Mario, time to say goodbye?

tolmie's hairdoo said:

But rationale dictates he will be chased off or will follow Mancini out the door.

Why would Mancini leave?

Thread is embarrassing. A media witch hunt for a nothing event — watch it in real time and tell me it looks intentional, because you're bonkers if so — and so we just up and give up on a very promising player who's already shown the goods AND has improved his attitude since arriving.

Other Blues on here apparently dislike Mario for whatever reason, but as long as Mancini thinks he is worth keeping around — say, does the OP think Mancini himself is worth keeping around? — he should stay.

Insanity, or would all of you slagging Mario have preferred not to win the Semi, Final, vs. the Rags away, etc?

Maybe the media and refs are predisposed against Mario. But apparently lots of City fans are too. I know which of those two I find more disheartening.
nashark said:
How much was he signed for? About £25M? How many times has he performed like a £25M player? I'd say twice - against United at Old Trafford and against Stoke in the final. He had a decent game in the semi-final against United but nothing more than that. He looked better than he was because he was shite in every other game that season. Let's not forget the enormous amount of responsibility he must take for costing us a possible Europa League title. Even against Villa when he scored the hat-trick, he wasn't one of our better players.

He's improved a lot this season, started working harder, started getting on with the game more, but he's still a liability. His shot is his defining quality and a game-changing quality. However, that must be weighed against his idiocy which is equally game-changing, and has cost us much more than he's won us. He's a good player to have on the bench when we can't pass through teams but we all know he won't accept that like a professional.

Now all that's subjective. You might think he's been great every time he's played (I don't), you might think his escapades come before the good of City (I don't), you might think he's very quick (I don't), you might think he works hard (I don't), you might think his first touch and passing are world class (I don't), you might even think he's intelligent (I don't). These are points that can be argued over and over.

What you can't argue is that he has an atrocious disciplinary record and that he's had more fights with his team-mates than any other player. It won't be popular here, but I care more about the rest of the team than Balotelli. I think there's more than enough reasons to believe he's bad for team-spirit. However entertaining you might find the made up stories about him going to the library or whatever, if he's getting sent off and suspended every 6 weeks then he's going to seriously piss off the other players and the manager. I also think there's reason to believe that the other players and the manager care more about the success of City than Balotelli given his disappointment when Inter won one off the biggest games in their history and he started kicking off, and given that he refused to applaud the fans when we beat Newcastle because he was a substitute.

If you think City will be better in the long term if we keep Balotelli and just accept that he's going to cost us every now and again then that's fair enough. But if you think this is all the media's making then you've got your head in the sand. There is a problem and something needs to be done. Hopefully, he'll stop letting us down and come good but I can't see it. For that reason then, if Napoli offered £5M for him, I'd take it in a heartbeat.
Excellent post, which I am in complete agrement with.
I can't believe how quickly those on this forum can turn on their own players, especially at times like these when we should be supporting them 100%. As if the media backlash isn't bad enough..
It doesnt have to be one of the two extremes. Some love balotelli and cant see him doing anything wrong. others thinks he's disgrace. For me he's a huge talent who can be as one of the best players in the world. But there's no question he has to improve his temper if he's gonna reach that level. His discipline record since being here is very poor and thats whats holding him back. Now he's gonna miss 4 games for something so unnecessary and thats very annoying. Hopefully he will learn from this and change his attitude
Didsbury Dave said:
mcfc1632 said:
I might be open to criticism for not being remotely arsed to read any of this thread - just posting to add my opinion to what (I assume) must be the over-whelming view of CITY fans that this is a spectacularly stupid thread totally missing the opinion of fans

And to start a stupid thread at a stupid time can (IMO) only be attention seeking - wonder if the OP is someone that also moans (rightly) about the press bias - they do not need to get at CITY when we have our own fans doing it

The only thing "stupid" or "embarrassing" are the people having a go at Tolmie's Hairdoo for asking a totally valid, relevant and interesting question.

I bet any of you that this conversation is had between the board and the manager this week, if it hasn't already. Don't see The Sheikh going "Ah well. He's young. Gotta love Mario" if he loses us the fucking title with a spit or a kick or a grab.

I'd keep him for the moment, but I think the thread is the most relevant issue of today for any City fan with the ability to reason beyond 140 characters.

