McDonalds struggling

I had my nephew come to live with me for a while around ten years ago while he sorted his finances out. Woke up one night to find the house so full of smoke you had to duck down to be able to see anything. He'd come home drunk and decided to make himself some fish finger butties. Put ten fish fingers under thr grill, buttered some bread and forgot about them and gone to bed. They were just charred black bits as light as a feather once I found them after opening all the doors and windows. I blu-tacked one to the wall as a reminder. I've never let him forget about it.
My mum started to prepare lunch for herself and my dad and she put some carrots in a pan to cook and whilst they were warming she thought she'd just do a couple of quick jobs in the garden
Time passed by and when she came back into the house she was confronted by blue smoke, so she legged it to the kitchen where the pan was destroyed and emitting said smoke
She walked into the lounge and berated my dad for not noticing something quite obvious, to which he replied "i thought I could smell something cooking "
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