mark hughes out banner

Saw this and thought about who makes a Hughes out banner and asked the question?

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
Fuck me, some people really dont have anything better to do with their time.
chrisi said:
fuck oooooff

How long you been supporting City mate? Did you want Mel Machin, Alan Ball,Frank Clarke, Joe Royle, Kevin Keegan, Stuart Pearce all out as well. Because rightly or wrongly it's not really got us very far.

We are our own worsed enemy at this club. Too many egos in the stadium who think people who have spent their whole working lives in football are "tactically naive" when and only when we lose.

The madness of Manchester City fans, who will publicly wave banners around endorsing a newspaper with an obvious anti City agenda who are selling papers on the back of our turmoil under the guise of helping us (1993 Forward with Franny)
Or walking around the stadium in support of a manager who gave us a good start and a double over the rags but also a pretty dire end of the season culminating in losing a 2;0 lead in our last home game and our worst ever defeat the following week.

Meanwhile, whilst frustrating to lose yesterday anyone with half a brain could see that that game could've gone either way and had it gone ours we'd have been talking about turning corners and the usual hype.

Stop turning a fookin drama in to a crisis every other year and we just might make some real progress.
oh is this what all the commotion was?

i couldn't see what was happening because i was at the top of the 2nd tier, underneath the tv studio bit!

the fact it was a cup game, and it was cheap, brought in some people who havn't actually seen a game this season. who know fuck all tbh

hughes out? he/she should have been kicked out the ground!
nubian said:

Today I am posting my reasons why I believe Manchester city should not continue with Mark Hughes as its manager.

Most of my fellow supporters on these sites take opposing views when it comes to this question. Some even revert to name-calling whilst others are dismissive of any viewpoint which doesn't support their own. We usually have floods of postings supporting one opinion or another dependent on the result of our most recent match.

I have had to suffer some of the things I have mentioned above. But one poster who shall remain nameless posed a question to me asking me to give him reasons why I believe Mark Hughes is not the best manager for our club.

Now before I start with my reasons, I will lay on the table that I have always been against the appointment of Mark Hughes and wanted Frank Rijkaard at the time of his appointment. But I was happy to be proved wrong if Mark Hughes was able to change his spots and make Manchester city into the world conquering team that we all want. Unfortunately, I have seen nothing that has changed my opinion of what our long-term future is if we remain with him.

Mark Hughes is developing a solid middle of the table team that is full of very committed and hard-working players but which is short on creativity. The existing creative players will either be changed to become much more workaholic or be replaced.

If we allow this management team to finish their work we will end up floating around the middle of the table between positions 6 and 10. We will be also-rans in most of the competition we enter, but will Never reach the pinnacle because our team will lack the sparkle ingredient that all great teams need.

The reason we won't reach the top is because our manager is unable to attract, work with or motivate high ego/ stroke talented players.

I make this observation purely out of the facts that are staring me in the face right now.
After a wonderful result at Liverpool, and remember it was only wonderful because our form this year has been dreadful.

Most of my fellow supporters posters {who are not representive of the majority of supporters}seem to be contented with the formation, personnel and work ethic of the squad that played in that game. Now don't get me wrong, I was over the moon at the result, but that is the point isn't it, all of us if we were honest, were surprised that we got that result.

Now a team like Manchester city, which believes that it will be challenging for champions league positions in the future should not be surprised at drawing at Liverpool. Do you think Everton, Aston Villa, Chelsea, Manchester United, and Arsenal would go out thinking that they would be losing to Liverpool and being surprised and happy with a draw?

Now I know it has been said that we are a project in progress, that we need time for the players to gel and that the manager needs time to impose his will and method of training and playing on the players, but this is my point. His methods and mode of play will not take us to the very top. I have no doubt that Mark Hughes will create a team who will never be threatened with relegation, that will be in the latter stages of the FA Cup and any European competition we enter.

But, and this is the part that sticks in my throat, he will never make us the best, simply because he is too conservative with his tactics and his methods are too defensive and negative.

