Match Thread | Bayern Munich vs Man City (10/12/13)

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To be fair all in all not that bad really it went better than most of expected, but bloody hell Pep gets his teams playing good football, I do hope he tips up at our place one day
Whatever the case, Lescott and Garcia need to go, they simply cant play football which is very worrying.
Blue Haze said:
If Dzeko played every game this way, he wouldn't be permanently stuck to our bench with no transfer market suitors.

Trouble is he doesn't. Half the time he's shogdite.
CaliforniaBlue said:
oakiecokie said:
Len Rum said:
Why did the ref allow extra extra time for that corner?

Just because the 4th Official put only one minute up on the board,its up to the ref as thats ONLY the minimum time.

That's true, but there wasn't anything in the added minute that warranted further time.

Thats up to the ref to decide.
Any chance of Boyata coming on for Lescott? He can't do much worse, he just needs to avoid kicking the ball into his own standing leg repeatedly
Leaderless, headless chickens!

This is almost like the footballing version of the Ashes. Players who are clearly not as good as they think getting outfought and embarrassed in every department.

Lescott, deary me! Retire my friend.
DeMichelis, just why have we bought you?

Richards take the same taxi as Lescott please.

Garcia, words fail me.

Dzeko, you best get the bus as you're too fucking slow to run for the taxi that had a seat with your name all over it.

Seriously though, it is going to take the next 2 transfer windows to sort these 'reserves' out to a level that befits a game in the Capital One Cup never mind the Champions' League.
I've really tried to be positive about garcia since he joined City, defended him on here but good grief, even I have reached a point where I have to say...the lad is gash
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