Match Ball and Peter Fletcher allegedly (for legal reasons)

TheMightyQuinn said:
Timperley Soldier said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
It's a football.

The kid didn't need humiliating in public before being taken against his wishes to see some seedy **** who takes his job far too seriously.

I don't begrudge the kid taking the ball, good for him, I'd have done the same in his shoes and I'm sure most of us would.

***There's always one or two PERFECT people though isn't there??? That have NEVER committed any heinous crime in their lives???????? Thank God there are a few of us who do - what a boring world it would be. Incidentally, whist we are on this subject - remember that lad that was interviewed on TV the next day, after he caught Waddles "blammer" for England? When did he get out? Or did he get "life?" ***

Theft is theft = whether it's the Mona Lisa or a 1p chew. Hang them high!
Here here old bean!!!<br /><br />-- Sat May 19, 2012 7:33 pm --<br /><br />
paulchapo said:
I am no fan but in his defence i DID write to him about the warning letter i was sent signed by him about standing up in the South stand and he DID write back to me,a very detailed reply.So he does reply,well he did to me.

Sunday was a celebration and people get caught up in it and do crazy things.Invade the pitch,take momento's,act irrationally and this should be taken into account.Football is an emotional game and you can't deal with it in a 'Black and white' rules way.If you do you shouldn't be at a football club in my humble opinion.

***Fair comment mate - we do want a balanced and honest view to help decide anything in fairness!***
Eds said:
The OP says 'The ball landed near the disabled section the lad aged 16 picked the ball up and kept it' However this is utter bollocks as I have said before the ball landed around the centre circle and the pics have proved that it wasn't a 16/17 year old kid who picked it up. Moreover since when has the disabled section been on the pitch? Total crock of shit
Obviously no fucker wishes to listen to facts...why let the facts get in the stated the story being spouted by the MEN and this kid and his father has many holes in I asked earlier did we use more than one match ball if so the kid may have a ball but he ain't got the one Sergio scored with and Hart smashed in the air at the end that's for sure
richards30 said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
richards30 said:
Like I said though in the clubs history or certainly under adug history it's now priceless!! Still bad how they've handled it though!


You don't call the police and bully people to get your way as a first port of call. The human thing to do is try speaking to people rather than getting the filth involved.
Simples... Should have invited him down to the etihad, got the squad to sign a ball and date it! Done some pics equals positive press. Kid would have been happy and city got THAT ball back. Our pr and communications side at times is awful.
*** Agreed and well said pal! Just as simple as that -why are such people like this allowed to be in positions to make such massive PR cock ups?! Our club's reputation takes a huge knock and we have to try and defend the actions then somehow?? ***
No matter what the rights and wrongs are,or the whys and wherefores I still can't get my head around the dad running to Ollie fuckin Holt in order to attempt to embarrass the club like a snivelling woman.
big blueballs said:
Eds said:
The OP says 'The ball landed near the disabled section the lad aged 16 picked the ball up and kept it' However this is utter bollocks as I have said before the ball landed around the centre circle and the pics have proved that it wasn't a 16/17 year old kid who picked it up. Moreover since when has the disabled section been on the pitch? Total crock of shit
Obviously no fucker wishes to listen to facts...why let the facts get in the stated the story being spouted by the MEN and this kid and his father has many holes in I asked earlier did we use more than one match ball if so the kid may have a ball but he ain't got the one Sergio scored with and Hart smashed in the air at the end that's for sure
If that's the case then which ball did he get, because if I pay to see it at the museum I want it too be that one or I want my money back, prove it with a video of the young lad catching it, then getting arrested been humiliated and finally Fletcher standing proud as he receives it back then I'll believe.
Gaylord du Bois said:
No matter what the rights and wrongs are,or the whys and wherefores I still can't get my head around the dad running to Ollie fuckin Holt in order to attempt to embarrass the club like a snivelling woman.

If it gets rid of Fletcher it's worth it!
TheMightyQuinn said:
richards30 said:
Simples... Should have invited him down to the etihad, got the squad to sign a ball and date it! Done some pics equals positive press. Kid would have been happy and city got THAT ball back. Our pr and communications side at times is awful.

