Mason Greenwood released on bail

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Ched Evans was convicted of rape despite the complainant never reporting a rape had taken place.
I think that was because she was so drunk she couldn't remember giving consent.
Following from the CPS website.
The Attorney General's Press Officer must be informed immediately if material appears to have been published or is about to be published in a current or pending case which may have a prejudicial effect on the ongoing proceedings.
Given use of the word 'pending', I still think a cautious approach is sensible irrespective of whether anyone has been charged.
I'm not sure anything that could be posted on here could have any more potential impact on the case than what is already in the public domain from the original 'leaked' images/audio/video unless anyone with intimate knowledge of the situation posted something which was not public knowledge.
I very rarely listen to TS. On the odd occasion I have it's been in works hire car where the radio has already been tuned in. I quickly work out how to change station.
There's been occasion over the years when after a brilliant result or some positive news regarding City I've dipped in to hear what they have to say and soon realised that it's either not reported on at all (this seems to be the main MO from certain media in regards to us these days) or talked about from the most negative aspect where giving us the absolute minimum credit feels dirty to them.
I am not being argumentative but how would the CPS prove rape without her? I cannot see any evidence that it actually happened without her.

Ched Evans was convicted of rape despite the complainant never reporting a rape had taken place.

Im pretty sure they could seize her phone and his phone.

She’s obviously documented a lot of attacks and likely discussed it via text with him or her friends.

Abusive relationships often involve lots of break ups, followed by the abuser apologising and the victim taking them back, so there’s probably going to be a lot of text evidence.
Following from the CPS website.
The Attorney General's Press Officer must be informed immediately if material appears to have been published or is about to be published in a current or pending case which may have a prejudicial effect on the ongoing proceedings.
Given use of the word 'pending', I still think a cautious approach is sensible irrespective of whether anyone has been charged.

By definition it cannot be a CPS case until he is charged.

As long as The newspapers are still putting out articles and opinion pieces, it’s fine, they are far more exposed and have very experienced legal teams who know when to stop.

The main principle is there has to be breathing space before the trial, that balances preserving the integrity of the jury while also serving public interest in reporting these crimes.

Frankly I wish there had been more reporting and public awareness on the City player, then he might not have been able to rape 2 more people before being charged.
Classic fm was my station of choice when driving in the UK, Or smooth.
Great for stress levels.
TS just made me want to fucking pummel into oncoming cars... Haha!
Fucking hell, I thought i'd been posting pissed for a minute ...then realised i'm not the TS you are talking about
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