what some think, him at his best walks into our team and makes it better.
To balance though, at his worse he's a liability, Ah well!
In supporting Karim Rekik over the last week and looking at Balotelli as the opposition, I can only say he's a dick and a complete mard arse.

He was utterly shit lasts week in Eindhoven and was diving around all game. Last night he played quite well but anytime anyone beat him to the ball he was either crying to the ref or squaring up to them. Rekik roughed him up a bit and he squared up to him to which Karim laughed at him. Yet Balotelli left his foot in on the left back and when the left back told him he was a cünt Balotelli started acting like he was Jon Jones, when in reality the skinny bastard would probably run a mile if it came down to it.

Can see why so many hated him when I seemed to think the Sun shined out of his arse and could see him do no wrong while he was with us.

The thing is he has talent but his bullshit antics just make him look like yet another footballing laughing stock (of which there are dozens and dozens). The sport itself doesn't help when it celebrates wankers being wankers.
You lose hope in the boy and then he has games like Wednesday and you remember that he is probably the best young striker in the world and has the potential to be the best in the world. Such a complete player with everything to his game. Whatever style of football you want to play, you can with him up top.

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