Match Ball and Peter Fletcher allegedly (for legal reasons)

I am no fan but in his defence i DID write to him about the warning letter i was sent signed by him about standing up in the South stand and he DID write back to me,a very detailed reply.So he does reply,well he did to me.

Sunday was a celebration and people get caught up in it and do crazy things.Invade the pitch,take momento's,act irrationally and this should be taken into account.Football is an emotional game and you can't deal with it in a 'Black and white' rules way.If you do you shouldn't be at a football club in my humble opinion.
TheMightyQuinn said:
didactic said:
Sorry to be the voice of reason here but emotions or not this is not Fletchers fault the boy did infact steal the ball. It was not his to take home.

It's a football.

The kid didn't need humiliating in public before being taken against his wishes to see some seedy **** who takes his job far too seriously.

I don't begrudge the kid taking the ball, good for him, I'd have done the same in his shoes and I'm sure most of us would.
i think its fairly obvious though the stories a lie as the kid didnt get the ball from the side of the pitch look at the video of the fat guy on the pitch running off with it so whats the real story here?
mayo31 said:
didactic said:
Sorry to be the voice of reason here but emotions or not this is not Fletchers fault the boy did infact steal the ball. It was not his to take home.

Steal, ffs get a life mate.

Its a ball not the crown jewels

Don't think it really matters about the value, he took something that didn't belong to him and that is stealing no matter how you look at it.

However since he is a paying fan it should seem quite obvious that he hasn't meant to cause any harm and City could have just been asked him to return the ball before the police were involved. There doesn't need to be any reward involved but from what I've seen, City is an amazing community club and possibly will go out of their way to give the boy an amazing day that he won't forget.

Hasn't been handled greatly but at least it didn't turn out like the fan arrested for the Norwich kit photo and hasn't done much damage to your club's reputation.
I always stick up for city but this is an absolute joke. Embarrassing. Arresting a fan for this is incredible
TheMightyQuinn said:
didactic said:
Sorry to be the voice of reason here but emotions or not this is not Fletchers fault the boy did infact steal the ball. It was not his to take home.

It's a football.

The kid didn't need humiliating in public before being taken against his wishes to see some seedy **** who takes his job far too seriously.

I don't begrudge the kid taking the ball, good for him, I'd have done the same in his shoes and I'm sure most of us would.

***There's always one or two PERFECT people though isn't there??? That have NEVER committed any heinous crime in their lives???????? Thank God there are a few of us who do - what a boring world it would be. Incidentally, whist we are on this subject - remember that lad that was interviewed on TV the next day, after he caught Waddles "blammer" for England? When did he get out? Or did he get "life?" ***
uwerosler28 said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
didactic said:
Sorry to be the voice of reason here but emotions or not this is not Fletchers fault the boy did infact steal the ball. It was not his to take home.

It's a football.

The kid didn't need humiliating in public before being taken against his wishes to see some seedy **** who takes his job far too seriously.

I don't begrudge the kid taking the ball, good for him, I'd have done the same in his shoes and I'm sure most of us would.
i think its fairly obvious though the stories a lie as the kid didnt get the ball from the side of the pitch look at the video of the fat guy on the pitch running off with it so whats the real story here?

Fuck knows. Possibly some lingering, unsolved vendetta from earlier in the year?

Perhaps this kid was a foul hooligan who once stood up to celebrate a goal or shouted in excitement or something?
TheMightyQuinn said:
richards30 said:
mayo31 said:
Steal, ffs get a life mate.

Its a ball not the crown jewels
Like I said though in the clubs history or certainly under adug history it's now priceless!! Still bad how they've handled it though!


You don't call the police and bully people to get your way as a first port of call. The human thing to do is try speaking to people rather than getting the filth involved.
Simples... Should have invited him down to the etihad, got the squad to sign a ball and date it! Done some pics equals positive press. Kid would have been happy and city got THAT ball back. Our pr and communications side at times is awful.
Timperley Soldier said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
didactic said:
Sorry to be the voice of reason here but emotions or not this is not Fletchers fault the boy did infact steal the ball. It was not his to take home.

It's a football.

The kid didn't need humiliating in public before being taken against his wishes to see some seedy **** who takes his job far too seriously.

I don't begrudge the kid taking the ball, good for him, I'd have done the same in his shoes and I'm sure most of us would.

***There's always one or two PERFECT people though isn't there??? That have NEVER committed any heinous crime in their lives???????? Thank God there are a few of us who do - what a boring world it would be. Incidentally, whist we are on this subject - remember that lad that was interviewed on TV the next day, after he caught Waddles "blammer" for England? When did he get out? Or did he get "life?" ***

Theft is theft = whether it's the Mona Lisa or a 1p chew. Hang them high!
We best all return our season cards. They are the property of Manchester city and we might get arrested
richards30 said:
Simples... Should have invited him down to the etihad, got the squad to sign a ball and date it! Done some pics equals positive press. Kid would have been happy and city got THAT ball back. Our pr and communications side at times is awful.

That would be the human response, yes.

Mind you, I can't talk. My 1 yr old nephew took a crisp from my packet earlier today so I kicked the living shit out of him, teach them young is my motto. Dirty thieving twat.

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