Mason Greenwood released on bail

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Is it a coincidence this sort of thing happens when players are on a break, this time a winter break. Does it also tell you clubs need to be on top of their players/assets? Seems crazy they give young players mountains of cash, boost their egos to the sky and then be surprised when they behave like twats.

I think it happened in October last year.
Is it a coincidence this sort of thing happens when players are on a break, this time a winter break. Does it also tell you clubs need to be on top of their players/assets? Seems crazy they give young players mountains of cash, boost their egos to the sky and then be surprised when they behave like twats.
He has abused her for years
Is it a coincidence this sort of thing happens when players are on a break, this time a winter break. Does it also tell you clubs need to be on top of their players/assets? Seems crazy they give young players mountains of cash, boost their egos to the sky and then be surprised when they behave like twats.
It was recorded in October of last year.
In the sense that surveillance in totalitarian states is used as a form of power and control over its citizens. I think he understood that even if citizens had the technology to film and record coercive and oppressive practices by the state, they wouldn't, as the act of filming would itself be considered antithetical to the ideological principles of the state and be considered deviant at best and treasonous at worse. Civilians in North Korea have the ability to film government officials, but very few will do as the act would get them killed and possibly their family members tortured.
Saying you think he understood something without any evidence to support your contention is mere speculation. There is simply nothing in 1984, or any other of his works afaik, to suggest he anticipated the means to record and disseminate the actions of individuals (and/or the state) would lie in the hands of private citizens.

Saying that he ‘understood that even if citizens had the technology to film coercive and oppressive practices by the state’ is worthless without any evidence that he conceived of such a notion in the first place.

It’s not a criticism btw. Who could possibly have imagined the road that exponential advances in technology, conflated with rampant capitalism would have taken us down, but to suggest Orwell did is plainly wrong.
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