Martinez (merged thread)

I'm more than happy to add my name to the list of those who dislike Martinez. He's a hypocrite, and has lost all integrity as far as I'm concerned.

He needs to model himself on Hiddink, Ranieri, Pellegrini, Koeman. Instead, he is heading fast along the Mourinho, Ferguson road.

I'd have loved it if someone had suggested that these things tend to even themselves out, straight after his rant about Terry's offside goal.
The lords of Karma have passed judgement, and one I justice has been balanced with another.
Hiddink has come out and has been totally honest, and then rubbed salt In Martinez's wounds by stating that Everton ( rightly said) celebrated for quite some time for their "winner" which came back to sting them in the arse with the added time at the end
Martinez is an affected, artificial, bland, canting, captious, caviling, deceptive, deluding,duplicitous, faithless, false, feigning, fraudulent, hollow, insincere, lying, moralistic, pharisaical, phony, pious, sanctimonious, self-righteous, snide, specious, spurious, two-faced,prick of a man who has got his ambition mixed up with his ability. Please we smash them in the 2nd leg and put the oily little fucker in his place once and for all
All correct, can't stand the two faced ****
I realise that the common view of Martinez is that 'he's alright', one assumes because of his permanent 'little boy lost' facial expression and was probably the kid who got bullied at school.

Personally however, I don't get it. The oily little shithouse displays hypocrisy which would rival the very worst traits of Bacon Face and he vacillates week to week between bitching about ref's decisions and praising them depending which way things have gone for him.

Now, I realise that all of us, particularly the fans, are a little 'rose tinted' when it comes to refereeing decisions. However, in these days of multi angle tv coverage, you have to occasionally hold your hands up and admit that you got away with one. So, in the last 12 days, Everton have got away with 2 stonewall penalties and a 'probable' off side decision going massively in their favour and one seemingly clear off side going against them.

From Martinez, we have not just had silence on the one's they got away with, or a 'I didn't get a clear view' a la Wenger or Mourinho, what we got was 'It was a very mature decision from the referee'. This was after he'd seen the replay and when the whole football World was in agreement that it was a clear penalty.
However, yesterday, when one went against him, he's 'boiling with anger' and screaming for technology to be brought in to assist referee's.

The man is a charlatan. He is an ungracious, hypocritical fraudster. The sooner this piece of shit either fucks off back to Spain or gets back to managing a club like Wigan, the better. In the meantime, beating Everton in the semi next week and pissing on their Wembley plans has moved a notch up the 'important list'.

I like you and I like this post.

I've similarly rarely understood the Martinez hype. Got Wigan relegated and seemingly that improved his reputation as a manager. Has done nothing with Everton in the time he's been there and he has some excellent players to choose from. Brenda with a tan.
One word, humility.

He shows a bit of that the other night and he gets bucket loads of respect and after getting robbed yesterday, sympathy.

Instead he chose to be a sly shit house so fuck him.

I hope he gets knob rot and it falls off!
A couple of years back on general football page was a thread on him and wigan, I said then and still believe he's an average manager who gets talked up because he's polite and well mannered with the press, a couple of decent seasons and then he will slowly pull everton into the bottom half of the table and relegation battles.
Know a few toffees who want him gone they think he's shite

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