Martin Demichelis

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FantasyIreland said:
I'm not sure what the fuck some of you are watching....? up until the penalty,he was doing a fine job and they rarely had a genuine effort,maybe he should have let Messi go........however,in the heat of the moment........

Still vinny's best partner,which may be a slant on our other options.

HIm and Vinny were solid, but they usually are until Demichelis inevitably makes his trademark mistake of the game which either makes us conceed or it costs us the game.

Good defender, but too prone to mistakes, and at this level it can and has cost us big time.
Mrmcfc said:
mcfc2607 said:
What does demichelis have to do.

If he fouls him it's a pen (it wasn't) and they score.

If he lets him through messI scores, it's not Leroy lita it's messi.
Either scenario he'd get slated.
He can't win.

He'd get slated on here if he just let him through and you know it
So the options are;
1. Messi scores and he stays on the pitch.
2. Messi scores and he gets sent off.

Toughie that one, mate.
I know it's 1 smart arse.

I mean for him not to get slated on here.

If he lets messi through without doing anything he'd get a fucking hammering
mcfc2607 said:
What does demichelis have to do.

If he fouls him it's a pen (it wasn't) and they score.

If he lets him through messI scores, it's not Leroy lita it's messi.
Either scenario he'd get slated.
He can't win.

He'd get slated on here if he just let him through and you know it

Any CB with a brain cell knows what to do. The man has escaped you so you chase them, putting pressure on them and hope your keeper can save it. If not then you are a goal down but still with 11 men. What any decent CB shouldn't do is fucking hack them down from behind near the penalty box.

And anyone who says "he had a decent game until he got sent off" can fuck off as well as the very fact he got sent off means he did not have a decent game. He wasn't sent off unjustly he was a fucking idiot and cost his side the game. This is not the first time the prick has gone diving in and fucked things up for us. He is too old, too slow and too stupid to be playing at this level.

I don't care if he was the only fit defender we have I'd still rather put anyone else at CB than him. And the really annoying thing is Pellegrini is blind to the fact he is shit and will play the long haired clown again.
i think some ppl are seriously deluded if you think he had a great game, if great game consists of giving ball away all time, then yes he played a blinder. he was ok before card. made tackles etc, but to say he had great game is mind bloggling.

what does he do,

he brought him down, red card and a penalty

he doesnt tackle, he scores but we still have fucking 11v 11

you tell me which is worse
Thought he had a good game defensively. Him and Kompany had obviously been told to hit balls longer than usual and I thought he struggled with this aspect. He was defensively top notch pre-sending off.
mcfc2607 said:
What does demichelis have to do.

If he fouls him it's a pen (it wasn't) and they score.

If he lets him through messI scores, it's not Leroy lita it's messi.
Either scenario he'd get slated.
He can't win.

He'd get slated on here if he just let him through and you know it

Anyone who comes on here trying to defend Demichelis, you're not winners!! - This guy looked out of his depth at CB vs Watford a few weeks ago - He'slow and rash!!
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