Mason Greenwood released on bail

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Still nothing on the BBC, so fucking bizarre.
Fifth story on the Sport Homepage:

Third on the News Homepage:

This does seem like it has the potential to get quite ugly if United and England knew about this before now and the press couldn't report it.

What was done by United, by England, by Southgate or Solskjaer to make sure it stopped? What was said or done to Greenwood, what help was the girl offered?

What did journalists know? Did they report everything they could, or were they overly cautious and allowed abuse to carry on.

England and Manchester United player abuses girlfriend is a big, horrible story, England and Manchester United knew player was abusing girlfriend and did nothing to stop it until the girl finally plucked up the courage to go public is a much worse/bigger story.

There's also going to be questions about the decision to sign Ronaldo with the Kathryn Mayorga leaked admission, and things like hosting Giggs in the director's box this season while he's awaiting trial for domestic abuse.

Solskjaer was in a lot of hot water in Norway in 2020 about how he signed an accused rapist and his agent Jim Solbakken was accused of helping him leave the country before a second trial.

All these things put together... none of it is definitive, it just looks bad for United with regards to violence against women being ignored/deemed unimportant.

I want to stress i'm not getting pious here, I think our club made a lot of big, probably worse, errors with the City player who is in prison right now, but I think if this story blows up, these things are going to get pulled into it.

Without getting pedantic, Mendy has been out on house bail for a number of weeks now.
Fifth story on the Sport Homepage:

Third on the News Homepage:

Jesus wept.

Is it that hard to look at the time the article was posted.
No, it wasn’t.
Well, it was because I had the link saved to post the story and that was before I went to walk the dog.

It was the manure are aware of the incident one that has been posted by others, it was also on the football section.

But it doesn't really matter at the end of the day, does it?
Well, it was because I had the link saved to post the story and that was before I went to walk the dog.

It was the manure are aware of the incident one that has been posted by others, it was also on the football section.

But it doesn't really matter at the end of the day, does it?
Nope, certainly doesn’t matter.

That withstanding, my original point still stands that it was wholly bizarre that the BBC wasn’t running the story when it was headline news across practically all other online media outlets.
Well, it was because I had the link saved to post the story and that was before I went to walk the dog.

It was the manure are aware of the incident one that has been posted by others, it was also on the football section.

But it doesn't really matter at the end of the day, does it?

It is on the BBC news..

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