Mason Greenwood released on bail

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And some people can be unemployed and live off benefits and still give verbal and physical abuse to their partners. There's a whole load of reasons why abusers do what they do and those people would be no different if they were millionaires or on the bread line.
I think that is all fair comment, but having that amount of adulation, fame and wealth, and the assisted lack of perspective and reality they entail, is hardly likely to improve the behaviour of young men.

They provide more opportunities and less obstacles to malign behaviour, especially if that lies beneath in the first place.
If the audio is genuine then Greenwood's career is over, at least at the highest level. It is a shocking listen. To be fair to the media they have to be very careful. It is a legal minefield. It is not clear who made the recording or released it or if the girl has legally given her consent. It is as serious as it gets for the media to identify a victim of a sex crime unless they have waived their anonymity. She is a vulnerable young girl and, even though the picture and tape have been broadcast, she still needs to be protected.
Sometimes this is exactly what can breed this attitude of being scum cunts who think they can do whatever the fuck they like.
Yeah possibly. You hear that said a lot about giving kids too much too soon etc, there's logic to it but the vast majority of us haven't experienced it and have no real way of knowing it's impact. For me, it's just an excuse, there's plenty of footballers who are not cunts, there's even plenty that a thoroughly decent people. The money and fame probably gives them a sense of entitlement which makes a much more dangerous combination but a **** is and always will be a **** regardless in my eyes, and it appears he's one of the biggest around.
Is it a coincidence this sort of thing happens when players are on a break, this time a winter break. Does it also tell you clubs need to be on top of their players/assets? Seems crazy they give young players mountains of cash, boost their egos to the sky and then be surprised when they behave like twats.
In what conceivable way did he anticipate it?
In the sense that surveillance in totalitarian states is used as a form of power and control over its citizens. I think he understood that even if citizens had the technology to film and record coercive and oppressive practices by the state, they wouldn't, as the act of filming would itself be considered antithetical to the ideological principles of the state and be considered deviant at best and treasonous at worse. Civilians in North Korea have the ability to film government officials, but very few will do as the act would get them killed and possibly their family members tortured.
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