Match of the Day - 2020/21

I'm not going to be arguing fella. I'm sure your basing that opinion on sound logic and individual rational thought, not repeating the words of gobs on sticks with quite apparent agendas. Have a good day
You replied to my post. Abolishing the BBC and thus dismantling MOTD is ok in my books.

Have a good day @CFMCFC ;)
You replied to my post. Abolishing the BBC and thus dismantling MOTD is ok in my books.

Have a good day @CFMCFC ;)
I think that'd be sad, we would be worse off if that happened, so I politely disagree.
Anyways that's me done.
That comment about us having it easier with Covid from Lineker.

we have had our fair share, stupid comment.

It is well know some have been faking positive tests with little tricks to try and get an advantage.

Not going to name teams and names.

It is obvious who they are.
I agree completely. We shouldn't be persuaded by the woke brigade that any criticism of the likes of Alex Scott is in any way discriminatory. Neither is it an issue about regional accents and dialects (as she herself claimed recently when seeking to defend her "working class" roots). It is, in fact, about good diction and enunciation, surely a prerequisite for anyone presenting a television programme watched by millions. Personally, it grinds my gears to constantly hear about runnin', tacklin' and shootin'. If that makes me old fashioned, I'll happily wear that badge with pride. This is aside from the fact that she appears to be almost entirely lacking in natural ability as a presenter. Still, its another box ticked for the BBC.
On the issue of the constant dumbing down of popular culture, MOTD plumbed new depths on Saturday night with the introductory piece narrated by whom I assume is some kind of agony aunt from Radio One. Does anyone over the age of 16 actually listen to that station? All this, of course, eats into time that should be devoted to what I thought was a football highlights programme.
You can have the strongest Mancunian/ Geordie/ Cockney accent going but use the correct words, and not sound like a thick ****.
That comment about us having it easier with Covid from Lineker.

we have had our fair share, stupid comment.

It is well know some have been faking positive tests with little tricks to try and get an advantage.

Not going to name teams and names.

It is obvious who they are.
Arsenal & Liverpool & Klopp :-)
I agree completely. We shouldn't be persuaded by the woke brigade that any criticism of the likes of Alex Scott is in any way discriminatory. Neither is it an issue about regional accents and dialects (as she herself claimed recently when seeking to defend her "working class" roots). It is, in fact, about good diction and enunciation, surely a prerequisite for anyone presenting a television programme watched by millions. Personally, it grinds my gears to constantly hear about runnin', tacklin' and shootin'. If that makes me old fashioned, I'll happily wear that badge with pride. This is aside from the fact that she appears to be almost entirely lacking in natural ability as a presenter. Still, its another box ticked for the BBC.
On the issue of the constant dumbing down of popular culture, MOTD plumbed new depths on Saturday night with the introductory piece narrated by whom I assume is some kind of agony aunt from Radio One. Does anyone over the age of 16 actually listen to that station? All this, of course, eats into time that should be devoted to what I thought was a football highlights programme.

Dear oh dear oh dear - the use of "woke brigade" in the first line outs you I am afraid.

Alex Scott is probably the most qualified MOTD presenter/pundit doing the job. All the men speak with an accent that reflects their upbringing/background - Geordie, Scottish, Irish - there are male pundits who speak with a London accent but they don't grind your gears?
That comment about us having it easier with Covid from Lineker.

we have had our fair share, stupid comment.

It is well know some have been faking positive tests with little tricks to try and get an advantage.

Not going to name teams and names.

It is obvious who they are.
You can’t expect Lineker or the BBC to allude to that kind of practice, it is much safer to distinguish the senecio by stating we had it easier. However if he had used the word “apparently” that would have been a more balanced statement/question.

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