Match Thread | Man City vs Leicester (04/03/15)

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great timing on the goal and we have worked hard trying to open them up but we have lacked any real quality

on the down side - the holes in front of the defence are still there and on 3 occasions in that half a better team would have caused us real just shows the faults in the system that a poor leicester can still show where we are weak.
The first 30-35 mins must have been the most boring that football has ever witnessed. But we changed our tempo a bit after that, and actually should have been up now by at least one more goal. Apart from that miss, I think Bony is great so far. And I really don't think it was a foul on Schlupp from him in our box.
7 attempts on goal, 2 on target. I'd love to see our attempts per game last season compared to this.

We're looking more comfortable than the last game, but so we should being home to Leicester. I still think we're moving the ball nowhere near enough and not using the width enough. Whenever we've got crosses into the box, they've looked vulnerable, and yet we're still obsessed with passing it right through the middle of a packed defence. I'm impressed with Pellegrini's team selection though. Some people needed to be rested after Liverpool, and Navas is playing particularly well imo.
Only complaint is that there are too many touches to get the ball moving. More one-touch stuff and we'd open them up more.
SWP's back said:
Damocles said:
stony said:
Fucking hell lads, give Bony a chance ffs.

I'm going to have to log off in a minute as I'm getting pretty cross with some of the shit in this thread. It's some of the most ridiculous, short sighted, ill-considered shite on the entire internet. I cannot believe that these people are City fans.
That's because they aren't.

They are cunts first and foremost.

They will always be cunts.

Summed up perfectly.
basokla said:
dom said:
malg said:
Danny Mills isn't enjoying the game:

"Manchester City have just had a couple of shots, but the first half-hour was very, very dull. Nothing really happened. Leicester have a top quality keeper in Mark Schwartzer, so to beat him Man City will have to do much better than this.
"I came here tonight, knowing this is second versus bottom. After City's week I expected them to come out, at home, and really have gone for Leicester and have a go. But two decent shots on target, that's it. Very lacklustre, very poor."


Stick that in your pipe Mills, you tw@t !!!

Yes, please keep on typing Danny.
How's the cunts tax avoidance going?
Great half.

Not exactly solid at the back but Demichellis doing his best to mop everything up. Kolarov great going forward yet again.

Navas playing well, Silva sublime as per.

Bony playing great, good hold up play, touches and passing. Created a fair few chances but it just hasn't gone in for him yet. That was a definite pen though.
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