Match of the Day - 2020/21

Nah they're alright.

Personally I only ever record MOTD for the game highlights, fast-forwarding through the manager, player and analysis for all games but ours or if something controversial has happened elsewhere. I'm not interested in {insert ex-pro}'s tactical insight "Look at the defender's positioning, if he'd had been here (moves player 3 yards forward) he'd have stopped the cross". Er, well yeah, obviously.
She is here there and everywhere at the moment, I have had enough to be frank. The episode of "Who do you think you are?" was one of the most boring ones I have ever watched.
She's the BBC's new diamond light. She's been given the FF slot and is now Lineker's main understudy on MOTD (ta-ta Gabby Logan). She also alternates on The One Show. She'll be on Children in Need and other one offs too so get used to her being around. The BBC have clearly invested in her. I thought she was good as an analyst. As a main presenter she's not there yet - especially when reading off the autocue - but maybe she'll improve given time.
It's funny how we all think that regional accents, both traditional and those influenced by immigration, are wrong when it comes to public broadcasting. I'm not criticising because I do it myself, but really we need to be embracing our regional dialects.

Except the scousers.
Unfortunately Estuary English is a persisting trend which sounds sloppy and lazy. Many of its users put it on, like Tony Blair some years ago.

Dialects and local accents are entirely different and should be preserved.
Unfortunately Estuary English is a persisting trend which sounds sloppy and lazy. Many of its users put it on, like Tony Blair some years ago.

Dialects and local accents are entirely different and should be preserved.
Nothing wrong with dialects and local accents, I sound very Manc myself. I just want to be able to follow my sports without having to listen to the likes of Carragher, is that too much to ask?
Unfortunately Estuary English is a persisting trend which sounds sloppy and lazy. Many of its users put it on, like Tony Blair some years ago.

Dialects and local accents are entirely different and should be preserved.
I agree completely. We shouldn't be persuaded by the woke brigade that any criticism of the likes of Alex Scott is in any way discriminatory. Neither is it an issue about regional accents and dialects (as she herself claimed recently when seeking to defend her "working class" roots). It is, in fact, about good diction and enunciation, surely a prerequisite for anyone presenting a television programme watched by millions. Personally, it grinds my gears to constantly hear about runnin', tacklin' and shootin'. If that makes me old fashioned, I'll happily wear that badge with pride. This is aside from the fact that she appears to be almost entirely lacking in natural ability as a presenter. Still, its another box ticked for the BBC.
On the issue of the constant dumbing down of popular culture, MOTD plumbed new depths on Saturday night with the introductory piece narrated by whom I assume is some kind of agony aunt from Radio One. Does anyone over the age of 16 actually listen to that station? All this, of course, eats into time that should be devoted to what I thought was a football highlights programme.
Nothing wrong with dialects and local accents, I sound very Manc myself. I just want to be able to follow my sports without having to listen to the likes of Carragher, is that too much to ask?
If people just 30 miles up the road can't understand him the majority of UK fans in the SE and elsewhere won't have a scooby.
But they will be there nodding like the Churchill dog without understanding.
Oh yes.
I agree completely. We shouldn't be persuaded by the woke brigade that any criticism of the likes of Alex Scott is in any way discriminatory. Neither is it an issue about regional accents and dialects (as she herself claimed recently when seeking to defend her "working class" roots). It is, in fact, about good diction and enunciation, surely a prerequisite for anyone presenting a television programme watched by millions. Personally, it grinds my gears to constantly hear about runnin', tacklin' and shootin'. If that makes me old fashioned, I'll happily wear that badge with pride. This is aside from the fact that she appears to be almost entirely lacking in natural ability as a presenter. Still, its another box ticked for the BBC.
On the issue of the constant dumbing down of popular culture, MOTD plumbed new depths on Saturday night with the introductory piece narrated by whom I assume is some kind of agony aunt from Radio One. Does anyone over the age of 16 actually listen to that station? All this, of course, eats into time that should be devoted to what I thought was a football highlights programme.
Agreed 100% on the first para. My mum insisted we pronounced everything correctly albeit in a Manc accent. She was from West Gorton and my dad from Collyhurst so we weren't posh by any means.we just spoke our own lounge correctly.
We don't have to go back very far to see all BBC commentators spoke correctly eg Jimmy Armfield with his strong Lancy accent.
Fortunately l missed the Saturday MOTD so I am afraid l also missed the piece you mention.

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