Match of the Day - 2012/13

TGR said:
Squelch said:
The lady assistant referee is clearly seen to mouth 'yellow card' after the foul.

Am I alone in thinking the F.A. had been questioned on the bias that the rags hadn't had a red card or penalty awarded to them all season despite there being evidence that both should have been awarded. So, to save the bias claims, a red card is awarded to a rag bit player, in injury time, after the league has been decided.

Step forward yoonited's very own No. 1 Ref, Howard Webb.

Spot on.

I was thinking exactly the same.
Stoned Rose said:
Media 'outrage' designed to detract from the disgusting 'tackle' by Rafael. Imagine the uproar had that been Suarez or Balotelli committing that foul.

Yes he 'smiles' and yes he's 'wound him up' but Rafael should be professional and mature enough to not respond with what amounts to violence.

The smile is being used to gloss over a very nasty tackle and utd red card.
Both were in the wrong but I sympathise with Rafael on this. Luiz is a ****, I'm glad both Aguero and Rafael blew up at him.
What is the story here?

Rafael booted a player up the arse and got sent off?

Chelsea win at Old Trafford to gain vital points in the Champion's League race?

Or Luiz smiles whilst on the floor?

What a surprise that out of the three, the media go for the one that Ferguson would like to be the story.

Luiz is a cheat. Rafael is a cheat. Manchester United is a club full of cheats.

Here's the real fucking story. The red card and penalty record of theirs defies all the evidence that every other football team in the country sees regarding the way they act and the way they 'should' be refereed.

Can't mention that one though, can we?

Even when the old soak has the cheek to regularly come out and state how well behaved, honest and fair his team are, the arse lickers lap it up and don't question it. Whilst everyone else laughs in the knowledge that they are the biggest bullies of refs, beneficiaries of biased decisions and have been stuffed full of cheats, from Keane, to Ronaldo, to Van Horse, to Rooney, to every other one who is never, ever, ever pulled up for constant abuse of officials and trying to cheat at every small opportunity.

PS: if Ryan Giggs is such a hard case how come he was squaring up to a Brazilian waif. Does he square up to all the cheating twats on his own team who do the same at every opportunity. Including the fat bastard stood behind him. And if he is now suddenly this hard case, giving it handbags all the time, I suggest he proves it by stopping all this posturing meeting up with someone who isn't a 9 stone kid and going six rounds on the cobbles with them (possibly his brother). Who is he kidding, the old twat?

PPS: I see Luiz gets booked, as the easy target foreigner, yesterday for abusing the ref - and rightly so. Yet in the previous match, late on, Gerrard screamed, "You fucking shithouse, you fucking shithouse" in the face of the ref because he had the cheek to give a correct free kick against him. The response from the ref - pretend it didn't happen.

What a joke football is as a sport. No other sport would allow the bastards to question the decision with even a "I believe you have got that wrong" (in rugby or cricket they would be told that they are getting sent off/fined if they try to even politely referee the game again) but the awful officials and governing bodies in football haven't even got the bollocks to apply their own rules, lest it upset someone that they don't want to upset.
NipHolmes said:
Stoned Rose said:
Media 'outrage' designed to detract from the disgusting 'tackle' by Rafael. Imagine the uproar had that been Suarez or Balotelli committing that foul.

Yes he 'smiles' and yes he's 'wound him up' but Rafael should be professional and mature enough to not respond with what amounts to violence.

The smile is being used to gloss over a very nasty tackle and utd red card.
Both were in the wrong but I sympathise with Rafael on this. Luiz is a ****, I'm glad both Aguero and Rafael blew up at him.

You seem to be even more offended than a lot of rags over that tackle/smile/red card. said:
NipHolmes said:
Stoned Rose said:
Media 'outrage' designed to detract from the disgusting 'tackle' by Rafael. Imagine the uproar had that been Suarez or Balotelli committing that foul.

Yes he 'smiles' and yes he's 'wound him up' but Rafael should be professional and mature enough to not respond with what amounts to violence.

The smile is being used to gloss over a very nasty tackle and utd red card.
Both were in the wrong but I sympathise with Rafael on this. Luiz is a ****, I'm glad both Aguero and Rafael blew up at him.

You seem to be even more offended than a lot of rags over that tackle/smile/red card.

Because I don't like Luiz.

Watch th YouTube clip again. Blatant elbow to the head yet he gets a card. Tried doing similar to Sergio and Luiz escaped much of the negative headlines.

It just seems like you can get away with being a **** because you can play football well. If Luiz or Suarez pulled theses stunts in a Sunday league game they'd be punched up. Instead they get away with it as players rarely lash out. Luckily Suarez is getting caught up with, hopefully Luiz is next.

Luiz is lucky he picks smaller foes. Funny how you never see him do it to Andy Carroll, Kevin Nolan etc. Fucking wanker him. said:
You seem to be even more offended than a lot of rags over that tackle/smile/red card.

That's because Nip himself is the massiveist of massive,dirty,stinking,no good Rags.....

Blimey,he's such a low life,i'm surprised you didn't know...??
NipHolmes said: said:
NipHolmes said:
Both were in the wrong but I sympathise with Rafael on this. Luiz is a ****, I'm glad both Aguero and Rafael blew up at him.

You seem to be even more offended than a lot of rags over that tackle/smile/red card.

Because I don't like Luiz.

Watch th YouTube clip again. Blatant elbow to the head yet he gets a card. Tried doing similar to Sergio and Luiz escaped much of the negative headlines.

It just seems like you can get away with being a **** because you can play football well. If Luiz or Suarez pulled theses stunts in a Sunday league game they'd be punched up. Instead they get away with it as players rarely lash out. Luckily Suarez is getting caught up with, hopefully Luiz is next.

Luiz is lucky he picks smaller foes. Funny how you never see him do it to Andy Carroll, Kevin Nolan etc. Fucking wanker him.

Nip you're basing your reading of this on the fact you don't like Luiz, not the actual incident.

Also to say you're glad one of our own (Sergio) 'blew up' at another player is bizarre to say the least. Our lads should be way above that kind of nonsense.
NipHolmes said: said:
NipHolmes said:
Both were in the wrong but I sympathise with Rafael on this. Luiz is a ****, I'm glad both Aguero and Rafael blew up at him.

You seem to be even more offended than a lot of rags over that tackle/smile/red card.

Because I don't like Luiz.

Watch th YouTube clip again. Blatant elbow to the head yet he gets a card. Tried doing similar to Sergio and Luiz escaped much of the negative headlines.

It just seems like you can get away with being a **** because you can play football well. If Luiz or Suarez pulled theses stunts in a Sunday league game they'd be punched up. Instead they get away with it as players rarely lash out. Luckily Suarez is getting caught up with, hopefully Luiz is next.

Luiz is lucky he picks smaller foes. Funny how you never see him do it to Andy Carroll, Kevin Nolan etc. Fucking wanker him.

There was no elbow to Rafael's face in that move.
That trick is employed by most players while shielding the ball. Vidic, Evans, Fellaini all do it. The reason it looks like an elbow on the face is because of the height difference b/w Luiz and Rafael or Luiz and Aguero. I am sure he tries it on Carroll etc but it isn't noticed much because it ends up hitting them in chest area.

And how a city fan can support Rafael for that kick, I will never know.

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