Mario Balotelli

peoffrey said:
Skashion said:
The lingering bitterness towards Balotelli is very strange. Did we make a financial loss on him? No. Did he lose us anything? No. Did he help us win anything? Absolutely. He was pivotal at key moments and in key games and boosted the profile of the club. Since he left he's praised the fans beyond anything I've ever seen, calling us the best in England, maybe the world. Whatever the warped reason for bitterness, it's time to let it go.

Making fans who sang that pathetic song about him feel good about themselves isn't remotely challenging. Heap praise on almost anyone and they'll get a confidence boost.

I could argue we lost out on at least the FA Cup this season without him. He forced his own departure without the time to find an adequate replacement. Balotelli on as a sub in the 70th minute against Wigan could've won us the match. But, as before, if he hadn't been working hard enough in training then he may not have even made the bench!

He's a puerile, arrogant, attention seeking prick who needs to grow up.
Fucking hell thats a tad bitter towards him and the fans
Skashion said:
The lingering bitterness towards Balotelli is very strange. Did we make a financial loss on him? No. Did he lose us anything? No. Did he help us win anything? Absolutely. He was pivotal at key moments and in key games and boosted the profile of the club. Since he left he's praised the fans beyond anything I've ever seen, calling us the best in England, maybe the world. Whatever the warped reason for bitterness, it's time to let it go.
I think the problem is that he could have done so much more if he'd been arsed most of the time. We gave him a very easy ride really and I think we were entitled to expect a bit more from him.
peoffrey said:
I could argue we lost out on at least the FA Cup this season without him. He forced his own departure without the time to find an adequate replacement. Balotelli on as a sub in the 70th minute against Wigan could've won us the match. But, as before, if he hadn't been working hard enough in training then he may not have even made the bench!

Come off it mate, blaming Balo for the Fa cup loss is ridiculous!
I wish him well and I hope he wishes us well too, with us facing AC in that Audi cup we'll get to chant his great song at least once more :)
Shadz69 said:
Stoned Rose said:
If you cant see that the fact he very infrequently applied the obvious talent he has for us, yet has been doing so in Italy and for Italy since he left us as a reason to dislike him I cant be arsed explaining it to you Skash.

Immaturity.He suffered it,try not to fall into the trap.

The word you were looking for is 'factual'.

Last season (City) 1 in 14
Last season (Milan) 12 in 13.

He simply couldn't be arsed. A similar goals to game ratio for us would've helped us tremendously in defending the title. We may even have gone on to retain it.

That in itself is reason enough to dislike him.
I believe Gigi Buffon said it best when he said the difference with Balo is that he is getting regular first team football. It seems to me that Milan decided to build the team around their high-profile player. Automatically they put him in the starting lineup, gave him license to take free kicks, and made him the focus of the attack.

It's hard for a player to get out of a slump if they aren't in the starting lineup. Granted, Balotelli did himself no favors to get back into the starting lineup. And when back in he may have tried too hard (I am envisioning the numerous failed no look heel passes that he didn't have to do). I am guessing Balotelli ultimately lost his job at City because he wasn't able to adjust his style to City's strengths, and Mancini lost he job because he wasn't able to get all his pieces working together properly when it mattered. In Milan, and the Italian National team, Balotelli doesn't have to adjust his style, and it seems he can handle the pressure that is put on him. City had too many options to say, "you're the guy that we trust, go out there and perform". What if Tevez and Balotelli were our only two high profile strikers? IMO they clicked the best when paired together, and Balo plays well when in the lone-striker role as well. Would there have been all the off field drama? Who knows...
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Fucking hell thats a tad bitter towards him and the fans
Stupid is the word I'd opt for. Mario getting blamed for us not getting a replacement in January... what a farcical turd of an argument. Mario forced us to sell him, and then forced us not to buy anyone else. It's all down to Mario, and then if Mario, worst ever player for City, came on in the 70th minute, we'd have been guaranteed that FA Cup.

Stoned Rose said:
Shadz69 said:
Stoned Rose said:
If you cant see that the fact he very infrequently applied the obvious talent he has for us, yet has been doing so in Italy and for Italy since he left us as a reason to dislike him I cant be arsed explaining it to you Skash.

Immaturity.He suffered it,try not to fall into the trap.

The word you were looking for is 'factual'.

Last season (City) 1 in 14
Last season (Milan) 12 in 13.

He simply couldn't be arsed. A similar goals to game ratio for us would've helped us tremendously in defending the title. We may even have gone on to retain it.

That in itself is reason enough to dislike him.


He was playing Well last season, even some of the hansens Had to admit that he was doing ok at one point, he just wasn't getting goals and his confidence was low. This happens, particularly with young strikers
Beezer said:
I believe Gigi Buffon said it best when he said the difference with Balo is that he is getting regular first team football. It seems to me that Milan decided to build the team around their high-profile player. Automatically they put him in the starting lineup, gave him license to take free kicks, and made him the focus of the attack.

It's hard for a player to get out of a slump if they aren't in the starting lineup. Granted, Balotelli did himself no favors to get back into the starting lineup. And when back in he may have tried too hard (I am envisioning the numerous failed no look heel passes that he didn't have to do). I am guessing Balotelli ultimately lost his job at City because he wasn't able to adjust his style to City's strengths, and Mancini lost he job because he wasn't able to get all his pieces working together properly when it mattered. In Milan, and the Italian National team, Balotelli doesn't have to adjust his style, and it seems he can handle the pressure that is put on him. City had too many options to say, "you're the guy that we trust, go out there and perform". What if Tevez and Balotelli were our only two high profile strikers? IMO they clicked the best when paired together, and Balo plays well when in the lone-striker role as well. Would there have been all the off field drama? Who knows...

Right, Beezer. Starts the games, finishes the games, and is the main attacking thrust of AC and the national side. The in and out scenario will never lead to the full development of any player!

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