Match Ball and Peter Fletcher allegedly (for legal reasons)

Here's one.

When the crowd invaded the pitch, who nicked one of the corner flags? Defo saw it being held up by a fan near the players tunnel. Over to you City.(Arf!)
Sorry to be the voice of reason here but emotions or not this is not Fletchers fault the boy did infact steal the ball. It was not his to take home.
de niro said:
kev1961 said:
Danielmanc said:
Why does the little muppet deserve his "15 minutes of fame" ? He's done nothing to be famous for - he just stole a football.

he stole fuck all you prick

thats not how bluemoon works. try this.

"i'm not sure he "stole" the ball"
my fellow bluemooner.

danielmanc my fellow bluemooner i'm not sure he "stole" the ball, but I tend to agree with kev1961's quote above wholeheartedly, all the very best.
***I've read many stories about this Fletcher bloke - no human nature, self opinionated, bullying, gestapo type of manner. Many fans have been on here and although not entirely law abiding citizens, their mis demeanours were extremely minor - although when they write to him to explain / apologise they get no reply whatsoever. We need to be careful, in terms of keeping and looking after our culture of passionate fans - his actions could help rid our stands of the passion that we experienced at the QPR game. Sometimes our fervour can cause us to do bizarre things - like run on the pitch after winning the league! THAT kind of thing doesn't make us criminals - we aint talking murder here - it's what we are made of. Anyone would've walked off with that ball definitely, all he had to do was ask for it back - simple as. That lad is NO criminal at all - this was a major over reaction from someone trying to big himself up. Everyone seems to be scared of him as he does what many dictators do and surrounds himself with fear. I'm not a smoker but, personally, think they have had a bit of a raw deal in recent seasons somehow. Whether you agree or not is immaterial. In the democratic world we live in they should be listened to and try to find smokers a mutually suitable place to continue the bad habit that, often society has created in the first place. What does he enforce? Sends his henchmen into the toilets, aggressively sorting culprits out and banning them immediately, without any hearing at all. Feel sure that given the opportunity he would just shoot 'em. Get a petition going boys and girls and rid our club of a dictator - his actions represent our club and bring our culture into disrepute! Still waiting to pick up the MUEN one day to find that we will all be banned for going onto the pitch in shear ecstasy - we'll end up with a ground full of robots. Keep the characters in our club get the bullies out. Petition please - that's democracy - let the fans decide, as we should - one way or another?!! Brilliant season. By the way chaps and chapesses- Manchester City are still CHAMPIONES!!!!!!!!!!!
Timperley Soldier said:
***I've read many stories about this Fletcher bloke - no human nature, self opinionated, bullying, gestapo type of manner. Many fans have been on here and although not entirely law abiding citizens, their mis demeanours were extremely minor - although when they write to him to explain / apologise they get no reply whatsoever. We need to be careful, in terms of keeping and looking after our culture of passionate fans - his actions could help rid our stands of the passion that we experienced at the QPR game. Sometimes our fervour can cause us to do bizarre things - like run on the pitch after winning the league! THAT kind of thing doesn't make us criminals - we aint talking murder here - it's what we are made of. Anyone would've walked off with that ball definitely, all he had to do was ask for it back - simple as. That lad is NO criminal at all - this was a major over reaction from someone trying to big himself up. Everyone seems to be scared of him as he does what many dictators do and surrounds himself with fear. I'm not a smoker but, personally, think they have had a bit of a raw deal in recent seasons somehow. Whether you agree or not is immaterial. In the democratic world we live in they should be listened to and try to find smokers a mutually suitable place to continue the bad habit that, often society has
created in the first place. What does he enforce? Sends his henchmen into the toilets,
aggressively sorting culprits out and banning them immediately, without any hearing at all.
Feel sure that given the opportunity he would just shoot 'em. Get a petition going boys and
girls and rid our club of a dictator - his actions represent our club and bring our culture into
disrepute! Still waiting to pick up the MUEN one day to find that we will all be banned for
going onto the pitch in shear ecstasy - we'll end up with a ground full of robots. Keep the
characters in our club get the bullies out. Petition please - that's democracy - let the fans
decide, as we should - one way or another?!! Brilliant season. By the way chaps and
chapesses- Manchester City are still CHAMPIONES!!!!!!!!!!!

didactic said:
Sorry to be the voice of reason here but emotions or not this is not Fletchers fault the boy did infact steal the ball. It was not his to take home.

Steal, ffs get a life mate.

Its a ball not the crown jewels
mayo31 said:
didactic said:
Sorry to be the voice of reason here but emotions or not this is not Fletchers fault the boy did infact steal the ball. It was not his to take home.

Steal, ffs get a life mate.

Its a ball not the crown jewels

***Feel fairly confident that the club's insurance policy would cover it too?! Could be wrong, suppose??? CTID! Look after our own..***
didactic said:
Sorry to be the voice of reason here but emotions or not this is not Fletchers fault the boy did infact steal the ball. It was not his to take home.

It's a football.

The kid didn't need humiliating in public before being taken against his wishes to see some seedy **** who takes his job far too seriously.

I don't begrudge the kid taking the ball, good for him, I'd have done the same in his shoes and I'm sure most of us would.
mayo31 said:
didactic said:
Sorry to be the voice of reason here but emotions or not this is not Fletchers fault the boy did infact steal the ball. It was not his to take home.

Steal, ffs get a life mate.

Its a ball not the crown jewels
Like I said though in the clubs history or certainly under adug history it's now priceless!! Still bad how they've handled it though!
richards30 said:
mayo31 said:
didactic said:
Sorry to be the voice of reason here but emotions or not this is not Fletchers fault the boy did infact steal the ball. It was not his to take home.

Steal, ffs get a life mate.

Its a ball not the crown jewels
Like I said though in the clubs history or certainly under adug history it's now priceless!! Still bad how they've handled it though!


You don't call the police and bully people to get your way as a first port of call. The human thing to do is try speaking to people rather than getting the filth involved.

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