Match Ball and Peter Fletcher allegedly (for legal reasons)

BREAKING NEWS: Fletcher has identified more suspects
TheMightyQuinn said:
didactic said:
Sorry to be the voice of reason here but emotions or not this is not Fletchers fault the boy did infact steal the ball. It was not his to take home.

It's a football.

The kid didn't need humiliating in public before being taken against his wishes to see some seedy **** who takes his job far too seriously.

I don't begrudge the kid taking the ball, good for him, I'd have done the same in his shoes and I'm sure most of us would.

Football is about great little stories like a young lad getting the league winning match ball. Arresting him is an absolute fucking disgrace. I'm a season ticket holder of 25 years and I don't take criticising my club lightly but this is wrong, embarrassing and everything I don't want city to become
dctid said:
jrb said:
So who made the call at the club? GMP have confirmed the lad in question had been arrested.

A police spokesman said a youth was arrested on Friday but was de-arrested shortly after

Not 100% certain but Flectcher was involved

When he got the ball he apparantly went back to his seat for the presentation and they then matched the seat to a ST and bingo
They knew exactly where he lived but instead of going to his house they arrested him where he worked

Wankers the lot of them

Police had no option as City made an officlal complaint

Sadly as said before the ball WAS coming back but he was so cuffed if grown men can cry in the middle of the pitch then 17 year old kids are very likely to pick up a match ball after such a game

But how did they know he went back to his own seat? There were people around me who moved from their 'seats' and came and stood in our row so if anyone were trying to identify them after the pitch invasion they could have been wrong!!
Eccles Blue said:
dctid said:
jrb said:
So who made the call at the club? GMP have confirmed the lad in question had been arrested.

Not 100% certain but Flectcher was involved

When he got the ball he apparantly went back to his seat for the presentation and they then matched the seat to a ST and bingo
They knew exactly where he lived but instead of going to his house they arrested him where he worked

Wankers the lot of them

Police had no option as City made an officlal complaint

Sadly as said before the ball WAS coming back but he was so cuffed if grown men can cry in the middle of the pitch then 17 year old kids are very likely to pick up a match ball after such a game

But how did they know he went back to his own seat? There were people around me who moved from their 'seats' and came and stood in our row so if anyone were trying to identify them after the pitch invasion they could have been wrong!!

Because they also check to see if he was sat there at the start of the game also. Aint difficult really

There would have been god knows how many camers at that.
I seem to remember something about Aguero keeping all game winning balls or something? Does anyone else remember that? Maybe he has them documented on a website....???

I wonder if Aguero wants that ball?
hilts said:
Danielmanc said:
Why does the little muppet deserve his "15 minutes of fame" ? He's done nothing to be famous for - he just stole a football.

your a tit anyone would do the same, hes 16 for gods sake. Get a life :)<br /><br />-- Sat May 19, 2012 10:42 pm --<br /><br />I think Im going to make a complaint to city about this, but they wont listen ,just likle with the incident in 109
A comment from an account purporting to be Peter Fletcher:
19th May 2012, 7:23pm

The actual truth is that a number of supporters rang the club to say that someone had been boasting that someone had be advertising this on social media websites and supplied the club with his details. The ball had in essence been stolen and was something that we wanted back for display. We asked the police to help and they brought the person claiming to have the ball to the stadium with his mother rather than go through any legal process. The youth was offered the opportunity to present the ball to a player with the press but we needed to be sure he had the ball so mother said she would return the ball by 5pm on Friday. She failed to show and when I telephoned the father he said he wanted to keep it over the weekend so people could have photos with it and that he would deliver it on Monday. The ball is the clubs property and should be displayed at the club. The mother said they had been offered money for it.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... n-football</a>
If it really is Fletcher, I find it hard to believe that's what happened considering what is being reported at the moment. He shouldn't really be using the word "stolen". Lack of tact, he's is just asking for trouble using language like that. He sounds a bit of a jobsworth if I'm honest.

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