Mario Balotelli

Blueband Brother said:
The bottom line is that England and English football decided to be hostile from day one with the constant negativity, criticism and smear campaign. This trickled into the arena of football matches with consistently unfair decisions given against him- red cards, yellow cards etc, most of which were wrong or at least very harsh This in turn led to more criticism and cynicism and this mentality eventually caught up with the fans as well.It reached a point that a misplaced pass or flick from Balotelli was interpreted as an act of treachery or betrayal.

So my point is everybody is to blame- the media, the society , the fans, the club and of course Balotelli himself but I retain that his project was hijacked by the anti -city media who were successful in turning some fans against Balotelli by subliminally (as they always do) giving us permission to indulge on the innate urges of intolerance, contempt and cynicism.
The media campaign culminated with their masterpiece: the Balotelli - Mancini supposed Carrington fight, which they made sure was pasted on every front page newspaper. The ignominy of such an event coupled with the already piling negativity from society and the fans about Balotelli gave the board no choice but to sell the player.

This is a shame because we have let a real prospect slip between our fingers.

But Life goes on and I wish Balotelli the best as he did make a very positive impact and played a major role in all the great moments of the past couple of years.

The only person to blame for Balotelli is Balotelli
And the training ground dust up with Mancini was the begining of the end for Mancini. Balotelli wreaked havoc at the club and for the club. He was a mistake. However, just like Mancini he's long gone. Time to move on and stop looking in the rear view mirror of life.
Troubadour said:
Blueband Brother said:
The bottom line is that England and English football decided to be hostile from day one with the constant negativity, criticism and smear campaign. This trickled into the arena of football matches with consistently unfair decisions given against him- red cards, yellow cards etc, most of which were wrong or at least very harsh This in turn led to more criticism and cynicism and this mentality eventually caught up with the fans as well.It reached a point that a misplaced pass or flick from Balotelli was interpreted as an act of treachery or betrayal.

So my point is everybody is to blame- the media, the society , the fans, the club and of course Balotelli himself but I retain that his project was hijacked by the anti -city media who were successful in turning some fans against Balotelli by subliminally (as they always do) giving us permission to indulge on the innate urges of intolerance, contempt and cynicism.
The media campaign culminated with their masterpiece: the Balotelli - Mancini supposed Carrington fight, which they made sure was pasted on every front page newspaper. The ignominy of such an event coupled with the already piling negativity from society and the fans about Balotelli gave the board no choice but to sell the player.

This is a shame because we have let a real prospect slip between our fingers.

But Life goes on and I wish Balotelli the best as he did make a very positive impact and played a major role in all the great moments of the past couple of years.

The only person to blame for Balotelli is Balotelli
And the training ground dust up with Mancini was the begining of the end for Mancini. Balotelli wreaked havoc at the club and for the club. He was a mistake. However, just like Mancini he's long gone. Time to move on and stop looking in the rear view mirror of life.

BB's assessment of Balo's time in Manchester and his treatment by the fans (both opposition and some home fans) and media is spot on, in my opinion. Yes, Balo had faults and he made it rather easy for people with an agenda to exploit them, but his treatment by the media was tantamount to bullying. Can you honestly say that a Yoonited player would have received the same treatment, however philandering, deceitful and obnoxious he was? Balo was (still is, for all I know) a larger-than-life character who brightened up the league during his time here. What he wasn't was a boring, faceless, characterless, detached, spoiled prima-donna of a footballer. What he was was a footballer of immense (yes) talent with an immature, impulsive nature who was living the dream of being a highly-paid professional footballer. But most of the time he gave good value for money. It's a great shame that the monkeys on his back drove that spirit out of him, and he looked like he was carrying a burden the weight of two coal sacks on his back when he took to the field during his last season.
I sincerely hope he comes back to play for us one day soon. More mature, improved as a player, and one of the best footballing talents on the planet.
He didn't put enough effort in to last season and this is ultimately why he was deemed surplus to requirements. Even his closest ally in Mancini wasn't using him by the end and Balotelli blatantly wanted out.

I'm glad he's gone but I'm also glad he's found success elsewhere.
de niro said:
FantasyIreland said:
Mrmcfc said:
Seems like a better player since leaving.
I miss him.

Better player or better managed?

I'm plumping for the latter.

Neither. Very gifted but simply a ****. He didn't want to be here so did everything he could to get hoofed. Nobodies fault at city , he just hated Manchester and England.

Tripe bob- his gripe started well into the championship winning summer and this RM notion he bent over backwards for the kid? Bollocks, he managed him like a tit and didnt even play him in his correct position!!!
Gonna be the dogs bollocks, already almost there. I reckon Balo will sign for Madrid in a couple of years but hope he comes back to us
The fact he is tearing it up for his club and national team shows what a **** the man is.

Very rarely pulled his finger out for us. Lazy 'I'm to good for this' attitude.

And his antics were never cool or funny.

He can get to fuck.
An enigma. Ruined ultimately at City by his Italian "papa" who hung him out to dry whenever his own deficiencies came to the fore.

I'll always have fond memories of his time at City.
Balotelli was 20-22 at City. I thinky some people are forgetting just how young that is. Bale was struggling to win a game at that age. Yeh he was foolish, but I don't think the fans or the pressure on Mancini helped. I saw many a game where Balotelli played well, but did not score and then was slated by the commentators and subsequently fans.

By the time he is 25 he will probably be the best striker in the world.

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