So for me the choice is simple.

Stick with Mark Hughes and have several years of stability with our team finishing in the top half of the table, having some nice excursions in Europe and flirting with the FA Cup and Carling cup.

Or be adventurous and risky and go for the ultimate prize, always being mindful that we run the risk of falling flat on our faces.

The choice is an individual one. I know which I prefer and that is why I say we should replace the manager and his management team and his methods sooner rather than later.

I am happy to discuss this or any point with any fellow supporter who is able to discuss their point with me. But I am not interested in the slag merchants or the name callers.

On our last note let's all hope for a win today.

OK, my two pence worth.

I doubt very much that the 'MAJORITY OF FANS' want Hughes out.

Every team inthe league would be happy with a point at Anfield. And those teams you listed have all had times when the 'fans' have called for the manager to be sacked. They weren't and now they are seeing the benefits of long term stability.

Yes, i'd take a couple of seasons in the top ten whilst the management build a solid base to work on.
You suggest being 'adventurous and risky' in order to get 'the ultimate prize'. I remember the last club that tried this. Do you?

Finally, i'm sick of internet football 'experts' joining this SUPPORTERS site only to bang on about how shit the manager/players are.
stonerblue said:
nubian said:

Today I am posting my reasons why I believe Manchester city should not continue with Mark Hughes as its manager.

Most of my fellow supporters on these sites take opposing views when it comes to this question. Some even revert to name-calling whilst others are dismissive of any viewpoint which doesn't support their own. We usually have floods of postings supporting one opinion or another dependent on the result of our most recent match.

I have had to suffer some of the things I have mentioned above. But one poster who shall remain nameless posed a question to me asking me to give him reasons why I believe Mark Hughes is not the best manager for our club.

Now before I start with my reasons, I will lay on the table that I have always been against the appointment of Mark Hughes and wanted Frank Rijkaard at the time of his appointment. But I was happy to be proved wrong if Mark Hughes was able to change his spots and make Manchester city into the world conquering team that we all want. Unfortunately, I have seen nothing that has changed my opinion of what our long-term future is if we remain with him.

Mark Hughes is developing a solid middle of the table team that is full of very committed and hard-working players but which is short on creativity. The existing creative players will either be changed to become much more workaholic or be replaced.

If we allow this management team to finish their work we will end up floating around the middle of the table between positions 6 and 10. We will be also-rans in most of the competition we enter, but will Never reach the pinnacle because our team will lack the sparkle ingredient that all great teams need.

The reason we won't reach the top is because our manager is unable to attract, work with or motivate high ego/ stroke talented players.

I make this observation purely out of the facts that are staring me in the face right now.
After a wonderful result at Liverpool, and remember it was only wonderful because our form this year has been dreadful.

Most of my fellow supporters posters {who are not representive of the majority of supporters}seem to be contented with the formation, personnel and work ethic of the squad that played in that game. Now don't get me wrong, I was over the moon at the result, but that is the point isn't it, all of us if we were honest, were surprised that we got that result.

Now a team like Manchester city, which believes that it will be challenging for champions league positions in the future should not be surprised at drawing at Liverpool. Do you think Everton, Aston Villa, Chelsea, Manchester United, and Arsenal would go out thinking that they would be losing to Liverpool and being surprised and happy with a draw?

Now I know it has been said that we are a project in progress, that we need time for the players to gel and that the manager needs time to impose his will and method of training and playing on the players, but this is my point. His methods and mode of play will not take us to the very top. I have no doubt that Mark Hughes will create a team who will never be threatened with relegation, that will be in the latter stages of the FA Cup and any European competition we enter.

But, and this is the part that sticks in my throat, he will never make us the best, simply because he is too conservative with his tactics and his methods are too defensive and negative.

So for me the choice is simple.

Stick with Mark Hughes and have several years of stability with our team finishing in the top half of the table, having some nice excursions in Europe and flirting with the FA Cup and Carling cup.

