Mary D's...

pardoe said:
Isn't it about time this sh*thole was ripped down?

- crap beer
- full of the very worst sort of fans
- regular bouts of Blue-on-Blue
- annoying c*nt on the microphone


I don't like the place at all.
That's why I don't go in! I have no objection to the place or the people - it's just not my thing.

But there are a lot of people who thing it is though - the 'worst sorts of fans' as you claim. If that's the case wouldn't you prefer that they were all in one place rather than spoiling your enjoyment in another place?

I don't understand why you'd want it ripping down especially considering your comments about the people it attracts and keeps out of your way.
pardoe said:
Isn't it about time this sh*thole was ripped down?

- crap beer
- full of the very worst sort of fans
- regular bouts of Blue-on-Blue
- annoying c*nt on the microphone


That's bollocks.

There are not 'regular bouts' at all, I've only seen one and it was the one on saturday.

The beer is indeed, wank.

I agree about the fella on the microphone...he's a funny bastard but needs to calm it with the United songs.

So overall, I'm not a fan but I go in just for a laugh with my mates.
pardoe said:
Isn't it about time this sh*thole was ripped down?

- crap beer
- full of the very worst sort of fans
- regular bouts of Blue-on-Blue
- annoying c*nt on the microphone


IF you don't go in then surely you should want it to stay open then those nasty fans that you don't like don't find their way into your local wine bar?
When we first went to Eastlands, I drank in Mary D's. After a few years the place and regulars started to get on my nerves a bit. I now drink in the Townley and I find it a much better boozer and find the regulars to be more my cup of tea.
And I'm 100% against shutting it down, most regulars from there will come in the Townley haha.
But seriously, its each to their own, and if people like Mary D's (and I can see the attraction, its just not for me) then leave them to it. You don't like it, there are plenty of other boozers to go in.
Good post. We tend to booze in town or a couple of miles away then have 1 or 2 near ground. Easlands was first chooice but dj gets on our nerves so we go front room of Mary d's now (and after game). Used to go to The Manchester. If you don't like it dont go in. What does scrote mean? Working class? Lad? Unemployed? Claiming benefits? Me and my mates fit into one of those categories. I personally dont like Mary d's but hate the corporate shit at the stadium. If you don't like a place dont go in it
I can give or take Mary D's. If we go in there then we'll usually pitch up early, get a table and stay in the smaller bit.

The Beer isn't the best but the service is quick.
pardoe said:
Isn't it about time this sh*thole was ripped down?

- crap beer
- full of the very worst sort of fans
- regular bouts of Blue-on-Blue
- annoying c*nt on the microphone


Dont appreciate being called the very worst sort of fan TBH. I have a good job, own my own house but sometimes enjoy the sing song in there to get me in the mood.

Agree the beer is crap and overpriced, and the anti RAG thing wears thin after a bit.

Dont know where you get the regular bouts of Blue on Blue from. Never seen a fight in there before Saturday.

The one thing that does annoy me is the amount of kids in the place. No way would I take my kids in there!!

But everyone has a choice. Take it or leave it!!!
I've seen about 3 scraps in about 3 years when you consider how many people go in I don't think is bad at all when u consider how many people are in there
DD said:
The entire estate and crappy 1960s hovels like the Manchester and the Corner Shop could get flattened too for all I care. It's a God forsaken area.

People who don't support our club look at me like I'm strange when I say that the area Maine Road was in is positively upmarket in comparison to where we are now.

Hopefully we'll move out to Alderly Edge and you wont have to put up with the frightful riff-raff who put a stain on the area surrounding the clubs home.

Prawn buttys anyone?

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