Mario Balotelli

The lingering bitterness towards Balotelli is very strange. Did we make a financial loss on him? No. Did he lose us anything? No. Did he help us win anything? Absolutely. He was pivotal at key moments and in key games and boosted the profile of the club. Since he left he's praised the fans beyond anything I've ever seen, calling us the best in England, maybe the world. Whatever the warped reason for bitterness, it's time to let it go.
Skashion said:
The lingering bitterness towards Balotelli is very strange. Did we make a financial loss on him? No. Did he lose us anything? No. Did he help us win anything? Absolutely. He was pivotal at key moments and in key games and boosted the profile of the club. Since he left he's praised the fans beyond anything I've ever seen, calling us the best in England, maybe the world. Whatever the warped reason for bitterness, it's time to let it go.

Totally agree well said.
If you cant see that the fact he very infrequently applied the obvious talent he has for us, yet has been doing so in Italy and for Italy since he left us as a reason to dislike him I cant be arsed explaining it to you Skash.
Stoned Rose said:
If you cant see that the fact he very infrequently applied the obvious talent he has for us, yet has been doing so in Italy and for Italy since he left us as a reason to dislike him I cant be arsed explaining it to you Skash.
Remember his age. For Italy he plays in his preferred position. How often did he do so for City? How often did he get a consistent run in the team? You cannot expect a 21 year old to be the finished product.
Skashion said:
The lingering bitterness towards Balotelli is very strange. Did we make a financial loss on him? No. Did he lose us anything? No. Did he help us win anything? Absolutely. He was pivotal at key moments and in key games and boosted the profile of the club. Since he left he's praised the fans beyond anything I've ever seen, calling us the best in England, maybe the world. Whatever the warped reason for bitterness, it's time to let it go.

Sums up my feelings perfectly.
Stoned Rose said:
If you cant see that the fact he very infrequently applied the obvious talent he has for us, yet has been doing so in Italy and for Italy since he left us as a reason to dislike him I cant be arsed explaining it to you Skash.

Immaturity.He suffered it,try not to fall into the trap.
No bitterness whatsoever towards him and I genuinely wish him well.
I also wish he would have pulled his finger out and put in a decent shift everytime he wore our famous blue shirt. However it wasn't to be.
He's gone, he won't becoming back and time to move on.
I backed Balotelli more than any other player because the media was on his back all the time, creating a public opinion that was very negative to say the least. Opposite fans turned against him for no reason, I even felt the referees saw booking Balotelli as a new rule in their handbook.

But I was more interested in Balotelli as a City-player and I can hardly recall a game he did a 90plus minutes job for us.

I think it was good for all parties he went back to Italy. No way I could see him make our team better. I reckon Pellegrini wouldn't have wanted him in his squad anyway. In the end Mancini didn't either. Or he had me fooled for not fielding the player.
Skashion said:
The lingering bitterness towards Balotelli is very strange. Did we make a financial loss on him? No. Did he lose us anything? No. Did he help us win anything? Absolutely. He was pivotal at key moments and in key games and boosted the profile of the club. Since he left he's praised the fans beyond anything I've ever seen, calling us the best in England, maybe the world. Whatever the warped reason for bitterness, it's time to let it go.

+1 here skash
Skashion said:
The lingering bitterness towards Balotelli is very strange. Did we make a financial loss on him? No. Did he lose us anything? No. Did he help us win anything? Absolutely. He was pivotal at key moments and in key games and boosted the profile of the club. Since he left he's praised the fans beyond anything I've ever seen, calling us the best in England, maybe the world. Whatever the warped reason for bitterness, it's time to let it go.

Making fans who sang that pathetic song about him feel good about themselves isn't remotely challenging. Heap praise on almost anyone and they'll get a confidence boost.

I could argue we lost out on at least the FA Cup this season without him. He forced his own departure without the time to find an adequate replacement. Balotelli on as a sub in the 70th minute against Wigan could've won us the match. But, as before, if he hadn't been working hard enough in training then he may not have even made the bench!

He's a puerile, arrogant, attention seeking prick who needs to grow up.

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