Martin Samuel today in the mail.

Rolee said:
The cookie monster said:
Just been talking about this on another thread
I cant get my head around this he wrote

On Sunday, United celebrated in front of their own fans, who happened to be adjacent to a Manchester City section. There was nothing provocative in what they did, unless winning a contentious derby match late is now reclassified as incitement

Email him the still showing Shrek celebrating in front of the City fans.
Tbh mate i dont care what rooney did he took a load of shit so fair play to him
I just dont get why samuel missed it out of his article
fbloke said:
Anyone who throws stuff at players is a fucktard of the highest order.

I dont care if a player were to do a freaking tango in front of the home fans after scoring it doesnt justify trying to injure him/them.

It seems a minority of fans think that social norms dont apply when there is a game of football being played well they do so grow the fuck up you plebs.

Spot on.
May be I'm missing something here but surely if we all put as much energy into naming and shaming the shit house fans who pelt players with coins etc as we do moaning about the content/context of a piece of journalism the problem would sorted out?
fbloke said:
I dont care if a player were to do a freaking tango in front of the home fans after scoring it doesnt justify trying to injure him/.

THIS i want to see,lol!!!
Rooney starts his winding up even before the game starts. When the teams break after shaking hands he always runs flat out towards the City fans in the east stand only slowing down just before the touchline. He is the main instigator of any of the trouble.
The cookie monster said:
Rolee said:
The cookie monster said:
Just been talking about this on another thread
I cant get my head around this he wrote

On Sunday, United celebrated in front of their own fans, who happened to be adjacent to a Manchester City section. There was nothing provocative in what they did, unless winning a contentious derby match late is now reclassified as incitement

Email him the still showing Shrek celebrating in front of the City fans.
Tbh mate i dont care what rooney did he took a load of shit so fair play to him
I just dont get why samuel missed it out of his article

He missed it because it suited his argument to miss it.
fbloke said:
May be I'm missing something here but surely if we all put as much energy into naming and shaming the shit house fans who pelt players with coins etc as we do moaning about the content/context of a piece of journalism the problem would sorted out?
I agree with this
But samuels article is still incorrect and needed highlighting
paulchapo said:
fbloke said:
I dont care if a player were to do a freaking tango in front of the home fans after scoring it doesnt justify trying to injure him/.

THIS i want to see,lol!!!

Football + Tango =
No i want this now.....the next time the rags score against us Ferdinand and Rooney have to do a tango in front of the South stand...i demand it!!
Rolee said:
I normally find myself in agreement with Mr. Samuel but not on this occasion.

Before I go on I want to point out that I believe throwing coins from within a crowd at footballers is a scummy and cowardly act.

Now what I disagree with Martin over is, he thinks its perfectly acceptable for a professional footballer to intentionally goad opposition fans, he couldn't be more wrong.

I'll put it like this, if you were playinge a Sunday league game and scored a goal, you then proceed to run to the sideline where the opposition team's manager, subs and fans are watching and celebrate in front of them with the sole purpose of antagonising them, what do you think is going to happen? You're going to get a slap arouind the chops for acting the twat.

Your actions will be frowned upon and you will get no sympathy as you will be told you got what's coming to you for the way you goaded them.

Am I right?

Why then should a different attitude be taken if they're professional players doing the goading? If anything it should be frowned upon more, no?

It all depends on whether the FArce see you as central to England's chances. FatScouseGit will be able to tread any path providing he is one of Woy's starters. Compare GazBaz, seemingly at the end of his England career, who cops for a charge which has been well and truly put on the map by none other than FoulMouthedFatScouseGit. How many occasions of abusive and insulting comments to referees has Rooney perpetrated and how many has he escaped censure? If I live to be 598 years old, you will never convince me that the FA has fair and equitable systems of discipline in place!

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