Mario Balotelli

kippaxking79 said:
blink922 said:
Skashion said:
There were quite a number of people who doubted his penalty technique.
I can't even remember watching him take a single PK where the keeper guessed the correct way. He has legitimately perfected his technique.

I remember the last minute one against spurs. Me and my mate were sat in a pub in Sunderland full of plastics and plastic red mackems as well !

When he won the penalty practically the whole pub said "He'll miss this".
As he ran up me and mate jumped up and cheered before he even kicked the ball. Their faces were a right picture. They looked puzzled to fuck. "I just turned round and said "I would have put my house on him scoring there"
Haha brilliant
Skashion said:
Still some very bitter people around.

The same ones every fucking time! They will be even more bitter when he's known amongst the best in the world in a couple of years time.
A gifted but frustrating player. Used to want him to start more and then be waiting for him to spark into life, and then want him hooked after 20 mins.:lol:

Best pens ever. Will be world news when his misses.

Commentators seem to like him now he's left here!!
VinceYoungisaBLUE said:
After the game today, they asked him what he thought of the comparisons being made bewtween him and Zlatan...

"We are two different people, but comparing me to Zlatan is a compliment to him"

I miss him so much hahaha

His play so far has been otherworldly.

He's doing things I never expected from him. The way he holds the ball up, is second to none. His passing has been amazing at times (can still improve), and even his temper has remained in check (for Mario, at least)

He celebrates, he smiles... It's clear as day he just wanted to return home and play for Milan.

I was jealous of City for every single day they had Mario... He brought me to City to watch you, and now Ive remained.

I was always told Mario would never come back to Milan... for a million reasons. But I knew in my heart he would.

Love that many of you still keep on eye on him and wish him well. He's been extraordinary for us and Italy.

In 2-3 years when his body fully fills out and he understands what he's capable of... It's going to be phenomenal to watch
9 out of 10 games he was shit for us. Happy he seems to have improved though.

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