That would be the human response, yes.

Mind you, I can't talk. My 1 yr old nephew took a crisp from my packet earlier today so I kicked the living shit out of him, teach them young is my motto. Dirty thieving twat.

***Has he got big ears (Before ya "cuffed him!!")? Likely a Lineker love child!!***<br /><br />-- Sat May 19, 2012 7:45 pm --<br /><br />
pride in battle said:
Gaylord du Bois said:
No matter what the rights and wrongs are,or the whys and wherefores I still can't get my head around the dad running to Ollie fuckin Holt in order to attempt to embarrass the club like a snivelling woman.

If it gets rid of Fletcher it's worth it!

***You're BOTH right there boys!!***
It really does sound pathetic arresting a kid for doing what any over exhuberant juvenile would do, and Paul Fletcher what an absolute nob jockey he is.

I mean they go way over the top running after kids saying we want our ball back yet its taken them all this time to start applying the no smoking ban to the toilets. If they had put has much energy into stopping the retards smoking in the bogs as they did to get that ball back then they would not have the problems that they have now.

So well done Mr Fletcher you really now how to micro manage taking sledge hammer to crack those little jobs and letting the big things fester. You are a deserving winner for the c*ck of the year award.
Blue Maverick said:
What follows is the story of what happened to the matchball that Joe Hart kicked out at the end of the match, this story comes from a guy at work who is the friend of the guy who caught the ball.
The ball landed near the disabled section the lad aged 16 picked the ball up and kept it. Obvioulsy the lad is chuffed and has contacted the papers including the Mirror hoping to get his story in the papers. Fast forward to yesterday and the police turn up at midday at his house, he has been traced via the CCTV at city and the come to arrest him. The young lad is not in so they go to his place of work handcuff him and arrest him for theft, march him through work and Ashton town centre and drive him away. They then pull over and de arrest and say they are taking him to City to see Peter Flethcher.
He then arrives at Fletchers office with the coppers, Fletcher then says he had stole the ball and unless he returns it he will be banned for life and any away games he will have photo sent to all grounds unless the ball is returned by 5pm that night. Now obvioulsy this lad is shitting himself and goes home and tells his dad the story.
His dad goes ballistic and does some research before phoning Fletcher. He has found out that once the final whistle is blown the ball is no longer the property of City but is the property of the Premier league, he phones Fletcher and tells him this, suddenly Fletcher starts backtracking knowing he is in the wrong, he is asked who the arresting officers were and suddenly he has no knowledge.
The lads dad contacted Ollie Holt at the Mirror and he is saying City won't return his phone calls which is very unusual. The police are now denying any knowledge as no arrest was made!! The dad has now told Fletcher he can have the ball as long as it goes in the City museum and his son can get his 15mins of fame in the papers. Also they are still trying to find out who these coppers were to make a complaint.
The think Fletcher allegedly is in the shit because if the pitch invasion etc and with this I hope they fucking sack him.

Someone with an axe to grind re Kevin Fletcher .....allegedly<br /><br />-- Sat May 19, 2012 7:54 pm --<br /><br />
Blue Maverick said:
big blueballs said:
Eds said:
The OP says 'The ball landed near the disabled section the lad aged 16 picked the ball up and kept it' However this is utter bollocks as I have said before the ball landed around the centre circle and the pics have proved that it wasn't a 16/17 year old kid who picked it up. Moreover since when has the disabled section been on the pitch? Total crock of shit
Obviously no fucker wishes to listen to facts...why let the facts get in the stated the story being spouted by the MEN and this kid and his father has many holes in I asked earlier did we use more than one match ball if so the kid may have a ball but he ain't got the one Sergio scored with and Hart smashed in the air at the end that's for sure
If that's the case then which ball did he get, because if I pay to see it at the museum I want it too be that one or I want my money back, prove it with a video of the young lad catching it, then getting arrested been humiliated and finally Fletcher standing proud as he receives it back then I'll believe.

Sounds like a rag story by someone so sick we took the trophy off them or, (as I said earlier) someone looking for an opportunity to get one over Fletcher ALLEGEDLY

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