Mask wearing is a defence mechanism albeit a small player in restricting the spread.the whole point of the vaccination programme is to break the link between infection and hospitalisations and ultimately people dying and if we are compelled to wear masks again then that programme will have failed.
we have to learn to live with it at some point and that point has been reached in my opinion
yes people will still get ill but that goes for any virus/infection
People will die from covid for many years to come throughout the world like they do from influenza but in similar numbers over many years average whether you are vaccinated or not.
it is also designed to measure citizen response to both government edict or recommendation and compliance of edict and recommendation that in the main while a nuisance to some and a risk to health to some to actually wear them for even a short period of time at different times is in the main acceptable to comply with by most as opposed to democratic governments at least demanding you shoot your neighbour with a rifle in the big toe which much fewer would comply with.
many people will wear them irrespective of the actual level of community transmission and the link between hospital cases and death after the bulk of the community have been vaccinated.