Matheus Nunes

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Is he? We all know players get used all the time. Who is to say this is not happening now and the player is rightly fucked off? It’s hard to feel sympathy for the multi millionaire idiot player I get it. All im saying is that it’s not clear. Could be a dick anyway -:)
City and Mendes have left this kid out to dry. City have turned his head while submitting a low ball offer. Their refusal to move at all has caused this kid to get desperate. If his decision to sit works out City steals him at a low ball price. If not, oh well, City don't seem to care. And his agent is a real prick for not talking him out of sitting out.
It is a poor decision by Nunes to sit but I'm disappointed that the club would fuck with a kid's head like this. It's a bad look IMO. And his agent should be sanctioned...
Then he should find a new agent....

Also extremely unlikely, considering Jorge Mendes existing close working relationship with Wolves
Not a chance Nunes has done this off his own back. Mendes has these lads like puppets, he moved half of the top talent in Portugal to Wolves. He will get this deal done.

Wolves are probably working on several deals in the background and will want them ready to go before we go again for Nunes.

Honestly, how many transfer windows have some of you lot been through. This is following the exact pattern of every transfer.
Sort of weird say wolves want £65 million and we say we can go as far £58 mill and that’s our final offer well wolves have every right to say nope pay up or bugger off it’s as simple as that,why should clubs just accept what the buying clubs is what,I’ll go to Tesco’s do my shopping it comes to £65 so I’ll offer them £58 and call it a deal ..
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