Was not having a go at TH - although he nor any other poster should be exempt from points being made.

In fact I did not even look to see who the OP was - It did not matter with regard the point I and I am sure many others are making that this is a stupid thread at a stupid time

Now I can get with you on the good sense in the management / fans considering the individual merits / issues of any and every player - that should and I am sure does happen.

I would welcome this thread being made at a time as we approach the summer and are considering options etc etc - that would make this thread to be thoughtful and valuable in the way you suggest

To start this thread at this time with all the raw feelings abounding renders it stupid in content and particularly in timing

If the intention was to be a catalyst for thoughtful debate to launch it now is simply............ well stupid
mcfc1632 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
mcfc1632 said:
I might be open to criticism for not being remotely arsed to read any of this thread - just posting to add my opinion to what (I assume) must be the over-whelming view of CITY fans that this is a spectacularly stupid thread totally missing the opinion of fans

And to start a stupid thread at a stupid time can (IMO) only be attention seeking - wonder if the OP is someone that also moans (rightly) about the press bias - they do not need to get at CITY when we have our own fans doing it

The only thing "stupid" or "embarrassing" are the people having a go at Tolmie's Hairdoo for asking a totally valid, relevant and interesting question.

I bet any of you that this conversation is had between the board and the manager this week, if it hasn't already. Don't see The Sheikh going "Ah well. He's young. Gotta love Mario" if he loses us the fucking title with a spit or a kick or a grab.

I'd keep him for the moment, but I think the thread is the most relevant issue of today for any City fan with the ability to reason beyond 140 characters.

Was not having a go at TH - although he nor any other poster should be exempt from points being made.

In fact I did not even look to see who the OP was - It did not matter with regard the point I and I am sure many others are making that this is a stupid thread at a stupid time

Now I can get with you on the good sense in the management / fans considering the individual merits / issues of any and every player - that should and I am sure does happen.

I would welcome this thread being made at a time as we approach the summer and are considering options etc etc - that would make this thread to be thoughtful and valuable in the way you suggest

To start this thread at this time with all the raw feelings abounding renders it stupid in content and particularly in timing

If the intention was to be a catalyst for thoughtful debate to launch it now is simply............ well stupid
Going off the reaction of some on here it will never be a good time to raise a debate about whether Bal should go or stay.
Manchester City’s manager, Mancini, must ensure the survival of the last of the Mohicans. Balotelli is not a disruptive influence in the dressing-room, providing a source of amusement for his eventful life and appreciation of his footballing contributions.

After all the dross that City supporters have endured down the years, nobody should begrudge them a rocket-launching, bib-struggling, tea cosy-wearing, money-scattering, school-inspecting maverick.

Add penalty taking to that list. That nerveless spot kick to defeat Spurs explained why Mancini acts the indulgent father. Balotelli wins games, big ones, and the memory endures of his relentless running helping bring City the FA Cup.

But when letting him off the leash, Mancini must feel like the owner of Fenton the dog, watching in horror as Balotelli storms around some patch of grass, chasing anything that moves.

“Mario, Mario, Jesus Christ, Mario.” Balotelli certainly stormed into Scott Parker, clearly stamping on the Spurs midfielder. If the Football Association beaks fail to impose a four-game ban then they should charge themselves with bringing the game into disrepute. Balotelli could have blinded a fellow professional.

Mancini will persevere because the gains outweigh the pains. Some discussion is required, though. Balotelli must learn that football studs, like fireworks, can do damage if pointed in the wrong direction.

Those who have spent time with Balotelli argue that he is not a bad person, simply one with an almost childlike lack of awareness of actions and consequences. Mancini needs to explain simply to Balotelli that it’s no fun being banned. But stick or twist? Definitely stick.
r.soleofsalford said:
AustinBlue said:
My vote is that we stick by Balotelli. The other players will say that on the training pitch he has skills that no-one can match. In a game that relies on fine margins of ability to tip the balance between winning and losing, Mario is one of the few who can rise to that level.

You ask United fans if they are glad Cantona played for them. He was the tipping point for them, and his character was WAY more questionable. A history of on field violence, and off field shenanigans that included sleeping with the Leeds WAGS.

are you glad you had cantona

Are you calling me a rag, twinkle toes? I still have the photos of you from Wealdstone Football Club on FA Cup day. Don't make me post them.

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