Match Ball and Peter Fletcher allegedly (for legal reasons)


You can see the ball land in front of the 110/109 and someone who looks like a young lad grabs it.

I heard about this and saw this footage a few days ago and my immediate reaction was fair play to him, I was actually happy for him.

Not surprised in Fletcher, the man is a tosser and an embarrassment to the club.
There was a fat guy who ran round the pitch at the end of every one coming off near block 102 but it wasn't the match ball he had it looked like an umbro one.
City should have put out an appeal, saying ''we have identified the lad who picked it up and we would ask him to come forward with information as to where the ball is''.

Then if he doesn't come forward, fair enough take it to the next stage.
Instead Fletcher calls his mates at the cop shop and the lad is nicked and then un-nicked!
When i was on the pitch on sunday I went for the corner flag but it went so I ended up with the ball boys plastic step/stool, should I hand myself in and how much prison am I looking at?
c-t-i-d-87 said:

You can see the ball land in front of the 110/109 and someone who looks like a young lad grabs it.

I heard about this and saw this footage a few days ago and my immediate reaction was fair play to him, I was actually happy for him.

Not surprised in Fletcher, the man is a tosser and an embarrassment to the club.
Right looking at that video, that certainly looks like the bloke in all the close ups of the team celebrating who comes in from the back and seems to slip on his arse and disappear, look closely you can see him get up and then run into the centre of the pitch with it. I thought he had a Tshirt under his arm on the close up but it must have been the ball. Yep I just checked it on MOTD when Balo and all the others are celebrating he comes in the top of the screen from the right no shirt on and blue Tshirt in his hand with the ball, he goes to jump on the players and actually drops the ball as he does so, and he ain't no fat bloke. Looking at the you tube clip he then picks up the ball and goes running around with it.
The Future's Blue said:
jrb said:
So who made the call at the club? GMP have confirmed the lad in question had been arrested.

A police spokesman said a youth was arrested on Friday but was de-arrested shortly after
The thing is, how could that physically happen unless Fletcher was pulling the strings?

Abusing the system because of his contacts, heavy handed tactics on a young lad and it could be considered as Kidnap due to the age of the lad. Were their any paedo's in the room with them as well?

10 years I say, hard labour for Fletcher. The boy gets a medal.

-- Sat May 19, 2012 5:28 pm --

dctid said:
jrb said:
So who made the call at the club? GMP have confirmed the lad in question had been arrested.

Not 100% certain but Flectcher was involved

When he got the ball he apparantly went back to his seat for the presentation and they then matched the seat to a ST and bingo

They knew exactly where he lived but instead of going to his house they arrested him where he worked

Wankers the lot of them

Police had no option as City made an officlal complaint

Sadly as said before the ball WAS coming back but he was so cuffed if grown men can cry in the middle of the pitch then 17 year old kids are very likely to pick up a match ball after such a game
Where was he de-arrested mate, was it at his works or at the Police station?

Dont know in all honesty - pretty certain it was not where he worked police station i guess - wont see my lad till tomorrow so will know more then

All i do know is that this shit is likely to cause bad press for the club

Cuffing a 17 year old for nicking a football bollocks
Bottom comment, is it really Fletcher?

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gordondaviesmoustache said:
the kippax kid said:
When i was on the pitch on sunday I went for the corner flag but it went so I ended up with the ball boys plastic step/stool, should I hand myself in and how much prison am I looking at?

The maximum prison sentence for theft is seven years, but they will take into account the fact that you handed yourself in.

And then they will take into account that you nicked a plastic stool, wipe the drool of your face and send you home with a lollypop.

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