Or be adventurous and risky and go for the ultimate prize, always being mindful that we run the risk of falling flat on our faces.

The choice is an individual one. I know which I prefer and that is why I say we should replace the manager and his management team and his methods sooner rather than later.

I am happy to discuss this or any point with any fellow supporter who is able to discuss their point with me. But I am not interested in the slag merchants or the name callers.

On our last note let's all hope for a win today.

OK, my two pence worth.

I doubt very much that the 'MAJORITY OF FANS' want Hughes out.

Every team inthe league would be happy with a point at Anfield. And those teams you listed have all had times when the 'fans' have called for the manager to be sacked. They weren't and now they are seeing the benefits of long term stability.

Yes, i'd take a couple of seasons in the top ten whilst the management build a solid base to work on.
You suggest being 'adventurous and risky' in order to get 'the ultimate prize'. I remember the last club that tried this. Do you?

Finally, i'm sick of internet football 'experts' joining this SUPPORTERS site only to bang on about how shit the manager/players are.

First before I address your points I need to do this:


Sorry mate rant over I had to do that,

Right, as I said in my post
"Mark Hughes will create a team who will never be threatened with relegation, that will be in the latter stages of the FA Cup and any European competition we enter"

But I do not believe that he will take us any further than that. I could be wrong and if I am, brilliant, because that would mean that we are winners. But I don't think I will be wrong.
I fear and again I would be happy if I am proved wrong, that top draw players will not play for him.

A couple of seasons in the top 10 is admirable but it will not be acceptable for our owners and that is a reality we need to take on board.

Do I remmember the last team that took a risk, yes I do, they are called Chelsea, but I know you really were talking about Leeds and yes Leeds made a cock up of it, but remmember they were one kick away from a completely different outcome.

I suppose I want the upside of leeds without the downside, unrealistic I know but we all have dreams, and mine and yours, I suspect mean City winning everything playing great attractive football.

Your final point I hope wasn't aimed at me, because in my post I did not rubbish any player or manager, so I suppose it was a general remark. But for the record I am a City fan of over 43 years.

Good to hear from you, keep debating!!! Oh and most city fans I know [not all] want MH gone. It just happens to be that way in the circle of fans that I meet.

Pint waiting for you in oxford if you are ever this way cometh.
Cheers, mine's a Stella.

I think our different locations may have an effect on what we think the general opinion is of Hughes and him getting the boot.
Up here (Manchester) there IS a large Hughes out contingent and they're usually the first to say get rid after a bad result. The majority of these are NOT City fans but do feel they have to voice their opinions (loudly) now we are the Whipping boys for every tin pot football journo and skysports pundit from here to Oz.
Unfortunately thier 'opinions' are usually lifted from the back of the Daily Mirror or the sun.
The Blues i know and see every day are mostly ST holders and have been for years. They are not swayed by a couple of bad results (luckily) and talk mainly of the game/ tactics and player performance.

The fact is the club is getting a mountain of bad press and joe public believes it.
Newlunar said:
chrisi said:
fuck oooooff

How long you been supporting City mate? Did you want Mel Machin, Alan Ball,Frank Clarke, Joe Royle, Kevin Keegan, Stuart Pearce all out as well. Because rightly or wrongly it's not really got us very far.

We are our own worsed enemy at this club. Too many egos in the stadium who think people who have spent their whole working lives in football are "tactically naive" when and only when we lose.

The madness of Manchester City fans, who will publicly wave banners around endorsing a newspaper with an obvious anti City agenda who are selling papers on the back of our turmoil under the guise of helping us (1993 Forward with Franny)
Or walking around the stadium in support of a manager who gave us a good start and a double over the rags but also a pretty dire end of the season culminating in losing a 2;0 lead in our last home game and our worst ever defeat the following week.

Meanwhile, whilst frustrating to lose yesterday anyone with half a brain could see that that game could've gone either way and had it gone ours we'd have been talking about turning corners and the usual hype.

Stop turning a fookin drama in to a crisis every other year and we just might make some real progress.


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